Charbel Says Several Suspicious Vehicles Recently Seized


Caretaker Interior Minister Marwan Charbel said Monday that Lebanese authorities had lately seized several suspicious vehicles and were waiting for the appropriate equipment to detect explosives.

In remarks to Voice of Lebanon (93.3) radio, Charbel appeased the fears of the Lebanese on the recent car and suicide bombings.

“The security situation is being monitored,” he said, adding that several suspicious vehicles were recently stopped.

“Lebanon is awaiting for a new batch of equipment specialized in detecting (booby-trapped) cars,” Charbel told VDL.

He expected the equipment to reach Lebanon in the coming weeks.

He said the country was suffering from a “security ailment” which needed a “cure.”

“The security situation shouldn't be kept the way it is,” the caretaker minister said.

Charbel said a fifth column, which is uncomfortable with the situation in Lebanon, wants to turn it into another Syria.

Asked about the cabinet formation efforts, he said: “The train is on the right track and everything is going well.”

The March 8 and 14 alliances are holding consultations with President Michel Suleiman and Progressive Socialist Party chief Walid Jumblat on the formation of an all-embracing government.

Comments 3
Missing peace over 10 years

“Lebanon is awaiting for a new batch of equipment specialized in detecting (booby-trapped) cars,”

couldn't they "await" these years ago?

Thumb general_puppet over 10 years

peace... when all the car bombs were being used as targeted assassination tools against those who opposed Assad and his lackeys, there was no need for that type of "equipment specialized". Now that Hizbullah has no longer a monopoly in this tactic and has invited their terrorist counter parts into Lebanon it is a different story.

Thumb shab over 10 years

The cure is to get rid of the filthy murdering militia