Rare Public Anger at Hizbullah after Crackdown on Street Vendors


A police raid against unlicensed street vendors in Beirut's southern suburbs has caused a rare public expression of anger in a stronghold of Hizbullah.

The raid early Wednesday in the Hay el-Sellom neighborhood was carried out by the Internal Security Forces, which used bulldozers to take down shacks where vendors mainly sold coffee and mobile phones.

Dozens of angry residents poured into the streets, burning tires and blocking some roads to prevent the police from approaching their properties.

The protest turned against Hizbullah, which had promoted the campaign against violators. In an usual move, some took their grievances to live TV, demanding compensation from Hizbullah and even cursing the group's leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Public displays of anger against Hizbullah in Lebanon are rare, especially in the group's strongholds.

Comments 34
Thumb janoubi over 6 years

I listened to the the interviews and these people are unbelievable!!! They believe because they are hezbollah supporters they are entitled to break the law and have special privileges.

Missing hajjradwan over 6 years

They are right to get pissed. These vendors "rent" their spots from neighborhood gangs affiliated and protected by members of the Hebz.

Thumb Elemental over 6 years

Why do you pretend to care about Christians?

Thumb Elemental over 6 years

That spoiled entitlement is sad.

Thumb thepatriot over 6 years

janoubi AND hajjradwan, you are both absolutely correct! This is what makes this situation laughable!

Thumb justin over 6 years

listen to the live interviews

بالفيديو: أبناء “البيئة الحاضنة” يشتمون نصرالله

Thumb gigahabiib over 6 years

I don't understand the blablablablabla they are saying and boyfriend The mowatic is not here to translate it to me, could you?

Thumb gigahabiib over 6 years

Correction: The Mystic not the mowaten is my boyfriend, they are not the same guy as you know.

Thumb Elemental over 6 years

I'm Christian you fraud, nice try manipulating like you're taught to, doesn't work though. Now answer the question properly: WHY do you pretend to care for Christians?

Thumb justin over 6 years

elemental, blablabla is a Christian if you did not know:)

Thumb Elemental over 6 years

If he is he's a sellout and doesn't deserve to be. Same goes for the ones dumb enough to believe these Iranian implants.

Thumb Elemental over 6 years

You didn't answer my question Iranian implant, answer it. I'll enjoy my beer and bacon :)

Thumb Elemental over 6 years

Answer the question above^

Thumb EagleDawn over 6 years

Lol, you can always count on the gigashia to make sectarian comments about any article, no matter the subject.

Thumb Elemental over 6 years

You'd rather live some weird narrative in your Iranian brain than answer a simple question? Answer it.

Thumb Elemental over 6 years

Who asked whom first? Now you're trying to redirect, answer the question.

Thumb Elemental over 6 years

You're not answering the question, just running like a baby. Answer.

Thumb EagleDawn over 6 years

I don't make pointless sectarian comments"

Thumb barrymore over 6 years

he also is not shia!

Thumb Elemental over 6 years

You'll find the fundamentalist minions can't answer direct questions. They'll try to redirect and run, the truth to them is "offensive" specially when they're confronted.

Thumb gigahabiib over 6 years

I am very much a Cristhian but I was busy with my boyfriend The mowatic and that is why I did not rush to defend the honor of Sheikh Bashir when there was all the blablablablabla about him.

Thumb gigahabiib over 6 years

Why do I keep making the mystic.. err.. mistake, my boyfriend is The Mystic, mowaten is a completely different guy who's beliefs coincidentally are identical in every way to my boyfriend The mowa.. Mystic.

Thumb barrymore over 6 years


GTFO you pos! Your inferiority complex knows no bounds. You think you are fooling anyone by claiming you are a Christian? There is nothing Christian about you. You are a Takiah practicing shia fundamentalist. It is obvious to all except you.

You must have such low self-esteem to play these repulsive games. Go back to your boardroom meeting you might miss on some lucrative calls or puts you've placed in the stock market.

Thumb ashtah over 6 years

These were no street vendors. They built permanent structures and many of them were concrete structure built on street pavements! The woman in the video claims because dahieh is sending its men and children to die for nassrallah, it is nassrallah's job to protect them and help them evade the law.

That is the " You Owe Me" mentality of hezbollah and its deluded uncivilized followers.

Thumb justin over 6 years

watch this:

بالفيديو: حارة حريك تخرج عن صمتها…”حزب الله” يستغل المطلقات مقابل المتعة!
ما زالت مسألة إزالة المخالفات من الضاحية الجنوبية تتفاعل. فبعد شتم رجل للسيد حسن نصر الله على الهواء مباشرة عبر الـ”LBC” وبعد إتهام إمرأة لـ”حزب الله” بأنه “أصل البلاء” وبأن مسؤوليه قد فقدوا الحس بالإنسانية، إنتشر عير مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي فيديو يظهر امرأة من حارة حريك تتهم “حزب الله” بمساعدة المطلقات والارامل مقابل عقد المتعة!

Missing humble over 6 years

Ebola is a very real disease. Watch DNA of October 25th.

Thumb marcus over 6 years

DNA - 25/10/2017 الضاحية تنتفض في وجه نصرالله

Thumb Knight over 6 years


Thumb ex-fpm over 6 years

one man from dahieh says in the video: " Before hezbollah controlled dahieh there was one criminal, now there are 1,000 criminals. There was one drug dealer, now there are 1,000 drug dealers, etc"

His own people are incriminating the terrorist nassrallah.

Thumb shn-virgo over 6 years

Those ungrateful ingrates, we rebuilt their homes that the Israelis destroyed during the war that we started and they treat us like this! Shame!... what?.. what do you mean we did not rebuild anything!! Who then? The Qatari, Saudi and gulf Wahhabis did? Are you sure? Even my five star sewer? I'm shocked!

Missing humble over 6 years

Ebola is a very real disease. Watch DNA of October 25th.

Thumb gigahabib over 6 years

Wow, so many Mustaqbaloids tripping over each other to reach me.

Thumb warrior over 6 years

I think you all are missing the point. Hezbollah is what it is because of the people that support it. The shia made hezbollah and today yet again they showed who they really are. Imagine they are accusing hezbollah of betraying them and letting them down by not standing up to the local government.

They are criminals, outlaws and thugs.

Thumb galaxy over 6 years

lol @ the shia heretic:)