Bassil Says 'Lira Rumors' Aimed at Influencing Govt. Shape


Free Patriotic Movement chief and caretaker Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil has warned that “rumors” about the resilience of the Lebanese currency are aimed at influencing the structure of the new government.

“We as Lebanese have to choose between officials who want to work and officials who want to lie,” said Bassil at a meeting with the Lebanese community in Boston, on the eve of his participation in the works of the U.N. General Assembly in New York as part of the Lebanese delegation that is led by President Michel Aoun.

“Our conflict in Lebanon is between the past and the future,” Bassil added, noting that “we must only pick the good parts of the past.”

“Whenever you hear them lying, be confident that someone will confront them. A lot of things will be achieved... and the presidential term -- which they do not want to succeed -- has succeeded and will continue to succeed,” the FPM chief emphasized.

He added: “They are likening us to themselves but we are not like them. Unfortunately, Lebanon is living an atmosphere of rumors and this is frustrating the people. Instead of moving from a truth to another they are transferring us from one lie into another, as if for example power cuts would only affect a certain group.”

And lamenting that “their entire concern is focused on making the presidential term a failure,” Bassil stressed that “what has been achieved over the past two years -- such as liberating Lebanon from terrorism and the electoral law -- is sufficient to consider the presidential term a success.”

“Our economic situation is not only linked to the formation of the government. They are fabricating rumors about the lira and other issues in order to form the government that they want. We on the other hand consider the formation of the government a necessity, but the issue is not enough for the rise of the economy,” Bassil said.

“We are the wounded and the martyrs of obstruction,” the FPM chief added, calling for the formation of a “functional government.”

Comments 5
Thumb EagleDawn over 5 years

and when he does that, he will be surprised how much filth he will see.

Thumb canadianleb over 5 years

So Says the biggest liar of them all...

Missing ysurais over 5 years

" “Our conflict in Lebanon is between the past and the future,”,

PLS in z past just before 2005 we had electricity and now thank to u no more..

What are u trying to preach?

Thumb thepatriot over 5 years

Yes... rumours...

"Le Liban est le troisième pays le plus endetté au monde, après le Japon, qui peut se le permettre, et après la Grèce encore laminée par la crise qui a déstabilisé l’ensemble de la zone euro.

Sa dette publique culmine à plus de 150 % du PIB, insoutenable pour le FMI. Elle est majoritairement détenue par le secteur bancaire, poids lourd de l’économie grâce à ses dépôts (3 fois et demie le PIB libanais), et surtout bouée de sauvetage d’un système au bord de la faillite.

La croissance est faible, moins de 2 %, alors qu’elle dépassait les 9 % il y a dix ans.

Sur le plan social, tous les indicateurs sont dans le rouge. Le chômage a doublé entre 2011 et 2014 et dépasse désormais les 20 % (40% aujourd'hui). Le nombre de personnes dans une situation d’extrême pauvreté a bondi de 66 % sur la même période.

Source : RFI

Thumb thepatriot over 5 years

Let me add that since September 2018 there is no more Bank Secrecy per say in Lebanon, thus, no more attractively (except high interest rates at a very high risk) to put foreign money in our Banks... Guess who is under pressure... Banque du Liban... still paying extremely high value on Government Bonds... I am no expert... smells pretty bad to me...