Aoun: Lebanese Awaiting Pope to Announce Lebanon’s Resurrection


President Michel Aoun expressed on Friday his deep gratitude to Pope Francis for the day of prayer and meditation for Lebanon.

He affirmed that the Lebanese of all sects have great respect for the Holy See and will respond to the Pope’s call to save their treasured homeland.

Aoun added that the Lebanese, who “have been working together to revive their well-deserved homeland and preserve their national unity,” are waiting for the visit of His Holiness to Lebanon, and for “a resurrection” of the country.

Comments 5
Thumb almost 3 years

This implies that he acknowledges that Lebanon died under his watch!

resurrection (n.)
c. 1300, originally the name of a Church festival commemorating Christ's rising from death, from Anglo-French resurrectiun, Old French resurrection "the Resurrection of Christ" (12c.) and directly from Church Latin resurrectionem "a rising again from the dead," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin resurgere "rise again, appear again" (see resurgent). Replaced Old English æriste; in Middle English sometimes translated as againrising.

Generalized sense of "revival" is from 1640s. Also used in Middle English of the rising again of the dead on the Last Day (c. 1300). Resurrectionist, euphemism for "grave-robber" is attested from 1776. Resurrection pie was mid-19c. English schoolboy slang for a pie made from leftovers of previous meals; first attested 1831 as a Sheffield dialect term.

Missing samiam almost 3 years

Did he actually say that or did someone else BS the statement. Almost everything attributable to his social media and public accounts are written or made by him.

Makes him more of a figurehead instead of an actual figure since we really don't get to hear him. Of course, last time he tried that he told people to emigrate. Maybe he should take his own advice.....

Thumb lubnani.masi7i almost 3 years

May he get the Delta Variant and do us a favor.

Thumb almost 3 years

‏يا رب

Missing 5-7doud almost 3 years

That's right when one thinks "national unity" the first name that comes to mind is Michel Aoun. Unbelievable his hypocrisy!