Report: Hariri to Submit New Government Format


Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri is reportedly expected to submit a new government format to President Michel Aoun in the “next 24 hours,” after previous formats failed to meet the President’s approval, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Friday.

Quoting Baabda sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the daily said the atmospheres regarding efforts to complete lining up the government are “positive”.

The sources said Hariri is expected to visit Baabda Palace in the “coming hours, or tomorrow at the latest.”

The new draft format has taken into consideration the latest observations that helped ease some of the obstacles except for the one related to the share of the Lebanese Forces, namely an alternative ministerial portfolio of the justice ministry, they said.

Wrangling over Christian shares is the main obstacle delaying the formation of the new government after the so-called Druze hurdle was resolved.

The Lebanese Forces demand the allocation of the justice ministry which the President insists is part of his share in the government.

Hizbullah-backed Sunni MPs opposed to Hariri's al-Mustaqbal Movement have also demanded that they be allocated a seat in the government but Hariri has played down the issue and noted that it does not represent an obstacle.
