March 14 Forces Communicate via Paper Letters for Security Reasons


The March 14 forces have shunned modern technology in communicating with each other in light of recent security fears.

“We have concerns regarding the use of cellphones,” al-Mustaqbal bloc MP Ahmed Fatfat said in an interview with LBCI television.

“It is possible to tap the phone lines through simple modern technology and we know that some political forces, specifically Hizbullah, have these technological means,” Fatfat added.

In response to a question, the lawmaker said: “Nowadays, we're using small paper letters that are being carried by a certain messenger and destroyed immediately afterwards.”

On Monday, the March 14 General Secretariat suspended its weekly meetings over the delicate security situation in the country and replaced them with “secret” meetings.

According to a statement issued by the general-secretariat the meetings will be suspended “temporarily” and its offices in Ashrafieh will remain open to administrative work.

“The March 14 general secretariat will remain committed to defending its cause and will continue its weekly meetings in secret and in different locations,” the statement said.

Several prominent March 14 politicians and media figures, who oppose Syria's regime and its ally Hizbullah, have been threatened, the state-run National News Agency reported on Sunday.

The report comes less than a fortnight after a car bombing in central Beirut killed eight people including ex-finance minister and member of the March 14 coalition Mohammed Shatah, who is also ex-PM Saad Hariri's adviser, while he was on his way to attend a meeting for the March 14 alliance in the Center House.

Shatah's death on December 27 was the latest in a string of nine high-profile assassinations of Syria critics that began in February 2005 with former prime minister Rafik Hariri's murder.

Comments 10
Thumb primesuspect over 10 years

in light of recent events, the March 14 alliance has become vigilant, it is normal when Lebanon's governement includes terrorists with interpol arrest warrants on some of them.

M14 rebuilds, M8, Assad's men destroys, steals, kills in absolute impunity.

The ultimate victory will be for the free people of Lebanon, M14, but tough days are ahead of us. undoutably, democracy will prevail becuse nobody wants another isamic republic in the region.

Default-user-icon fromaustriawlove (Guest) over 10 years

m14 meetings are so boring, even THEY can't stay awake! its like listening to one of geageas speeches... lol

Default-user-icon MARCELLO (Guest) over 10 years

half them are asleep, they must have bored themselves to sleep lol

naharnet please respect my posting freedoms because it does not contain any vulgarities, unless uwant to be like almanar which u so say ur not

Missing over 10 years

Grow up Southern.

Missing over 10 years

His speeches are boring. On the other hand, he does not threaten the country destruction like many of the m8 mafia bosses.

Thumb ice-man over 10 years

It was also on the tip of my tongue!!! Easy on the ego guys.

Thumb FlameCatcher over 10 years

@FT : unlike Hezbollah, the rest of us abide by Lebanese laws and do not take matters into our own hands !

We still believe in Lebanon on which Hezbollah spits on ...

Thumb freethinker over 10 years

If you are going out of your way to protect yourself from security infringments, I don't particularily believe that advertising your new communication strategy is the way to go. That's the kind of stuff you keep on the down low. I hear pigeons are also a good way to go...

Thumb FlameCatcher over 10 years

@FT : What do you not understand by "it's illegal" for anyone to deploy, own and operate an unlicensed telecommunication network in Lebanon.

I do not care who they want to protect themselves from. If they want a telco network, then let them apply for a license and pay for it like any other normal PRIVATE organisation.

OH I FORGOT ! Hezbollah are against privatisation :)

So again, shove your excuses where the sun doesn't shine because it's all crappy attempts to avoid the real issue of legality which you know nothing about !

Thumb FlameCatcher over 10 years

Also, your cheap attempts at making me appear at saying things I never said are at best pathetic.

Where did I ever say it's to protect themselves from M14 instead of Israelis ?

You live in an illusion or are so full of lies you puke them all over...