Gemayel Slams Hizbullah for Adhering to Regional Strategy, Says Lebanon Can't Bear Results of its Actions


Phalange leader Amin Gemayel lashed out at Hizbullah on Sunday over its involvement in Syria's civil war and for serving regimes abroad, saying Lebanon cannot bear the consequences of its actions.

During a speech on the anniversary of his party's 77th establishment in BIEL, Gemayel said: “Through its latest stances in Lebanon and Syria, Hizbullah put itself in front of dangers that neither it nor Lebanon can bear the consequences.”

He rejected “taking a unilateral decision in deciding the fate of the Lebanese.”

“We are the party of the martyrs and not the party of arms. Don't get the address wrong,” Gemayel said.

“We are not terrorized by statements,” he said, adding “we don't look for arms but we resist all weapons.”

“It is still possible for the state to rise but statelets are rejected,” he said in reference to Hizbullah.

Referring to the Baabda Declaration, Gemayel said that the country's rival leaders had reached an agreement at the national dialogue table for Hizbullah's arms to be used in support of the Lebanese state as part of a defense strategy led by the army.

Hizbullah's arsenal “should not be in the service of foreign regimes as part of a regional strategy,” he added.

He told his supporters and top officials present at the ceremony that his “party was in favor of Lebanon and worked for partnership with all the Lebanese.

The former president made his speech as the Phalange celebrated the founding of the party and remembered its martyrs, mainly former Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel.

Pierre, who is Amin's son, was shot in broad daylight on November 21, 2006 as he was driving his car in the North Metn town of Jdeideh. His bodyguard was also killed.

“The martyr lives forever and doesn't die,” his brother MP Sami Gemayel said earlier when he took to the podium along with Pierre's two sons.

“The more you try to kill the Phalange,” the more the supporters of the party will expand, the lawmaker said.

A video was broadcast on the young Gemayel's life during the ceremony in BIEL, showing a monument in his memory at the entrance of Nahr al-Kalb tunnel.

In his speech, Amin Gemayel warned that the level of confessionalism is rising in Lebanon's political life.

“This is the real threat that should be resolved before it is too late,” he said.

“We still believe in Lebanon despite desperation … and the paralysis of institutions,” he said. “Our belief in Lebanon is stronger than all challenges.”

The Phalange leader called for partnership among the Lebanese – Christians and Muslims - to resolve its crises and for making initiatives to end the shattered state of the country.

Turning to the presidential elections that should be held next year when Michel Suleiman's term expires in May, Gemayel said: “Lebanon is awaiting a new president who safeguards the free patriotic decision and is aware of the consequences of the regional and international conflicts.”

He called for a head of state who proposes a plan to salvage the nation and who is brave enough to take an independent decision.

On Thursday, the seventh commemoration of Gemayel's assassination was marked by a mass held at the Mar Mikhael Church in the North Metn town of Bikfaya.

“We have overcome a lot of challenges because of him,” said Amin Gemayel as mourners packed the church.

“He is still with us daily,” he said.

Comments 29
Thumb lebanon_first over 10 years

Hezbollah's weapons are not at the service of assad because he likes assad. HA put his weapons at the service of Assad because if Assad looses the syrian civil war, HA will end up surrounded by ennemies, and will have to disarm.

Since HA's weapons are very important to Iran's strategy in the region, and Iranians need the HA card armed, hence the instructions to interfere in syria.

Thumb actinide238 over 10 years

boko haram isn't a direct threat ice-tard

benzona, you and your clown friends can't do anything, you're just there to be subdued by your pedo kings and princes. haram ahl al sunna for having such WEAK impotent figures to lead them, may they chose some who can actually DO something instead of whine all day

Thumb Mystic over 10 years

FT@ Their hate towards Resistance is idiotic. Look at the Saudis now, they are about to loose in Syria, and now they will do whatever they can to burn Lebanon in revenge. Desperate Wahabis uses desperate means such as suicide bombings. Thats why they will never win, because their methods are unjust.

Thumb cedre over 10 years

u're right, every syrian sunni is pro takfiri and will massacre all minorities. That good auld fear of the sunnis.
If u had 2 neurons and a bit of history knowledge, u would know that sunnis had centuries to erase the minorities of ME the way europeans did with muslims from balkans or native indians.
But we didn't do it coz it's against our religion.
While jews were victims of pogroms in Russia and Europe, they were trading and prospering in muslim lands...

Thumb benzona over 10 years

"boko haram isn't a direct threat ice-tard" typical Aouni follower playing the fear card. Boko Haram is no threat to the middle east. they use magic and shamans. they'd lose their heads if they stepped in KSA or anywhere in the Arab World.


