Aoun Slams Govt. Change 'Rumors', Diab Says Israel Wants Strife


President Michel Aoun on Wednesday said the government and its ministers should not “waste time” in responding to “rumors and campaigns targeting the Presidency and the government, especially those mentioning a government change or ouster.”

“Some exploited the social protests to carry out condemned acts of sabotage that we had already warned against, and today I reiterate the need for extreme caution in the future, especially that the relevant security agencies have obtained information about the foreign links of some groups of participants,” Aoun added during a Cabinet session.

Prime Minister Hassan Diab meanwhile warned that “there are black rooms fabricating and promoting lies to incite against the government and hold it responsible for the burdens of the past years.”

“The strife scheme is ongoing and I assure that the Israeli enemy wants to stir strife in Lebanon to cover up for its plan to annex the West Bank. That’s why I call for the highest levels of vigilance and caution to confront and foil this Israeli scheme,” Diab added.

Commenting on Saturday’s sectarian unrest and violent protests, the premier said “Lebanon went through a dangerous ordeal last week.”

“We overcame religious and sectarian strife schemes and I had warned of a scheme to spill blood and exploit it in politics,” Diab added.

Comments 3
Missing peace almost 4 years

"I assure that the Israeli enemy wants to stir strife in Lebanon to cover up for its plan to annex the West Bank."
in the 50s when you were against american politics you were labelled a communist.
in russia, you were labelled an imperialist when you opposed the gvt.
In france yellow vests were considered as thugs and anarchists to belittle their demands...
what a convenient way to crush opposition demands, blame an enemy of wanting to stir strife...
they believe lebanese don't know this old trick?

Thumb kanaanljdid almost 4 years

Lol, which political power are you talking about dude ? Christians in Lebanon became a minority and it won't change anymore, this is Iran now.

Thumb thepatriot almost 4 years

unfortunately true..