Suleiman Says he will Meet Hariri in Riyadh but Won't Discuss Cabinet Crisis There


President Michel Suleiman revealed on Saturday that he would meet with al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri during his visit to Saudi Arabia early next week.

Suleiman, who travels to Riyadh on a one-day official visit on Monday, is scheduled to hold talks with King Abdullah.

In remarks to al-Jadeed TV, Suleiman said: “Until now, an all-embracing cabinet was and still is the best option.”

But he stressed that the slogan of his visit to Riyadh is “Lebanon,” and that he would not discuss the cabinet crisis abroad.

Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam has faced conditions and counter conditions set by the rival parties, failing to form his new cabinet after more than seven months of efforts.

But Salam said this week that he was still patient and optimistic that he could come up with a line-up.

Addressing bickering politicians, Suleiman said in reference to the Baabda Declaration: “If you have problems among each other, then don't target what you have agreed on in my presence.”

The rival parties agreed in 2012 to distance Lebanon from the region's crises, affirmed commitment to the Taef Accord and promised to continue efforts to implement all its provisions.

Asked about the possible extension of his mandate which expires in May 2014, Suleiman said he would consider any such move “undemocratic.”

But he stressed that he saw no problem for a military figure to resign his post and reach Baabda palace.

His remarks to al-Jadeed came as presidential sources denied that some local disapproval of Riyadh's role in the region would have a negative impact on the trip.

“Saudi Arabia is a pivotal country in the region which could play a role in holding the Geneva 2 conference to resolve the Syrian crisis,” sources close to Suleiman said.

“It has also a balanced role as far as Lebanon's government crisis is concerned,” they told An Nahar daily published on Saturday.

Some officials from the March 8 alliance have criticized Suleiman, saying his visit on Monday was not made at an appropriate time.

“Are there exceptional conditions other than the ones we have in the region?” the sources asked.

They noted that Lebanon was also in a crisis, after more than seven months of attempts by Salam to form a new cabinet.

The presidential sources told An Nahar that Suleiman will stress during his visit to Riyadh Lebanon's commitment to the Baabda Declaration.

Comments 10
Thumb benzona over 10 years

Ksa is the regional superpower, get real M8 losers....

Thumb mckinl over 10 years

Indeed the KSA is the regional superpower and they are using their resources to wreck havoc throughout the region including Lebanon and Syria ... With "friends" like Saudi Arabia who needs enemies?

Thumb general_puppet over 10 years

mckinl the Assad's & the Ayatollah's are much better friends, these brotherly angles have had a gun against Lebanon's back for 30 years.

Thumb cedre over 10 years

it's not, u get real bro... It could be very easily, I wish it was...

Thumb ado.australia over 10 years

Benzona. Suadi Arabia is an important regional power, yes. It is not a superpower. Ksa is very wealthy but it is not a superpower. It can't project it's influence militarily anywhere outside the gulf. A superpower can militarily force it's soverign position. Ksa cannot even force militarily its position in Yemen! It invaded Bahrain against an unarmed civilian uprising. It's only military influence is through control of terrorist groups. They are the Oxford dictionary definition of state sponsored terrorism. Ksa can only buy or threaten through terrorist, their influence.

The point is that even if they were a "superpower", Lebanon is for Lebanese, and never should we as a soverign nation, be at their mercy to form a Lebanese government. Not them, Syria, Iran, Israel, the USA or any friggen country!

Thumb cedre over 10 years

ado, bahrain asked gcc to intervene against khomeynists' attacks, the same way mali asked france. Dont forget that a cold or proxy war is still a war. And I'm sure u know Iran claims bahrain has one of its province.
For the unarmed protestors, u go and say that to the families of the sunnis killed or attacked.

Missing --karim_m1-- over 10 years

"“Saudi Arabia is a pivotal country in the region which could play a role in holding the Geneva 2 conference to resolve the Syrian crisis,” sources close to Suleiman said."

Um, lol. Saudi Arabia is the founder of modern-day terrorism and is the gravest threat to Lebanon's freedom and independence.

Missing --karim_m1-- over 10 years

Zip it terrorist.

Default-user-icon Shaghafu Elizaghko (Guest) over 10 years

Meeting cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil alone is worth all the troubles of traveling. Our great good-for-nothing president-by-parachute is fortunate to have to meet the guru of failures, setbacks and miscalculations. 7azzo chou 7elo

Thumb chrisrushlau over 10 years

This is sheer treason, going to the enemy's homeland to meet him in person.
Do I sound Lebanese?
You know, the English have invented something they call "civil rights" where you have "separation of church and state" and "equal treatment under the law". Is this, too, a communist plot? Maybe the Masons?