Hariri Hails Saudi King's Speech on Terrorism, Gaza


Al-Mustaqbal movement leader MP Saad Hariri on Friday lauded a speech by Saudi King Abdullah, saying it “raised the alarm” over the threats of terrorism in the region and the continued Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.

In a statement issued only two hours after the monarch delivered his address, Hariri described the king's remarks as “historic and highly important,” saying they “accurately reflect the painful situation that the Arab region is going through due to the proliferation of terrorism.”

The former premier said terror groups are operating under “false slogans and banners that have nothing to do with Islam whatsoever.”

Earlier on Friday, King Abdullah said world silence over Israeli "crimes against humanity" in Gaza was "inexcusable" and would only breed more violence in the future, as he lashed out at religious extremism and urged Muslim leaders and scholars to “stand up to those trying to hijack Islam and portray it as a religion of hatred.”

Hariri noted that terror's only objective is to “tear apart societies, spread hatred and sow strife among the sons of the Ummah instead of rapprochement and brotherhood.”

King Abdullah “raised the alarm in his speech, warning the international community of the dangers in failing to take quick and serious initiatives to combat terrorism and eradicate it,” Hariri added.

He also cited the monarch's remarks on “Israel's state terrorism and the massacres it is committing against Palestinian innocents and civilians,” stressing that Israel's crimes are “the epitome of terrorism and aggression against the Palestinian people's humanitarian rights.”

“Our historic responsibility obliges us to interact positively with … the king's call and seek to unite all Arab efforts to do everything necessary to confront terrorism and its dangerous consequences,” the ex-PM added.

At least 1,500 Palestinians have been killed and more than 8,000 wounded in 25 days of fierce Israeli bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip, which Tel Aviv says is aimed at halting rocket fire from the enclave and destroying tunnels used by Hamas militants.


Comments 6
Thumb theresistance4.0 over 9 years

"Saad Hariri on Friday lauded a speech on (terrorism) by Saudi King Abdullah"

LMAOOOOO wow no comment needed

Thumb ex-fpm over 9 years

Nabih Berri was born in Bo, Sierra Leone to Lebanese parents on 28 January 1938.

Thumb cash.puppet over 9 years

Right except Saad was born in Riyadh

Default-user-icon UmmaGumma (Guest) over 9 years

Saudi King says Jump,
Hariri says how high..
Hariri has NO Choice but to support all Saudi declarations, including the Fatwas Unconditionally..

Thumb cash.puppet over 9 years

spot on mate

Thumb kanaandian over 9 years

why not thank wacko jack too for defending the children???