Bassil Says Politicians Should Put Differences Aside to Help Expats


Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil said on Wednesday on the last leg of his tour to West Africa that the Lebanese officials should end their disputes and resolve the problems of Lebanese expatriates.

“We should work hand in hand and put our political and sectarian differences aside, in particular when we talk about the issue of Lebanese expats,” said Bassil during a ceremony held in Lagos, Nigeria's commercial hub.

“Although Lebanon is facing danger, you are a fundamental aspect of the (efforts exerted) to defend it,” the foreign minister told the Lebanese community's representatives at the ceremony.

“Our responsibility lies in caring for the Lebanese abroad, visiting them and inquiring them about their needs,” said Bassil.

He called on the government to give the expats their rights, including the Lebanese nationality and the right to vote.

The Lebanese authorities should also work on opening Lebanese schools abroad, he stated.

“Continued contact between Lebanon and the expats is very important,” Bassil said.

“We need your energy to strengthen investment in Lebanon,” he added.

Before his last stop in Nigeria, Bassil was in the Ivory Coast where he met with officials and members of the Lebanese community.



Comments 6
Thumb lubnani.masi7i over 9 years

He is useless, incompetent, and sectarian.

Thumb -phoenix1 over 9 years

**NOW you have the audacity...**

Thumb -phoenix1 over 9 years

Mr. Jebran, this coming from you couldn't be more hypocritical. Your whole life is based on pure hypothesis, just because you're coming back form Africa doesn't mean you can say anything to people. You Mr. Bassil come from a party that is very well known to be a root cause of the differences that plague the country. Your party and its chameleonic leader Michel Aoun remain disconnected with the realities of not only the local Lebanese but also the expat ones. You people have delayed literally everything, not you have the audacity and coyness to talk as if you were something?! You may be a minister, maybe, but you certainly are a hypocrite who now has literally nothing new to offer, you're just an extension of your party's alter ego, and that by default is killing the country. Liberate yourselves from the clutches of your masters Hezbollah and rejoin the real world.

Missing humble over 9 years

Oh! Our Talleyrand is talking....your party has proposed only 6 seats for the expats because you don't want them to vote for the 128 MP's in Lebanon. Why? Because you learned that the vast majority of the christians expats consider the caporal as an agent to Syria and Iran.

Missing humble over 9 years

If the Hezz won't allow it...would the servant be allowed to allow????

Thumb the_roar over 9 years

"Before his last stop in Nigeria, Bassil was in the Ivory Coast where he met with officials and members of the Lebanese community"

Keep up the excellent work young man...nothing surer then future President of Lebanon.....God Bless those who work tirelessly for their people.