Hamadeh: Hariri Unconvinced with Miqati’s Commitment to Funding STL


MP Marwan Hamadeh revealed Thursday that ex-PM Saad Hariri was “unconvinced” with Premier Najib Miqati’s avowed commitment to funding the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

“Hariri is unconvinced with Miqati’s commitment to funding the STL, but we in the March 14 camp have not ruled out such a possibility,” Hamadeh said in an interview on MTV, when asked about Wednesday’s meeting in Riyadh between Hariri and a March 14 delegation.

Hariri stressed before the delegation that “he will carry on with his active political role and that the real reasons behind his absence are different than those circulated by the media,” Hamadeh told MTV.

He also said that he is “preparing himself to return (to Lebanon), without setting a specific date due to the known political and security considerations,” Hamadeh added.

During the meeting, Hariri “spoke positively” of his former ally Druze leader Walid Jumblat, the MP revealed.

Miqati has reportedly confirmed to his predecessor Saad Hariri that he supports the funding of the STL, An Nahar newspaper reported on Thursday.

He has continuously voiced his commitment to the funding of the court. He received at the end of September a message from U.N. chief Ban Ki-Moon requesting Lebanon to pay its $33 million dues.

Comments 3
Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) over 12 years

Miquati is torn between sanctions on Lebanon, or sanctions on his billions.

Default-user-icon LebExile (Guest) over 12 years

"the real reasons behind his absence are different than those circulated by the media"..

what the hell does that mean????

Default-user-icon Steevo (Guest) over 12 years

Gabby, is this a new prediction of yours? What's going to go on with ASSad? He is 10 days past your three-months-and-he'll-be-gone prediction. Did you give ASSad an extension? By the way, how old are you?