Report: Hizbullah Tightens Belt over Oil Price Slump, Sanctions on Iran


Hizbullah is facing financial austerity because of the slump in global oil prices and the sanctions on its main backer Iran, The Christian Science Monitor reported.

The party has had to impose salary cuts on personnel and defer payments to suppliers, The Monitor quoted political and diplomatic sources in Beirut as saying.

Randa Slim, a Hizbullah expert and a director at the Washington-based Middle East Institute, also said that Iran's assistance to the Syrian regime against rebels seeking to topple it have forced Tehran “to divert more resources away from Hizbullah at a time when the resource base in Iran is shrinking.”

But a Lebanese oil industry expert, who has extensive contacts in Iran, said that lower funding by Iran does not threaten Hizbullah's life.

Iranian funding to Hizbullah comes from the multi-billion-dollar private resources at the disposal of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said The Monitor.

While the institutions will be “indirectly effected” by Iran’s worsening economy, “you are talking about a solid money reserve, you are talking about tens, maybe hundreds, of billions (of dollars) of reserves,” said the expert.

“Those organizations (like Hizbullah) are kind of sacred and they (Iran’s clerical leaders) are even ready to cut off any internal budget but not to touch those allocated budgets (to Hizbullah),” the expert added.

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said Sunday that foreign investors should no longer be viewed as a threat and signalled his country's decades-long isolation from the world economy could soon end.

Iran is engaged in long-running negotiations with world powers aimed at a comprehensive deal over its disputed nuclear programme which, if successful, will likely result in an investment boom.

A key point in any agreement would be the lifting of wide-ranging sanctions -- imposed on Iran as punishment for its atomic activities -- blamed for neutering its oil- and gas-rich economy.

Comments 18
Thumb geha over 9 years

when I said that I was insulted by so many names :)

Thumb geha over 9 years

to the contrary of what the "expert" is saying, hizbushaitaan is already feeling the reductions.

Thumb EagleDawn over 9 years

flamethrower disagreed with your 4 times so far and it is only 10 in the morning.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 9 years

LOOOL thank god we have all these washington-based "NGOs" speaking for hezbollah. maybe Nasrallah's next speech should be written by them, since they know it all from the other end of the world

Thumb _mowaten_ over 9 years

and btw, even the CIA recognized 10 years ago that the mojority of HA's funding didnt come from Iran but from supporters all over the world. Iran supplies arms (like Syria) and training mainly. Not so much funding. But god bless those "experts" anyway, i guess they need to get their names published somewhere to justify their salaries

Thumb EagleDawn over 9 years

Poor mowaten; seeing the level of your answers, there is no need for me to guess to know you arent burdened with an overabundance of arguments. You sound like an immature kid completely disconnected from reality, just trying to build some silly rationale based on bits & pieces of propaganda and lies.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 9 years

eagleyawn i see the year changed but you remained the same. still copy pasting the comments of your betters

Thumb EagleDawn over 9 years

lol gotta love your powerful arguments, you really must be a smart one.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 9 years

eagleyawn i see the year changed but you remained the same. still copy pasting the comments of your betters

Thumb westernlebanese over 9 years

hezbollah will loose no doubt about it...

Thumb _mowaten_ over 9 years

lol yea, 30 years ago your bosses at the CIA thought so too

Missing humble over 9 years

Ebola is not from Lebanese origin nor a Lebanese entity.

Default-user-icon roukuz (Guest) over 9 years

May all your life savings and valuables be in Russian Ruble and Vietnamese Dong.... RIP flamethrower

Thumb EagleDawn over 9 years

The terrorist party will make up any deficit by increasing its illegal activities in drug trade, kidnappings, and stealing customs revenues from both the port and airport.

Default-user-icon Disgusted (Guest) over 9 years

highway robberies, car thefts, drug smuggling, money laundering, unpaid taxes, begging, home invasions, kidnapping for ransoms, etc...etc...

Thumb _mowaten_ over 9 years

is that all? cant you think of more stuff? i mean, since you just throw any kind of accusations, why stop here? why not organ trafficking, oil smuggling, child slavery, blood diamonds etcc?

Default-user-icon Disgusted (Guest) over 9 years

God help them? are you insane...? I hopw God strikes them dead if Israel does not do that first...

Default-user-icon super dan (Guest) over 9 years

Forget belts, they threw them away got suspenders.