Thumb Mystic over 10 years

HA wont give up even if Syrian regime falled, but anyway that wont happen now, actually the Syrian Government is pushing on ahead on every front. Soon the Qalamoun mountains between Lebanon and Syria will be cut off from the Terrorists. Lebanon will be free and Syria will be free from the Takfiri Salafi Uprising.

Missing greatpierro over 10 years

If we want the fight the threat if takfiris it is not by supporting a tyrannical regime but seeking justice and democracy. By the way takfiris are attacking hizbullah targets in Lebanon after hizbullah intervention on Syria.

Thumb benzona over 10 years

7 years already that Hezbollah assassinated Pierre! no way, time flies. we will NEVER give up, Nasraklah and Bachar's necks will snap for what they've done and keep doing. justice will prevail.

Thumb benzona over 10 years

do you have evidence it isn't them? can you prove it?

Thumb benzona over 10 years


Thumb sevilla over 10 years

What a popmpous arrogant lunatic @flamethrowr!!!!!! Do you know what "obstruction of justice means"..... or you liked the sound of it and you just had to use it in your stupid comment to look knowledgeable?! Google it ya ghabeh!

Missing greatpierro over 10 years

Why don't you support the fact that hizbullah should deliver the five suspects to the international tribunal.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

"do you have evidence it isn't them? can you prove it?"

hahahahha thanks benzona, you made it so easy for FT that he didnt need to answer anything more after that.

Thumb geha over 10 years

instead of understanding what gemayel is saying, these m8 extremist terrorists continue to argue what is not arguable.
hizbushaitan murdered Pierre, and we all know it.
hizbushaitan are already surrounded by enemies, because of their doing.
with all the murdering, killing, stealing, bombings, and so on they did the last 15 years, this outcome is to be expected.
and you have people like the above stupid m8 guys try to discuss this :)

Thumb geha over 10 years

stupidity offends its bearer only?
nothing you can say or do cannot offend me :)

Thumb EagleDawn over 10 years

Naharnet are deleting comments for no reason but leaving comments that contain obvious insults posted. This is unacceptable!

Default-user-icon Mazen (Guest) over 10 years

With all due respect, yours was most probably the worst presidency in lebanon' s 70 year history.
Maybe you should retire quietly, and refrain fom sharing your opinion in public.

Missing helicopter over 10 years

99% of Gemayel's speech is right on the money. M8ers who called him moderate and reasonable in the past will attack him now because he points out their anti-Lebanon policies.
Now to FT and other M8ers ..... to most true Lebanese (M14, M8 or M11), HA and Takfiris are both enemies of the state and enemies of moderation/secularism. One kills for the sake of welayat elfaqih and the other kills to establish Calipha. Both preach violence, backwardness and intolerance. Long live Lebanon and down with both of these extremists preaching stone age values.

Thumb general_puppet over 10 years

the other day southern nimrod posted that the Phalange was one step away from joining M8 :-)))))

Thumb benzona over 10 years

lol, that was after finishing a bottle of Russian Standard. if his fake HA employer (he's Aouni like the others and multiple aliases) would know this, they'd chop off his hands.

Thumb Mystic over 10 years

HA wont give up even if Syrian regime falled, but anyway that wont happen now, actually the Syrian Government is pushing on ahead on every front. Soon the Qalamoun mountains between Lebanon and Syria will be cut off from the Terrorists. Lebanon will be free and Syria will be free from the Takfiri Salafi Uprising

Default-user-icon Limanko Fantasteeq (Guest) over 10 years

Sechoir anyone?

Thumb general_puppet over 10 years

Excellent speech from the Phalange block leader. All of the real Lebanese blocks leaders are calling out Hizbullah for following the Axis agenda and not Lebanon's.

Every time one of Hizbullah's Thugs opens their mouth they tell you the Lebanese consensus means nothing to them that they will fight for their partner Assad in Syria as long as it takes.

Thumb general_puppet over 10 years

Yes Southern, if the Greater Protector of Lebanon Assad JR falls the “Israeli takfiri terrorist” will take over Syria. Who would have ever imagined that the Zionist would convert to Jihadist Wahhabism in order to attack Hizbullah's flanks :-(((((((

Thumb general_puppet over 10 years

Nimrod the "real world" is that the Assad's have terrorized the Syrians and Lebanese for 40 years and would like nothing better than to do so for 40 more. Hizbullah, Assad and the Ayatollah are all the same thing. They make up the Glorious Axi's and their is Nothing Lebanese about them.

Thumb primesuspect over 10 years

Right on the money G_P!

Missing VINCENT over 10 years

Baad la halla, ma hada aaref imto la Lebanan.

Missing VINCENT over 10 years

Baad la halla, ma hada aaref imto la Lebanan.

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) over 10 years

What ever happened to Nayla '3ala el Ghosooun' as Z. Rahbani once called her..
She has more charisma than her son, and by far so!!