Aoun Says Lebanon to 'Overcome Difficult Circumstances'


President Michel Aoun stressed Friday that Lebanon “will manage to overcome the difficult circumstances,” only hours after PM-designate Saad Hariri stepped down, a move that deepened the major uncertainty that crisis-hit Lebanon is going through at all levels.

“Lebanon will manage to overcome the difficult circumstances that it is currently going through at all levels, because events have proved that the will to life of the Lebanese have always enabled them to defeat various difficulties,” Aoun said, during a Baabda meeting with a delegation from the NDU university.

Noting that he is counting on the young generation to “build the future of the Lebanon that we want,” the President emphasized that “nothing should frustrate the Lebanese despite the harshness of what they are facing.”

Aoun also pledged to “exert all efforts to exit the successive crises” that the Lebanese are going through.

Comments 28
Thumb SheikYerbouti almost 3 years

Lebanon will overcome it's difficult circumstances as soon an Aoun moves to the great beyond and the mausoleum housing his remains becomes the most used pissoir in the world.

Thumb marcus almost 3 years

His grave will be the dumping ground of all non treated human feces and I will be the first to pay the tribute.

Thumb EagleDawn almost 3 years

٠ ٩سنة كرامة و عزة و شموخ

٠ ٩ سنة وطنية و تحدي و صمود

٠ ٩ سنة نضال و محاربة و مقاومة

ينعاد عليك يا جبل شامخ بوج الريح

ينعاد عليك يا أجمل حلم نزرع فينا لنبقى مكملين

معك مبارح ، اليوم و بكرا و حتى الرمق الأخير

بحبك تتخلص الدني....

"الكرامة لا تشيخ"... لأنك كرامتنا"

Thumb EagleDawn almost 3 years

“فخامة الرئيس يا ريت ورتت بستان جدك وما عملت رئيس جمهورية”
“بتبقى انت الحلم، والحلم ما بيشيخ”
الله يحميك
بي الكل
A fearless man - A real leader - A true statesman

Thumb ___flamethrower___ almost 3 years

Best FPM President, ever!

Thumb EagleDawn almost 3 years

"sophia_angle 2 hours ago

Lebanon is rising ...stay tuned! GMA time :)"

Thumb EagleDawn almost 3 years

"sophia_angle 1 hour ago

stay tuned for the orange tsumani....coming soon near you:)"

Thumb Puppet almost 3 years

You ask me : "Puppet, do you respect general Aoun who is now president and Imam?"
I Answer : "I sure do"

You Ask me : "Puppet, why do you respect general Aoun who is now president and Imam?"
I Answer: " I dunno, I just do"

Default-user-icon just a friend (Guest) almost 3 years

completely delusional, he is totally alienated from reality

Thumb almost 3 years

I have the feeling that history will repeat itself with Aoun, but this time it won’t be the Syrian army kicking him out of Baabda and Lebanon.

Thumb janoubi almost 3 years

باريس غاضبة من عون.. مسؤولية التعطيل على الرئيس وصهره!

أفادت مراسلة “النهار” في باريس رندة تقي الدين ان مسؤولاً فرنسياً رفيعاً أعرب لـ”النهار” عن أسف باريس الشديد لاستمرار التعطيل وقال بوضوح “ان مسؤولية التعطيل الاساسية هي على ميشال عون وصهره جبران باسيل”. وأضاف “ان باريس تطالب المسؤولين بيقظة من أجل تنفيذ إصلاحات طارئة كي تكسب ثقة الاسرة الدولية وللتحضير للانتخابات التشريعية “.باريس-غاضبة-من-عون-مسؤولية-التعطيل-على/

Thumb janoubi almost 3 years

الفرزلي يكشف مخطط عون.. هذا ما يريده إلى حين الانتخابات النيابية!

أشار نائب رئيس مجلس النواب إيلي الفرزلي الى ان ” الأكثرية الساحقة من اللبنانيين كانت تنتظر هذه النتيجة وكان من الواضح أن رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال عون لم يكن يريد الرئيس سعد الحريري”. واشار الى انه “أعتقد أنّ ما يريده الرئيس عون هو بقاء حكومة حسان دياب إلى حين الانتخابات النيابية”.الفرزلي-يكشف-مخطط-عون-هذا-ما-يريده-إلى/

Thumb justin almost 3 years

Yep, and they will be allied in the next elections!

Thumb EagleDawn almost 3 years

only 2 people are working for Lebanon as we speak.
General Aoun & Walid Jumblat....the rest pffttttt."

