Rahi: New Government Must Draw Rescue Plan


Maronite Patriarch Beshara el-Rahi declared at the opening of the Synod on Monday that the future government must be “distinguished” from its predecessors and is required to draw up a rescue plan.

On the outbreak of coronavirus, Rahi said: “It was imperative that the relevant ministries and unions embark on coordinating efforts to combat the virus.”

He called for immediate reforms to face Lebanon’s multiple crises including the financial and economic crisis, the electricity crisis, corruption and the independence of the judiciary.

Comments 3
Thumb janoubi over 3 years

Stop your 'musts' and pray to God and do your religious duties.

Missing rami over 3 years

Pas possible, il a pris un coup de vieux, j'aime bien la teinture des cheveux, belle couleur.

Missing kazan over 3 years

The first step and basis of the reforms that Macron talks about is when you and your Muslim and Druze colleagues are excluded from consultation, participation and involvement
in all political matters. We Christians, we Muslims, we Druze mentality, divide the population and create fertile ground for warlords. It gives them a right to exist, it legitimizes their involvement in politics; The best evidence for my statement is the history of Lebanon since 1943