U.S. Praises Germany’s Decision over Hizbullah


The U.S. State Department on Friday “applauded” Germany’s ban on the activities of Hizbullah on its soil, considering that obstructing its activities would diminish Iran’s influence in the region.

“Obstructing the ability of this terrorist organization to plan terrorist attacks and raise funds will reduce Iran's pernicious behavior and influence," it said in a statement.

It noted that "the world is increasingly distinguishing Hizbullah as a terrorist organization dedicated to advancing Iran's malign agenda, and not as a defender of Lebanon as it claims".

Germany on Thursday branded Hizbullah a "Shiite terrorist organisation", with dozens of police and special forces storming mosques and associations across the country linked to the group.

Hizbullah was established in 1982 during the Lebanese civil war and fought a 2006 war with Israel.

Comments 1
Thumb thepatriot 4 years

Ebola should be branded a terrorist organisation all over the globe, because it is exactly what it is... poor Lebanon...