March 14 Describes Verbal Assaults as 'Direct Threats'


The March 14 General Secretariat considered on Wednesday the verbal attacks against the March 14 figures who marked the coalition's 10th anniversary over the weekend as a a direct threat against them.

“The alliance's decision to establish its National Council is the result of 10 years of struggle, sacrifices and principles,” the secretariat said in a statement after its weekly meeting.

Tension between Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal movement soared over the weekend when several Hizbullah officials criticized the March 14 alliance after the coalition strongly criticized what they called “the role of Iran and its proxies, topped by Hizbullah.”

March 14 also accused the party of implicating Lebanon in regional conflicts and seeking to prolong the presidential vacuum.

Concerning the expulsion of Lebanese from the United Arab Emirates, the secretariat called on Hizbullah to assume its responsibilities and respect the legitimacy of all countries in order to safeguard the interests of the Lebanese abroad.

UAE's decision to deport Lebanese expats from the Gulf country is reportedly related to their staunch support to Hizbullah and its allies.

On Sunday, several Lebanese deported from UAE arrived in Beirut for the second day in a row.

Most of the expats have been residing in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.

The move was reportedly in retaliation to a speech by Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah which contained a strong attack against countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council.

On the ongoing presidential crisis, the March 14 statement urged the political arch-foes to elect a new head of state and "stop wasting chances."

The statement continued: "Lebanon is bigger than us all and its interests are far more important than the narrow interests of political leaders."

MPs failed for the 20th time last week to elect a new head of state over lack of quorum. President Michel Suleiman's term ended in May without the election of a successor.

Hizbullah and Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun's Change and Reform bloc have been boycotting electoral sessions due to a disagreement with the March 14 camp over a compromise presidential candidate.



Comments 26
Missing imagine_1979 9 years

We should take for exemple very modern democratic and progressvie republic of iran....

Missing imagine_1979 9 years

In iran u have illimited liberty, people are so free that they donnot even need twitter or social media, they even don't have to worry who will present candidacy for presidential election (great modern cousil of ghe revolution can take care of that... Aoun is a good student...
Now can we cut the crap southern?...

Missing imagine_1979 9 years

Southern: it's kind of hypocrites to talk abou gcc and ksa while praising iran so that's why i always go back to iran when u talk about gcc, and if u like it or not there are people who donnot wanna be like gcc monarchies and deffently don't want to be living under iranian umbrella (u know that's why there was the lebanese patriotic resistance, followed by ur beloved islamic resistance as a southern (if u r) u should know that...

Thumb Mystic 9 years

If there is a top ten cowards of the world competition. M14 would be on top of that list for sure.

Missing peace 9 years

"If there is a top ten cowards of the world competition. M14 would be on top of that list for sure."

but still M8ers would beat them....

Thumb Mystic 9 years

Well peas, it is your leaders whom you inspire from. That complains of threats that never took place. Which makes you all cowards, big words with no action.

Missing peace 9 years

as i told you miss tic... M8ers will always beat M14 at the game of cowardice and stupidity...
you always say that M8 with hezbollah are stronger! LOL

Default-user-icon rogue voice (Guest) 9 years

"all rogue voices must be silenced" Salim Jreissati 17 March 2015 after the Change and Reform parliamentary weekly meeting

Gebran Tueni - Silenced
Samir Qassir - Silenced
Pierre Gemayel - Silenced
May Chidiac - Almost Silenced
Mohammad Shateh - Silenced...

Thumb thepatriot 9 years

Nice Rogue.. +1

Default-user-icon rogue voice (Guest) 9 years

Who said fpm killed those people, exempt you I mean.. and yeah sure I am removing your posts hehehe poor fellow

you are suffering from the martyr complex. No it's not that place in Dahieh built on confiscated Church land it's a personality disorder were a pyromaniac like yourself thinks he's been singled out for persecution because of his exceptional ability or integrity qualities no one will ever accuse you of possessing.

