Geagea Promises 'Major Stance', Says Govt. Resignation Useless


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Monday announced that the country is “hours away from a major stance.”

Geagea also considered that the government’s looming resignation would be “useless” because “those who formed this government will form the next government and consequently we will stay in our place.”

“That’s why our objective is to resolve the core of the problem, which is in parliament,” the LF leader added, calling for “early parliamentary elections under the current (electoral) law.”

Geagea voiced his stances following a meeting with a delegation from the Progressive Socialist Party.

On Sunday, he said his party was trying to secure enough resignations in order to force early polls.

Comments 8
Missing rabiosa over 3 years

The only electoral law that will rid this corrupt political class is The One Man One Vote. Stop trying to invent the wheel. Any other law will always be sectarian and produce the very same corrupt MPs.

No % votes, no lies, no such other BS that only the Lebanese create. get 50% of the vote and you win. Less than 50%, then the top two go into a run off. The law should be at local meaning at the Qada level. I don't buy those that want Lebanon as single district like Berri and cronies do.

Governors, Judges, PM, should all face voters. No more appointments for any high ranking government post.

Presidential term should be reduced to 4 years with option for second term.

Lower voting age to 18

Limit campaign to 3 weeks

All general election for all posts should be on the same day on a specific date every 4 years

Finally I doubt ny these proposals will be implemented.

Missing phillipo over 3 years

Excellent ideas, but can you imagine the present parliament voting in favour of these changes and sending themselves into oblivion? I can't.

Default-user-icon mar1 Zan2 (Guest) over 3 years


Missing kazan over 3 years

A precondition that a country could be independent from other foreign countries is that its population experience that they are equal, united and feel that they belong to one nation; unfortunately because of the current sectarian system, the population is divided in various religious groups , some are having more privileges than others, subsequently they believe and become conditioned that they are first class citizens. It is obvious that this is absurd and this creates( in the past, in the present and in the future) continuous time bombs in this country.

Missing kazan over 3 years

lately a group of the population is trying to distance themselves from the sectarian system, unfortunately they don't get a chance to make a breakthrough, because most of the population is indoctrinated in their own religion that everything else they see as hostile and unreliable.

Thumb canadianleb over 3 years

You are no better thane anyone!!! so shut the hell up. You did nothing for the country you made a lot of noise until the amount of the cheque you got was increased and you voted for Aoun!!!!

Missing 1948 over 3 years

stay out of Lebanon you Zionist puppet

Thumb Puppet over 3 years

Mrs. smalljohn has earned my utmost respect and deepest appreciation for its religious tolerance and diversity by requesting mosques to be built in the Vatican.