Libya Rebels Say NATO Strike Kills Gadhafi Son, Regime Denies


Libya's rebel forces on Friday said a NATO strike killed Moammer Gadhafi's youngest son Khamis and 31 others in the disputed town of Zliten, in what would be a severe setback for Tripoli's military leadership.

The claim was denied by government spokesman Mussa Ibrahim, who said "the news about the killing of Khamis by a NATO air strike are very dirty lies to cover the murder of civilians in the peaceful city."

A rebel military spokesman said NATO had hit a military operations center overnight in the western town killing 32, including Khamis, a feared military commander.

"Overnight there was an aircraft attack by NATO on the Gadhafi operations room in Zliten and there are around 32 Gadhafi troops killed. One of them is Khamis," Mohammed Zawawi, a spokesman for revolutionary militias, told Agence France Presse.

Zawawi cited spies operating among Gadhafi's ranks and intercepted radio chatter as sources.

There was no independent verification of Khamis's death, which has been rumored a number of times during Libya's five month-long civil war.

From the Naples headquarters of NATO's Libya operations an official confirmed the alliance's warplanes had hit at least two targets in Zliten overnight, but made no comment about the reports of Khamis's death.

"We are aware of the news reports," the official told AFP.

"NATO struck an ammunition storage at around 8:15 pm (1815 GMT) in Zliten and a military police facility within a combat area at around 10:45 pm in the area of Zliten yesterday," he added.

If confirmed Khamis's death would be a huge blow to both the regime's military and the morale of Gadhafi's inner circle.

The 28-year-old Khamis trained at a Russian military academy and commands the eponymous and much-feared Khamis Brigade -- one of the regime's toughest fighting units.

The brigade took part in the assault on the rebel enclave of Misrata, which has been bombarded from three sides and has seen some of the fiercest fighting of Libya's civil war.

Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, vice chairman of the rebels' de facto government, the National Transitional Council, told AFP Khamis's death would be a major victory.

"If his death is confirmed then the death of this tyrant is a victory for our revolution and our youth, especially in the west," he said.

The Zliten strike came just hours after the regime took journalists on an escorted tour of the center of Zliten, an effort to rubbish rebel claims the town was under attack.

Fighters from the rebel enclave of Misrata, 60 kilometers (37 miles) to the east, announced this week they had made progress in Zliten, a strategic coastal town on the road to Tripoli.

But authorities in Tripoli quickly denied that, saying they controlled the entire town.

On Thursday an AFP journalist saw the town center was in the hands of regime forces, although intensive artillery fire was heard in the distance.

Residents said the frontline is located at a distance of 10 to 15 kilometers (six to nine miles) east of the town center while rebel official said they control three eastern neighborhoods.

Meanwhile, state television reported that NATO warplanes struck Tripoli early on Friday, as the regime accused rebels of sabotaging a key pipeline feeding the country's sole functioning refinery.

About 10 loud explosions rocked the Libyan capital around 1:30 am (2330 GMT), an AFP journalist said.

Shortly afterwards, Libyan television said "civilian and military sites" in the southeastern suburb of Khellat al-Ferjan had been targeted by "the colonialist aggressor."

Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaaim said late Thursday that rebel forces had sabotaged a pipeline in the strategic Nafusa mountains, southeast of Tripoli.

"The rebels turned off a valve and poured cement over it," he said, adding that this would lead to a shortage of electricity in the capital as oil and gas were used at the Zawiyah refinery to generate power.

Kaaim said food and medicine supplies were spoiling in the capital due to long power cuts. Tripoli residents complained Thursday of extensive blackouts and an acute shortage of gas canisters.

Comments 14
Default-user-icon sacre (Guest) over 12 years

Soon, Inchallah, the sons of Hafez.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 12 years

May he rest in peace if this story is true . This is another victim of these Sunni Salafi Wahhaby terrorists that are hiding behind the so called Arab Revolutions !

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) over 12 years

Le Phenicien:
Les lecteurs de Naharnet savent déjà que vous êtes fou.
Là vous dépassez toutes les bornes de l'incohérence à moins que vous ne considériez vos alliés du Hezbollah et Amal qui ont tout fait pour combattre Kadhafi comme étant équivalents aux salafistes et wahhabites, ce qui est parfaitement vrai.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 12 years

@ Moallek ,

Non Monsieur , je ne suis pas d'accord avec les tueries aveugles de l'Otan , contre le régime de Kadhafi . C'est une révolution interne , que le meilleur gagne .

L'occident est entrain de creuser sa tombe , en écrasant tous les régimes Laïcs Arabes , en facilitant l'humiliation de leurs dirigeants , voire , les assassinants !! pour les remplacer par des Islamistes Salafistes purs et durs , rien que pour faire plaisir à l'Arabie fanatique des Saouds .

Le Hezb et Amal , ont un litige avec Khadafi , c'est leur problème qui n'est pas le mien , et ne me fera pas dévier de mes convictions qui condamnent l'injustice et l'anarchie au nom d'Allah ..

Veuillez dans le futur , avoir des propos un peu plus élégants et plus respectueux , que ceux que vous utilisez habituellement avec moi , ainsi qu'avec d'autres qui ne partagent pas vos idées et vos valeurs .

