Rifi: FPM, Bassil Responsible for Theft of $26 Billion

Former justice minister Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi on Monday accused Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil and the Free Patriotic Movement of being “responsible for the theft of $26 billion.”
“The spoiled child and wonderkid Minister Jebran Bassil is boasting and acting as if he’s done us a favor by inaugurating an electrical substation in Tripoli which took seven years in the making although it should have only taken seven months,” Rifi said.
“I tell Jebran Bassil, ‘Your party has assumed the responsibility of the ministry of energy and electricity for more than 12 years now and the deficit has exceeded $26 billion because of the FPM,’” the ex-minister charged.
“This is the money of our children and we will hold you accountable like (Saudi Crown Prince) Mohammed bin Salman did (with Saudi figures accused of corruption), so that we return the funds to the Lebanese treasury,” Rifi vowed.
He added: “These billions are going to the pockets of electricity mafias. Today Lebanon needs 4,000 megawatts which do not cost more than $4 billion. Where is financial accountability? You say that you will sue us if we accuse you of corruption and I dare you to meet us in court.”
“The FPM and Jebran Bassil are responsible for the theft of $26 billion and after the elections we will demand the prosecution of the corrupts,” Rifi went on to say.

Michel Aoun AKA Ali Baba and his ass kissing cronies are responsible for much much more than the theft of 26 billion$ under the watchful and blessing eyes of the soumoud and tassady party of "God".

“The FPM and Jebran Bassil are responsible for the theft of $26 billion and after the elections we will demand the prosecution of the corrupts,”
but the FPM and Bassil wrote books about others' corruption and incompetence....

All of them are corrupt. Need a new generation in the Parliament who puts Lebanon first.
The party of theft, demagogy, lies and deceit aka change and reform.