Aoun Asks Ministers, Administrations to Curb Fuel Crisis


President Michel Aoun has been following up since early morning on “the developments of the fuel crisis in the country” and the “suffering of citizens at gas stations,” the Presidency said on Monday.

To that end, Aoun held a series of calls with caretaker Energy Minister Raymond Ghajar and the relevant administrations at the Ministry, calling for “swift and firm measures to contribute to alleviating the fabricated crisis and ending the exploitation of citizens,” the Presidency added in a statement.

The President also called caretaker Interior Minister Mohammed Fahmi and several security chiefs, asking them to “help the competent administrative agencies in preventing the storing of fuel, putting them at citizens’ disposal and being strict in enforcing the laws against violators, pending the ease of the crisis during the next 48 hours.”

Comments 8
Thumb ex-fpm almost 3 years

The Golden Days of the Strong President and his Change and Reform party.

Thumb EagleDawn almost 3 years

“فخامة الرئيس يا ريت ورتت بستان جدك وما عملت رئيس جمهورية”
“بتبقى انت الحلم، والحلم ما بيشيخ”
الله يحميك
بي الكل

A fearless man - A real leader - A true statesman

Thumb EagleDawn almost 3 years

٨٦ سنة كرامة و عزة و شموخ
٨٦ سنة وطنية و تحدي و صمود
٨٦ سنة نضال و محاربة و مقاومة
ينعاد عليك يا جبل شامخ بوج الريح
ينعاد عليك يا أجمل حلم نزرع فينا لنبقى مكملين
معك مبارح ، اليوم و بكرا و حتى الرمق الأخير
بحبك تتخلص الدني....
"الكرامة لا تشيخ"... لأنك كرامتنا"

Thumb EagleDawn almost 3 years

only 2 people are working for Lebanon as we speak.
General Aoun & Walid Jumblat....the rest pffttttt."

Thumb EagleDawn almost 3 years

"sophia_angle 2 hours ago
Lebanon is rising ...stay tuned! GMA time :)"

Thumb janoubi almost 3 years

Lebanon is not rising, the dollar is!

Thumb almost 3 years

We’re in 1915, the Great Famine is back, but this time it isn’t the Turks against the French, it’s Aoun and clique against the people.

Default-user-icon Patriot (Guest) almost 3 years

This guy doesn't know one plus one equal two. How on earth could a country in crisis be under his leadership. In addition to that, he's violating the constitution. The new Taef law stripped the president from executive powers, and yet, he's insisting on violation. A nut head indeed.