Thumb doodle-dude almost 3 years

lol @cheesecake

Thumb doodle-dude almost 3 years

lol @incuntingo

Thumb lubnani.masi7i almost 3 years

كواليس الساعات الأخيرة من اعتذار الرئيس المكلف.. هذا ما دار بين عون والحريري

وبحسب المصدر، فإن رئيس التيار الحر جبران باسيل حضر إلى القصر الجمهوري قبل ساعة من وصول الرئيس المكلف، يرافقه الوزير السابق للدفاع إلياس بو صعب، أثناء وجود الحريري في قصر بعبدا، وهما شاركا في الاجتماع التقييمي الذي ترأسه عون، وشارك فيه أيضاً كل من المستشار سليم جريصاتي والمستشار أنطوان شقير بعد مغادرة الحريري، ووضعوا ملاحظاتهم على التشكيلة التي قدمها الحريري وأجمعوا على رفضها، خاصة أن الداخلية والعدل أعيدت لحوزة الحريري.كواليس-الساعات-الأخيرة-من-اعتذار-الرئيس-المكلف-هذا

Default-user-icon atg (Guest) almost 3 years

Make the Lebanese living abroad pay a high tax when they return to vacation in Lebanon.

Thumb enterprise almost 3 years

An ignorant uneducated narcissist whose history is filled with destruction, stubbornness, corruption, and treason. Lebanon has one of the most educated population in the world but is always ruled by ex-military men who know nothing about running a business let alone a country. They are used to giving orders and lack the basic understanding of leadership and what it takes to build a country and improve an economy. May he choke to death and die an ugly and painful death.

Thumb enterprise almost 3 years

Two of the most evil and sectarian men in Lebanon's history.

Default-user-icon tayar (Guest) almost 3 years

are you seriuos ?

Thumb almost 3 years

It’s time to legalize euthanasia for the old demented and hopeless cases.

Missing samiam almost 3 years

Here is the deal--they can't do another Diab experiment. He had no backing other than from kizb, fpm and amal, and absolutely no respect from anyone within or outside the country. Previous prime ministers like Mikati won't want to inherit this mess in the last year of the old man's tenure.

So where does this leave the old man and sil in baabda? Hopefully he will do the right thing and resign, because he really doesn't have many options.

Thumb thepatriot almost 3 years

Aoun is a stubborn old fool.
He will never resign.
He puts himself before the nation.
Keep in mind that this guy is surrounded with people who look up at him as a God, and tell him all day long that he is fabulous.
He doesn't have a clue...

Default-user-icon Wiseman (Guest) almost 3 years

When is this nut head going to retire. Not only is he undermining our brain abilities, he's also destroying a country that once used to be a real country. the best think for this stupid man is to retire as his days are numbered on earth (90 years old.) For God's sake, why should we retire at 65 and he not retire even at 90? If he was smart, at least we could understand, but he's ignorant and a big liar who sells dreams that have no basis. Not only that, he bring his SIL basil, an ignorant and who is one meter tall and stuff it on us as Christians. These two stooges are not Christians. through their actions, they are devilish and worship the devil. The issue here is that Al Rahi supports them because he appears to also sympathize with the devil.

Default-user-icon ChristianLebanese (Guest) almost 3 years

A deranged person indeed. He has no shred of dignity in him. Not only was he a big liar selling dreams that he didn't even approach, but also have fooled the Christian Lebanese in believing that he will return the Christian rights back. The Maronites as I said before were and are still the major problem of Lebanon for their discrimination against all Lebanese. I also couldn't classify them as Christians, because their behavior reveal traits of the devil in the name of Jesus. I am sure Jesus would deny all of them if he were to come again for they have derailed his bible. This cancer should be extracted by having Lebanon become a civil country based on meritocracy and ability and not to which religion one ascribes to become something. These are rules of the stone ages and should be dismantled. I am a devout Christian and believe that Christianity calls for humility, fairness, turning the other cheek, and love one another, which are all violated by the Maronites.

Default-user-icon DevoutChristian (Guest) almost 3 years

He has a funny face and certainly a face that reveals stupidity and derangement. Not only that, he worships the devil and has never been a Christian, though he speaks in their name. Stupid Maronites.

Default-user-icon DevoutChristian (Guest) almost 3 years

He has a funny face and certainly a face that reveals stupidity and derangement. Not only that, he worships the devil and has never been a Christian, though he speaks in their name. Stupid Maronites.