Hammoud Receives Repatriation Request as Iran to Participate in al-Majed's Autopsy


Acting General Prosecutor Judge Samir Hammoud received on Tuesday a request from the Saudi Embassy, saying the brother of a dead al-Qaida-linked group leader wants to repatriate his body.

Saudi national Majed al-Majed died in Lebanon on Saturday while undergoing treatment at the central military hospital after his health deteriorated, the army said.

But sources have said that al-Majed died after suffering kidney failure.

Later on Tuesday, sources informed LBCI television that Hammoud has appointed a committee of forensic doctors to examine the body of al-Majed.

"Forensic doctors started examining his body and will soon issue a report detailing the conditions that surrounded his death," LBCI added.

Al-Majed was detained in December and had been held at a secret location.

He was the purported commander of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades — a militant group with al-Qaida links — and one of the 85 most-wanted individuals in Saudi Arabia.

Iran's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that a delegation is expected to arrive in Lebanon soon to participate in al-Majed's autopsy.

"Over the coming days a delegation would be dispatched to Beirut to participate in the autopsy and investigate the circumstances of al-Majed's death," Deputy Iranian Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian said.

He pointed out that the delegation will be comprised of judicial and Foreign Ministry officials.

The brigades have claimed responsibility for attacks throughout the region, including the 2010 bombing of a Japanese oil tanker in the Persian Gulf and several rocket strikes from Lebanon into Israel.

The most recent attack claimed by the group was the deadly twin suicide bombing in November that targeted the Iranian embassy in Beirut's southern suburbs.

Comments 44
Missing greatpierro over 10 years

Good news this will tell wether the Saudis withe help of the army liquidated al Majed. Maybe thie Iranians are those who killed him as there are evidences that Iran Syria and Iraq are supporting the takfiris in Syria Lebanon

Thumb mckinl over 10 years

greatpiero says ~ "there are evidences that Iran Syria and Iraq are supporting the takfiris in Syria Lebanon"

Why should anyone take the greatpiero seriously about any issues from here on out. He is obviously delusional or pushing lousy propaganda.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

dont mind that mckinl, he doesnt really know what evidence means. he just saw that word being used around and thought it sounded cool. new buzz word for him.
when he says evidence he actually means his daddy in wadi khaled said it.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

he doesnt even know how to write the word correctly ;)

Thumb FlameCatcher over 10 years

This only shows Iranians are meddling in Lebanese state affairs. They should not be allowed to investigate anything. Especially when they train and harbor criminals and terrorists themselves including all Hezbollah assassins.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

hahaha yea right. you guys support saudi meddling, naming prime ministers and telling us what to do with our army, but you take offense at iran wanting to be part of the investigation against its own embassy. if that's not pure hypocrisy i dont know what is :)

Thumb EagleDawn over 10 years

what investigation mowaten of iran? The guy is dead!!! I sense you are not happy about the army getting armed? LOL

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

wishful thinking? i never said i was not happy with it, i said mabrouk but it has to be unconditional.
and now we can see saudi telling us where and how we should deploy the army... so you bunch of hypocrites either call the meddling meddling, or take a hike.

Thumb FlameCatcher over 10 years

@Mowaten : I don't know why you have to lie. No, I'm not like you. I don't support any meddling at all.

Saudi does not name prime ministers. Presidents do and parliaments approve them including your MPs.

I do take offense in Iran meddling in anything in our country. It's enough they brought us the Hezbollah plague.

Anyway, if you want to call me a hypocrite, don't make up lies to show me as such and try to find something true about me.

And someone with such a double standard mindset as yours cannot call others hypocrites.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

i said "you bunch of hypocrites either call the meddling meddling, or take a hike."
and your answer is
"Saudi does not name prime ministers. Presidents do and parliaments approve them including your MPs."

case in point.

Missing people-power over 10 years


Since when does a country surrender this duty to a foreign entity??? Especially an entity that created a recognized TERRORIST organization, whose members are INDICTED, based on EVIDENCE, for the KILLING or attempted killing of over a dozen political opponents.


Missing greatpierro over 10 years

Not to mention how they treat the Christians in Iran. Christians are no longer allowed to celebrate mass in Farsi and are condemned of taking wine for communion.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

pipeau-power: all countries do that, especially when the country in question's embassy was the target of the attack. dont act shocked, because that's not surrendering sovereignty.
letting a foreign tribunal judge assassinations committed in your country however, IS surrendering sovereignty. STL anyone?

Missing people-power over 10 years

Momo says..... "All countries do that". You are a liar. Name one time when any country allowed another country to participate in an autopsy. Filthy lying piece of sh@t.

Over a dozen M14 political assassinations, and not one conviction.... I guess you think we should just forget about those murders? How can they have a trial in Lebanon when the murderers have infiltrated segments of government, the judiciary, and security agencies.

In Lebanon, they can't even start a trial for Samaha, who confessed to his crimes. They can't even question Eid, who is connected to the Tripoli bombings (they can only question him about his threats to ISF). They can't even arrest or question Hezbollah members who are implicated in murders, named as saints, and protected by the party of terrorists. Top investigators like Wissam Eid and al Hassan are murdered after finding evidence against Hezbollah and Mamlouk.

I know you fear the STL, and you should.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

waw pipeau-power, very creative comment. especially using the "@" symbol in a laughable attempt to disguise your insults. not only makes you foul mouthed, but also a coward. you win a special m14 medal.

Thumb ice-man over 10 years

@mowaten: I ask you politely to refrain from using foul language on this website.

Thumb mckinl over 10 years

Iran's participation is welcome because ...

