Report: Hizbullah 'to Respond' to Saudi 'Activities' in Lebanon


Saudi intelligence are involved in the deadly suicide bombing that targeted the Iranian embassy in southern Beirut and the resistance “will respond to the attack,” Iran's Fars news agency quoted an informed source as saying on Tuesday.

"Riyadh will pay the price doe its activities,” the source assured, explaining that Saudi Arabia is “carrying out such attacks because of its rage following its defeats in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.”

The source elaborated: “Saudis want to compensate for their frustration as they are always losing. They want to create a chaotic atmosphere in Lebanon but they are unable to achieve this.”

"Saudi Arabia is facing difficult situations nowadays and its attitudes towards a nation like Russia will not do it any good, but would further complicate these conditions. A person like Russian President Vladimir Putin will not retreat in front of such acts.”

Twenty-five people were killed and over 140 wounded in twin bombings near the Iranian embassy in Beirut on November 19, 2013.

The al-Qaida-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades claimed responsibility for the bombings and Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah accused Saudi Arabia of being behind the deadly attacks.

“We believe the statement in which the Abdullah Azzam Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack on the Iranian embassy, because it is a well-known group and its emir is Saudi and it is linked to the Saudi intelligence,” Nasrallah had stated.

Comments 39
Thumb ice-man over 10 years

How spooky....!

Thumb lebanon_first over 10 years


fachar. They wont come after us. First, they are not our ennemies. Second We are grouped and we can defend ourselves. We are not like the iraki chritians. We are like the iraki kurds.

Missing greatpierro over 10 years

L_F, Christians are more and more weak in Lebanon, thanks to Aoun who 1) was the cause of a bloody war among the Christians back in the early 90's and 2) has given the political cover for HA in Lebanon to take over the political and military power.

Thumb Maxx over 10 years

"The 'resistance' will respond to the attack on the Iranian embassy by Saudi Arabia." Whose resistance specifically? Obviously not the Lebanese! Here's an idea: GET A ROOM YOU TWO and fight it out amongst each other there. This is Lebanon.

Thumb Maxx over 10 years

"Riyadh will pay the price doe its activities". A doe is a deer, a female deer. Naharnet, there are dozens of LAU and AUB English Lit. graduates-with-honours without work or obliged to work as shopkeepers because they've been turned down for jobs at places like newspapers. Please don't embarrass the country by employing your under-qualified friends and family instead.

Thumb Maxx over 10 years

"...Its rage following its defeats in Iraq..." Iran, do please figure out what's your spin already. Because in Iraq, in Fallujah specifically, it is specifically the terrorists you are accusing Saudi of funding who are winning. Choose a side and stick to it you bi-standard hypocrites!

Thumb Maxx over 10 years

"Saudis want to compensate for their frustration as they are always losing." Not that I in any way support the Neanderthal, misogynistic, witch-hunting Saudi government, but seriously?! Seriously??? It is not Saudi who has to support illegal coups-d'état to put its representatives in the Lebanese government so that they can funnel Lebanese tax-payers' money to an Iran and a Syria that are economically crippled by international sanctions under the pretence that it's to "bring the Lebanese electricity".

Thumb Maxx over 10 years

"They want to create a chaotic atmosphere in Lebanon but they are unable to achieve this." Who needs Saudi help when the Iranian Occupation Forces have that job done perfectly well? Last I recall, it wasn't Saudi who instigated the death of over 1,400 of our compatriots in 2006 and then called it a "divine victory". It wasn't the Saudis who then followed suite and occupied Downtown and crippled the Lebanese economy either. The Saudis aren't exactly the blessèd Angels of salvation, but to accuse them of being responsible for YOUR crimes, now that's just Nasrallaish. I mean low. That's just low.

Thumb lebanon_first over 10 years

Maxx. On a roll there...

Thumb bill_the_butcher over 10 years

The awkward moment when you realize Lebanese people are cheering on Saudi sponsored terrorism in their own country.

It's nice to see the Saudis have so many cheerleaders in Lebanon. That is, if you guys are even Lebanese.

Missing greatpierro over 10 years

This whole story of Saudi terrorism that M8 supporters are suddenly cheering comes from where? No proof whatsoever, just propaganda coming from the evil axis of Iran, Syrian and HA.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

yea, see how they celebrated the bombing in tripoli!

