Local Leaders Condemn Attacks against Army in Arsal, Urge Solidarity with Troops


The Syrian gunmen attacks on army troops in eastern Lebanon on Saturday drew strong condemnation from several local leaders who announced full solidarity with the military institution.

Former President Michel Suleiman, ex-Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq and Premier Tammam Salam contacted army chief General Jean Qahwaji, voicing full support for troops' efforts in "eradicating terrorism."

"What is happening in (the eastern border town of) Arsal is an attack against Lebanon and its people,” Salam said in a released statement, assuring that the cabinet is dealing “with these developments with utmost firmness.”

Speaker Nabih Berri, who also contacted Qahwaji, deplored attacks against the army and Internal Security Forces “who are performing their duties on ground on all fronts.”

Like Salam, Berri considered the Arsal events as an “attack against Lebanon and all the Lebanese.”

"We are sure that our people in Arsal, just like the people of (Iraq's) Mosul, will not let terrorism rule their country and attack army and security forces,” he expressed.

"Clearly and without hesitation we side with the Lebanese state and its security institutions, and we support the Lebanese army and the ISF before even asking with whom are they in confrontation,” Saniora announced.

He also called for Syrian gunmen withdrawal from Lebanese territories, particularly from Arsal, urging placing the Bekaa region under the authority of the Lebanese state and its security institutions.

He also demanded Hizbullah's withdrawal from the ongoing fighting in neighboring Syria.

March 14 General-Secretariat, meanwhile, called for “utmost solidarity” with the army and the ISF, underscoring also the “importance of the state's sovereignty on all Lebanese territories through army and security forces' deployment."

The United States' embassy in Lebanon was among the first to condemn the attacks against the army in Arsal, announcing its support for troops “for stability’s sake.”

The Bekaa region of Arsal was the scene of heavy clashes on Saturday between Syrian gunmen and army troops, after news circulated about the arrest of al-Nusra Front official.

The clashes resulted in the death of at least four people, among them two soldiers.


Comments 6
Default-user-icon I miss the Lebanon of old (Guest) over 9 years

hezbolah and the lebanese army are creating a united enemy. This is not what Lebanon wants.. but it hezbola's agenda. Why must the Lebanese army always be dragged into Hezbolahs wars. and now... its too late. sad that the army is loyal to hezbolah and syria still.

Default-user-icon Raed Baroud (Guest) over 9 years

Refugees and medical personnel in Arsal are reporting four people killed in LAF/Hezbollah bombardment of the refugee camps, there are already a few pictures - presumably the woman and the two-year-old boy killed will be named as "Islamist militants" by the interim government...(in true Israeli style...)

Missing helicopter over 9 years

May the LAF, ISF and the Lebanese constitution and Institutions prevail and crush all enemies of Lebanon.

Thumb scorpyonn over 9 years

including the glorious resistance that got us into this mess!

Thumb cedre over 9 years

so bashar didnt kill rafic hariri and pierre gemayel but killed tupac and biggie ? is this what u say haboub ?

Thumb cedre over 9 years

not too sure for JFK. Heard Nasser Qandil the other day claiming it was done by Bandar. Same for Malaysian Airlines plane, he said KSA and US did it...