IS Militant who Monitored Army, Badaro Pubs Arrested


The Internal Security Forces on Wednesday announced the arrest of a member of the Islamic State jihadist group who had monitored a military post between Furn el-Chebbak and Ain el-Rummaneh and pubs and cafes in Badaro.

In a statement, the ISF said its Intelligence Branch arrested the 20-year-old Syrian militant on Monday, seizing two cellphones that were in his possession.

He had joined the IS group in Syria’s Deir Ezzor before fleeing to Lebanon in late 2017, the statement added, citing the detainee’s confessions.

“Around two months ago, he communicated with two Syria-based IS cadres and told one of them that he intended to carry out a security operation in Lebanon for the benefit of the group. Abu al-Khattab agreed with him and asked him to secure an explosive vest, hand grenades and assault weapons but his arrest prevented him from obtaining them,” the statement added.

The militant also tried to recruit a Syria-based person and downloaded encylopedias containing instructions on how to make bombs from material readily available in markets with the aim of manufatcuring explosives.

He also “monitored a military post between the areas of Furn el-Chebbak and Ain el-Rummaneh,” the statement added, noting that the militant was living in that area.

“He also monitored a number of pubs and cafes on Badaro Street,” the statement said.

Comments 7
Missing B.K.L over 3 years

Thank you army. A potentional catastrophe could have happened if it wasen't for the army doing its job yet some fools here constantly accuse it of not doing its job. Without the army, lebanon would have been in civil war again.

Missing B.K.L over 3 years

So you prefer a lebanon without the army? Or do you want to replace the army with your preferred villager-militia?

Thumb warrior over 3 years

It was the ISF and not the Army if you know how to read.

Thumb thepatriot over 3 years

The army is starved, divided, and incompetent. The ISF arrested him.

Thumb warrior over 3 years

Did he confess?

Thumb sevilla over 3 years

"downloaded encylopedias containing instructions on how to make bombs from material readily available in markets with the aim of manufatcuring explosives."

Interesting.... an IS militant does not have explosives in a country where weapons are bought and sold in the open and he needed to download "encylopedias":-)!

Very credible report

Missing hammerhead1 over 3 years

This report is irrefutable, especially with that photo.