Three Killed in Individual Dispute in Jbeil


Three people were killed Friday and three wounded during a family dispute in the region Mastita in Jbeil, reported the National News Agency on Saturday.

It said that the dispute erupted between members of the al-Qouba, Abi Younes, and Ghussein families, as well as a number of Syrian nationals.

The dispute began when Pamela Jawhari informed her friend Alain al-Qouba that a man was constantly following her.

On Friday night and as Alain was dropping her off to her home, they came across the stalker, who remained unidentified, said NNA.

A verbal dispute soon ensued and it developed into an armed clash.

This led to the intervention of Alain's father Michel and two Syrians identified as Khaled Mohammed al-Ahmed and Rifaat Mustapha Krad.

The clash left Michel Antoine al-Qouba, Tony Abi Younes, and Krad dead.

Carlos Jad Ghussein and Ahmed were meanwhile wounded in the violence.

Upon hearing of his son's death, Youssef Abi Younes, shot and killed himself, reported NNA.

Investigations are underway with Jawhari to determine the details of the incident.

Mount Lebanon Judge Claude Ghanem has been tasked with overseeing the investigation.

Comments 12
Thumb primesuspect over 10 years

women drive men crazy!

Missing over 10 years

There are men that are simply sick.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower over 10 years

She looks like Alona:)

Thumb liefighter over 10 years

Describe Alona pls

Thumb EagleDawn over 10 years

i bet she is very beautiful

Default-user-icon soCo (Guest) over 10 years

Who's gonna blame the Syrian now?

Default-user-icon Topsyyyy (Guest) over 10 years

Kello men waral neswen ma neswen 3apsooooooonnn hahahahahah

Thumb EagleDawn over 10 years

Ashraf Riffi :)

Thumb EagleDawn over 10 years

you not tired villager of voting yourself up? Not ashamed?

Missing helicopter over 10 years

Making jokes from such news is inappropriate and insensitive. RIP to the victims and pray for a nation where the rule of laws would have protected the woman and put its stalker(s) in jail.

Default-user-icon Jona (Guest) over 10 years

Tony was the stalker:

Moral of the story: we need gun control. As simple as that.

Default-user-icon ouba (Guest) almost 10 years

she is beautiful