Default-user-icon majd (Guest) 9 years

ya forgot to add Iran and Syria to the mix

Missing canadianadam 9 years

Yeah guys, Flamethrower is right. Iran is perfect and the states is the ultimate evil. Trust FT, he knows look what happened to his sister, Mia Khalifa, there.

Missing imagine_1979 9 years

Ur coment are getting worse flame, get some rest, go have some fresh air amd ce back with bright ideas man...

Thumb Mystic 9 years

Mia Khalifahs father, is a well known Lebanese Forces supporter overseas. She comes from a wealthy pro Geagea family.

Default-user-icon methinks (Guest) 9 years

So according to HA and Aounists everything M14 is doing is meaningless, useless, futile, pointless... but they can't shut up about it.. worrying much?

Thumb Mystic 9 years

If we didn't worry about M14's ambitions. Then Lebanon would've been part of the ISIS state by now.

Missing peace 9 years

good student miss tic... you learned your lesson well and repeated it perfectly...

Default-user-icon methinks (Guest) 9 years

you worry so much about someone you say is meaningless, useless, futile, pointless.. you must be much worse off than you let on.

Thumb amatoury114 9 years

And whoever criticize hezballah or nassoura is accused of being a Zionist a traitor and a spy .....southern with all objectivity please answer to my claim and correct me if i am wrong with a very civilized matter let's get to the bottom of this

Missing peace 9 years

assad help the rise of isil in syria so that the west would be faced with the choice of assad as a saviour or islamists fundamentalists... but now things got out of control and assad had to ask hezbollah for help after shouting for years that everything was under control and they needed no help! LOL

but also the USA and the west by letting the situation rot are responsible for the chaos... for months they did nothing but bark when the FSA were a good alternative to assad...
but the USA needs a syrian gvt that ensures peace with israel thus they let assad in power...

Thumb Mystic 9 years

Well, incase you didn't know. The Syrian army controls all official border posts into Lebanon, the only way the takfiris gets in is from their enclave that is under siege on the Syrian side.

That enclave is in the upper mountains, no asphalt roads between here and there.

Missing peace 9 years

tell us miss tic: you claim that hezbi are strong mighty soldiers but how com together with the iranian revolutionary guards, the syrian army, shia brigades, and other groups, supported by russia, iran, north korea, they cannot defeat a bunch of islamist thugs?

i believe your propaganda needs an update and you d better show humility instead of making a fool of yourself here.....

Thumb Mystic 9 years

Does the U.S have complete control over their border with Mexico? Is that why there are illegal immigrants going there everyday?

Missing peace 9 years

miss tic : before making a fool of yourself once again , compare what is comparable first... then you ll have an ounce of

Missing peace 9 years

oh! poor little FT baby boy.... criticize his hezbo friends and there you are insulting, foaming with rage...

hezbollah is just an iranian militia looking after its interests and those of iran, only sissy cowards like you believe they look after Lebanon and hide between their legs...

i don't blame you, all cowards do the same... bark as much as you want, dogs are only good at that... faithful hezbi pup....

unlike you i believe in the army and ONLY the army to defend Lebanon.... not a foreign militia that pledged allegiance to an islamic revolution...

you have nothing to envy isis: they believe in their caliphate and you in an islamic revolution, pityful enslaved dog you are....

i believe in Lebanon...

see the difference little antilebanese barking FPMer?

Missing peace 9 years

and for you brainless mind let me explain as you have big difficulties reading...

i am just exposing the hezbi lies and those of your like.
stage 1: hezbollah pretended to go and defend only lebanese villages on the border... and you along with them on this forum!

stage 2: then oh! shrines were at stake so they went in a little further...

stage 3: scaring people that isis is ready to take over Lebanon to justify its full implication in syria now in irak where i believe there are also lebanese villages to defend... LOL

and with the full support of FPMers who are ok that hezbis take Lebanon to chaos while pretending to have accepted the disassociation policy, another lie from M8...

the army is showing that they are able to defend Lebanon but you do everything to belittle their actions just to justify hezbi deeds...

you would lie to your mother only to defend hezbis and spit on Lebanon...