Ibrahim Says Lebanon Battling Terrorism in Arsal


General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim stressed on Saturday that Lebanon is waging a battle in the outskirts of the border town of Arsal in order to “eliminate terrorism.'

“We are fighting in Arsal's outskirts in order to wipe out terrorism,” said Abbas during a trip he made Saturday to the southern town of Nabatieh.

On the Lebanese flags that were flown above houses in Arsal and Nabatieh, Abbas commented saying: “The scene of flags flown up in Arsal and Nabatieh aim to send a message to terrorists, telling them that we (Lebanese) know well how to fight and we know well how to be joyous.”

Stressing the need to stay united, Ibrahim said: “The best thing we need these days is unity. It is much stronger than bullets or arms.”

The Security chief pointed out that the General Security was able to crackdown on a number of terror cells that had plans to target Nabtieh, he said: “Our role will continue and we will keep on clamping down on theses cells that sabotage security and stability.”

Comments 9
Thumb EagleDawn almost 7 years

a terrorist appointed by a terrorist sectarian militia is talking about 'eliminating terrorism', the irony!

Hateful eyes so clear in the picture. Cannot believe the terrorist organization bombarded this evil sectarian to head of security.

Thumb Mystic almost 7 years

Hateful to salafis like you.

Thumb Elemental almost 7 years

Nice inbred assumptions mystique! I dare you to be capable of independent thought.

Thumb ex-fpm almost 7 years

by "We" he means the shia because according to the Lebanese Army it is not involved in the arsal battles. So, yes he is speaking on behalf of his shia and not on behalf of the Lebanese government.

Thumb i.report almost 7 years

Blablabla sed maximum est in amicitia parem esse inferiori. Saepe enim excellentiae quaedam sunt, qualis erat Scipionis in nostro, ut ita dicam, grege. Numquam se ille Philo, numquam Rupilio, numquam Mummio anteposuit, numquam inferioris ordinis amicis, Q. vero Maximum fratrem, egregium virum omnino, sibi nequaquam parem, quod is anteibat aetate, tamquam superiorem colebat suosque omnes per se posse esse ampliores vole bat. Lorem Ipsum!

Thumb janoubi almost 7 years

بلغ عدد العناصر الذين نعاهم حزب الله منذ بداية معارك جرود عرسال، 16 مرتزقاً وفق وسائل إعلام لبنانية، وهم:(ياسر أيمن شمص / بعلبك، محمد طالب شعيب / الشرقية، حسين زهير سليم / الغبيري، حسين علي حمود / بيت ليف، حسن علي حمد / الطيبة، عباس علي البرجي / بعلبك، مهدي محسن رعد / بعلبك، محمد علي عسيلي / رشاف، خضر عباس بزي / بنت جبيل، حسين علي اسماعيل / الغبيري، علي محمد المقداد / مقنة، حسين زهير عساف / بوداي، محمد عصام سلامة / الأوزاعي، حسن سمير سيف الدين / لاسا، محمد مهدي عساف / الهرمل، مهران محمد الطقش).

Thumb Elemental almost 7 years

Why you you create accounts to pretend to care Movaten/Southern? There's meds for that sort of condition.

Thumb Elemental almost 7 years

Very one sided. Be a man and take on both sides Iranian.cunt_001 (Southern)

Thumb ashtah almost 7 years

is blowing up banks considered terrorism?
Is kidnapping foreigners and lebanese citizens considered terrorism?
Is mass killing of lebanese and syrian civilians considered terrorism?