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) over 12 years

Monsieur, la forme de votre réponse est on ne peut plus parfaite ! Mais pour le fond vous restez dans l’incohérence car vous imputez maintenant à l’Otan ce que vous aviez imputé aux « Sunni Salafi Wahhaby terrorists ».
Réveillez-vous, monsieur, votre haine viscérale des sunnites ne changera rien au fait qu’ils sont nos partenaires au même titre que les chiites dont la majorité souffre du terrorisme du Hezb et d’Amal qui sont pour eux l’équivalent des Salafi et Wahhaby pour les sunnites.

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) over 12 years

@ le Phénicien
Monsieur, la forme de votre réponse est on ne peut plus parfaite ! Mais pour le fond vous restez dans l’incohérence car vous imputez maintenant à l’Otan ce que vous aviez imputé aux « Sunni Salafi Wahhaby terrorists ».
Réveillez-vous, monsieur, votre haine viscérale des sunnites ne changera rien au fait qu’ils sont nos partenaires au même titre que les chiites dont la majorité souffre du terrorisme du Hezb et d’Amal qui sont pour eux l’équivalent des Salafi et Wahhaby pour les sunnites.
Pour ce qui est des propos élégants et respectueux, vous y aurez droit lorsque vous cesserez d’insulter les chefs de notre communauté.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 12 years

@ Moallek ,

Puisque vous annoncez la couleur est surtout la vôtre ! voilà ce que je pe,se de vous .

Oui , je le revendique en toute franchise , je ne vous aime pas et ne vous aimerai jamais et vous souhaite toutes les misères du monde et la malédiction du ciel .

Quand je dis vous , je veux bien dire les Sunnites Salafistes et Wahhabites , et non les autres Sunnites honorables , heureusement qu'il en reste parmi vous , qui n'ont pas été contaminé par l'argent sale des Wahhabites Saoudiens de la famille Saoud .

Maintenant cher Maollek , si vous êtes de ceux-là , oui je ne vous aime pas et ne vous respecterez jamais , pour la simple raison , que vous ne reconnaissez aucune autre religion ou secte que la vôtre , celle d'abdel-Wahab l'intégriste terroriste .

Et si vous êtes de la deuxième catégorie de ces Sunnites qui composent avec d'autres composantes du pays avec respect ! malgré votre dogme qui vous l'interdit , alors vous êtes mon ami et je vous salue .

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) over 12 years

@ Le Phénicien
J’avais bien raison, l’emprise de la haine est tellement forte sur vous qu’elle vous aveugle totalement.
Si vous aviez bien lu mon commentaire précédent vous auriez constaté que j’ai parlé des chiites et des sunnites comme nos partenaires. Je ne suis donc ni chiite ni sunnite et le chef de ma communauté a été qualifié par vous de «SOB ». Pour moi la Wilayat du Fakih, les salafis et les Wahhabis sont à mettre dans le même sac.
Je ne juge pas mes interlocuteurs en fonction de leur religion mais à l’aune de leur allégeance au Liban, patrie éternelle de tous les libanais citadelle de la liberté; de la démocratie et du respect des autres, toute ces valeurs que votre idole GMA a vendues contre la vague promesse d’être porté à la dignité suprême par ceux qui ne reconnaissent au Liban que la valeur d’être le pion avancé de l’Iran sur la méditerranée.
Tant que vous resterez partisan de cet illuminé narcissique, je ne vous saluerai pas.

Default-user-icon Guest (Guest) over 12 years


Agree with you, and just to add up that these people would tell you (Salafi, Wahhaby) even if their neighbors "fart". Sorry for the expression but I am really pissed off and words would never explain.
Have a nice day.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 12 years

@ sacre ,

Soon inchallah , the sons of Rafik .

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) over 12 years

what is the difference for bilad el arz between wahabies and farsis?two faces of the same calamity.
BILAD EL ARZ ARE ALREADY PREVAILING,just waiting for bashar to bite the dust under the feet of GREAT LEBANON.
n.b.plse dont waist ur time commenting on sick people,its like treating cancer with aspirin.

Default-user-icon alfakih (Guest) over 12 years

amazing every once in a while i read comments at this naharnet website i see this so called "le phenicien" commenting.Does this unemployed ,SOB GMA loser of a worm have no life outside of naharnet?
what amazes me even more is his visceral hatred of a fictitious enemy "salfi,wahabi" that justifies what his deranged ,psychotic GMA leader uses as an excuse to propel himself in lebanese politics and play on the weaknesses of his christian community to steal their brainwashed votes!!
True Al Qaida exists and they are vicious,but does that justify the tyrants staying in power and killing their own people and does that justify hizbollah subduing our country and our future,stealing christian land in jbeil and building over other people's property in the rest of lebanon,killing a lebanese pilot on a patrol and most likely in killing all these lebanese leaders since 2005 as the STL will soon prove it.
so called "le phenicien"do yourself a favor and go get a life.

Thumb bipartisan over 12 years

Excuse my insanity but it is really heartening to see Autocrats being almost persecuted nowadays, they used to be applauded by the west no earlier than 2 years ago and were said to be symbols of democracy, but now, they are stripped of everything and their true metal shines. The worst thing is that their people that used to fear them realizes now that they too are made of flesh and blood and then they can be disposable. Hope the rest of them learn the lesson too late for Mubarack it was heart breaking to see that veteran in a cage, but finally for accountability to be genuine it is either applied to all or it becomes a fallen slogan

Missing roger over 12 years

to Le Phenicien, Log in to your Farsi news and SANA and spares your BS.