Having adversaries all participate in the autopsy of Saudi national and the “emir” of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Majed al-Majed bwill ensure that there is no deception or cover up ...

Missing coolmec over 10 years

no way both KSA and Iran should not be involved in the autopsy. This is strictly a Lebanese job. Our people can perfectly be up to the task and perform said autopsy

Thumb mckinl over 10 years

Embassy grounds are considered sovereign territory of the country that resides there. In this respect Iran should be privy to information, investigations and thus autopsies.

The KSA had grounds to review the autopsy for two reasons ... he was a Saudi citizen and he was wanted for crimes there. They too should be assured of the accuracy of any facts on Majed.

Missing coolmec over 10 years

Iran participating in this terrorist's autopsy is an infringement of our national sovereignty and this is insulting for us Lebanese. No foreign country should interfere in Lebanon's internal affairs. Our people are efficient and quite capable performing an autopsy

Thumb mckinl over 10 years

Embassy grounds are considered territory of the country. On those grounds Iran has a right to be privy to information, investigations and autopsies.

Missing coolmec over 10 years

Iran has the right to request the results of the autopsy performed by the Lebanese authorities period NOT participating in the autopsy

Missing coolmec over 10 years

The location where this terrorist is kept is not considered Iranian territory.
Iran has the right to request autopsy results. PERIOD

Missing coolmec over 10 years

Had Saudi Arabia requested to participate in said autopsy all the M8ers would have objected

Thumb cedre over 10 years

ksa doesnt have anything to hide, they cant care less of a killed takfiri, ksa decapite them...

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years



Thumb cedre over 10 years

so ?

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

so? you said they decapitate them when they actually pamper them.

Thumb cedre over 10 years

they decapitate those with bloods on the hands, u want them to decapitate people just because they think AQ is good or have islamist ideology ?

Missing phillipo over 10 years

Where is Lebanon's independence? Who will let them interfere in Lebanese internal affairs? Don't let them even get off the plane.

Missing coolmec over 10 years

Better yet Lebanese authorities should simply tell the Iranians not to come to Lebanon and our authorities will provide them a copy of the autopsy report
end of story

Thumb ice-man over 10 years

not really.... the Iranians want to know if the autopsy was done the Halal way.

Missing coolmec over 10 years

right on ice-man Always ready to read your input...lol keep it up

Thumb ex-fpm over 10 years

lol @iceman!

Thumb -phoenix1 over 10 years

What a terrible insult to our sovereignty, why are we allowing this to happen, who the hell is allowing Iranians to come and participate in this autopsy? Truly, what we now have in place is truly confirming that we are still in the firm grips of a puppet regime. No self-respecting administration will allow this insult on itself. True, the dead man is a presumed terrorist, but all that needs to be done is for our authorities conduct their own autopsy and provide the results, simple. What a shame.

Default-user-icon Trueself (Guest) over 10 years

It's a shame allowing these Iranians coming and checking what the Lebnases have already checked. Would Iran for allow the Lebanese to do the same in Iran? The Iran have become a cancerous mole in the heart of the Arab world and especially in Lebanon through their cronies HA. I think they better take all the HA to Iran to fight over there. We the Lebanese are fed up from this shambolic state called Lebanon under HA.

Missing cedars over 10 years

Probably He was beaten by the same folks who were beating Assir friends to spell it out, this is our way to interrogate whether you like it or not, it is the Syrian checkpoint way if you recall how many times they beat you and made you stop for hrs because you told them you got nothing in your car trunk and they discovered the spare wheel.

Thumb -phoenix1 over 10 years

Cedars, sadly, this is our state of affairs with all our security forces, quite possibly the army too. No matter who is arrested, no one should use beatings of any kind, that alone relegates us to Banana republic status. When criminals are caught, there are many other methods to get confessions from them, and this without any beatings.

Missing cedars over 10 years

Welcome Iranian friends, oops sorry the Saudi embassy has him now? Would you like to visit him in the embassy? Maybe between the two of you then you can save us his travel ticket back home.

Missing cedars over 10 years

Osama had the same symptoms and lived in bora bora for yrs, before you open him up check for skin marks idiots. People hated his guts so take this picture down enough already

Missing cowboymicho over 10 years

First of all, who the hell are the Iranians that they'd be allowed on Lebanese soil to conduct an autopsy. This is ABSURD and never heard of. I'm sure they will soon find out that the was killed so that they could silence him for the KSA as it would be revealed that he is working for them as their agent. It's well known.

Thumb zahle1 over 10 years

I am no Iranian fanboy, but if this terrorist committed a crime against an Iranian embassy, technically that is Iranian soil. I don't have a problem with them being a part of this. I don't see how anyone can respect the KSA request by this guy's brother. I think the US needs to stop its support of KSA, and buy its oil elsewhere. I think KSA is the biggest exporter in the world of extremists. Its not Lebanon, its not Syria, and no, it is not Iran. Again, I am against Iranian influence in Lebanon; I just haven't seen any Iranians burning churches or kidnapping clergy lately.

Thumb scorpyonn over 10 years

It is none of Iran's business- even if this guy blew up their embassy it was warranted and well deserved because they have only contributed to the demise of this country... Any interaction with them only involves them deeper in our affairs and they stink.

Default-user-icon Drobu Behay (Guest) over 10 years

The lunatics there want to preserve his unique Sannis Lunatikus Berserki genetic strain to mutate all potentially self-exploding Sannis. It does not come as a surprise to know that Dr. Arreet 7akeh, the prominent Christian Sanni, is first in line to undergo this procedure.