Missing over 10 years

And they seem to have copied the Israeli (or Iranian) racist book toward Arabs. Now they love to refer to "A'arab" Or "Irban" rather than "Arabs." As if they forget who is the Imams Ali and Hussein and who is the prophet Mohammad.

Missing over 10 years

As if they forgot who are ...

Thumb cedre over 10 years

of course they forgot, clever farsis brainwashed them into obeying khomeynists...

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

ahahhahaah lebanon_first, funny one :)

HA beat israel in 2000 and then again in 2006, so in their frustration they decided to send saudis to fight HA for them. but saudis are even more pathetic, they stand even less a chance.

Thumb bill_the_butcher over 10 years

You forgot to say
"I respect the Saud family and am ok with their underhanded ways."
You talk the big patriotic talk and accuse anyone against you of being a "foreign agent", all while you do the exact same thing by supporting Saudi terrorism in Lebanon. The only one your fooling is yourself.

Thumb bill_the_butcher over 10 years


few things:
-Lonerider and I are two separate individuals.
-I am against Al-Qeada tryinhg to take over Syria, so that means I support Assad. dont be a tard.
-Try to make up your own jokes instead of taking mine and ruining it with your weak attempts.

Missing greatpierro over 10 years

As I wrote earlier, Iranian Shiite revolutionary regime cannot afford to have peaceful relationship among its regional neighbors otherwise it will toppled by the Iranian people who will be seeking a democratic regime.

Thumb cedre over 10 years


Missing greatpierro over 10 years

Indeed so. Look at how the Iranian treat the Christians in Iran. They are not allowed to pray in Farisi nor they are allowed to take wine during communion.

Thumb proudm14 over 10 years

exactly anony. they keep threatening not realizing how much weaker they are now compared to three years ago.

Thumb lonerider over 10 years

The resistance is eliminating the same terrorists who have no vowed to destroy opposition fighters in Syria. When a political resolution is completed, Hizbollah will be stronger than ever. They will have mor support than ever. It will be you and your KSA terrorist supporters that will ultimately lose my friend. But Hizbollah is forgiving and I will give you a wasta anony.

Thumb lonerider over 10 years


Thumb lonerider over 10 years

I always sensed anony was a traitor but he just confessed and professed.

Thumb lonerider over 10 years

Not "as if" anony. You just cannot understand it because you are hiding in Texas. You are too far removed to understand what is happening here on the ground.

Thumb shab over 10 years

Filthy murdering militia

Missing helicopter over 10 years

The few thousand fighters were dispersed in civilian areas. HA fired rockets from Christian towns and villages forcing Israel to hit back at those villages instead of focusing on Shia towns. Those few thousand fighters caused over 1000 civilian casualties because. Those few thousand fighters resulted in the destruction of Lebanon and the weakening of its Government and army while strengthening HA ..... great accomplishment indeed.

Thumb ice-man over 10 years

But you are new here... how did you know he lives in the USA?

Thumb ice-man over 10 years

should he go?

Thumb lonerider over 10 years

This I asked you to ask your mother about. What did she say?

Thumb ice-man over 10 years

@frank: please refrain from using insults. Do you like Chinese food?

Thumb lonerider over 10 years

Coward Takfiri it are next.

Thumb lonerider over 10 years

You* or it* same difference. They will one you out sooner or later.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

LOOL helicopter, did you read all that in sharon's memoirs?

how does he explain dahiyeh then?
entire civilian neighborhoods brought down by massive bombs, and yet not a single rocket came from there.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 10 years

look who's talking. since 2005 the m14 clan uses voodoo magic to accuse the bombers before bombs explode.

Thumb FlameCatcher over 10 years

Again, Hezbollah is playing war games and finding any excuse to "legitimize" their ILLEGAL actions and attack Saudis.

1- Hezbollah is not allowed to take things into their own hands
2- Hezbollah cannot blame anyone without evidence and following the course of justice. Something neither they nor the regimes who support them understand.

If Saudis are indeed behind the attack, I will join them to kick them out the country. But until then, Hezbollah should follow the course of investigations and justice.

Also, they should adopt the same stance against the criminal acts of Bashar el Assad which is proven to be behind many of the bombings including the Tripoli bombings. Their support of Assad makes them at the least, accomplices in this terrorist crime !

Thumb beiruti over 10 years

Yes, yes, sure KSA will pay the price and where will the bill come due, in Riyadh, or in Tripoli?

Default-user-icon Sam (Guest) over 10 years

anonymetexasusa Your an idiot that is all