Al-Rahi Warns Govt. Obstructors, Vows to Resume Mediation


Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Sunday lashed out at those obstructing the formation of the new government and promised that he will soon resume his mediation in a bid to break the deadlock.

“I warn all those obstructing the government’s formation, be them near or far, that they bear the responsibility of putting all state institutions on the track of paralysis, one after another, because a state whose authorities are not complete and integrated would collapse in a way or another,” al-Rahi said in his Sunday Mass sermon.

“If someone is betting on the state’s collapse, let them know that this collapse would not benefit them nor pave the way for them to seize power, because victory against one another is impossible in all standards, and because the Lebanese are people who do not tolerate the fabrication of a state that does not resemble them or their identity, history, society and the sacrifices of their martyrs for the sake of freedom and dignity,” the patriarch added.

Reminding of Pope Francis’ latest message about the Lebanese crisis, al-Rahi pledged to “once again work with officials on pushing the cabinet formation process forward.”

“This is the demand of the people and their right and this is Lebanon’s interest,” he explained.

He also emphasized that “rescuing Lebanon politically, economically and financially is still possible, on the condition of the formation of a government comprising figures who inspire confidence through their competencies, reputation and independence.”

These would be figures “who do not startle the public opinion or the international community,” al-Rahi added.

Comments 5
Thumb ansarullah over 3 years

God bless Shia blessed and loved FPM Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi for lashing out at those obstructing the formation of the new government aka the Saudi-American-Israeli-Sudani-Bahraini-Emirati coalition. This evil coalition refuses to give the resistance and its ally the FPM the ministries of defense, Justice and interior and insists on rotation of all portfolios including the Finance ministry which is a Shia right.

Obstructors will cease their obstruction once they taste defeat at the hands of our Shia resistance and our strong president and his son-in-law Mr. Gebran Bassil.

Victory shall be ours and that of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Shea Shia Shea !!!

Missing kazan over 3 years

if you are sincere take to the streets (with the other religious leaders) and start your protest, I am sure that all Lebanese (Muslims, Druze and Christians) will walk behind you , only this action can have a lasting impact and create the opportunity to get rid of the feudal system.
But of course you all cherish the feudal system, it is your "raison d'être".

Missing kazan over 3 years

Al Rahi has the opportunity to go in history books like Ghandi, Mandela, sister Theresa, he will capture the admiration of all Lebanese and the world, if he dares to take the streets and start the protest march against the government.

Thumb justice over 3 years

He is full of it. He supports Aoun and the FPM and all this talk is for local consumption and for his image in front of those who are still blind.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i over 3 years

yellow like his face