CDR to Temporarily Resolve Ashrafiyeh-Dekwaneh Bridge Problem


The Council for Development and Reconstruction is set to resolve the problem of the Ashrafiyeh – Dekwaneh bridge temporarily within 48 hours, the Lebanese Traffic Management Center announced on Thursday.

The center said that the Council will also carry out a thorough study to fix the cause of the problem.

Earlier, members of the council inspected the bridge, Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) reported.

On Wednesday, the general-directorate of the Internal Security Forces warned drivers from crossing the bridge after the iron spacers were damaged and holes appeared.

“The bridge is unsafe and obstacles were erected to warn drivers from falling into the holes,” the statement sad.

The ISF called on citizens to avoid using the bridge for their safety.

Comments 4
Thumb benzona over 10 years

when will people see alternative transportation such as tramways? why don't cities organize this instead of relying on the incompetent central government?

oh wait, true,,, you need electricity to power them..... ain't gonna happen tomorrow.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (Guest) over 10 years

when will the people vote for real men not thieves ?

Thumb benzona over 10 years

ma reponse a ete censuree.... bon j'espere que tu l'as lue... quel dommage

Missing peace over 10 years

sure everyone opposed him when he wanted to revive the railway, even your friends.... it was bad for their businesses...