Hizbullah Convinced of Having Defense Strategy Based on Cohesion


Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem said Sunday that the party is convinced that Lebanon needs a national defense strategy based on cohesion, the strength of Lebanon and the unity of the army, people and the resistance.

“We should be independent and free and not followers,” Qassem said, calling on the Lebanese to build their future without any foreign intervention.

“The defense strategy puts the weapons in their real place in defense of the country which guarantees that Lebanon becomes strong,” he said on the eve of the national dialogue that is scheduled to be held at Baabda palace under President Michel Suleiman.

He hoped that the dialogue would “purify” strained ties between the different parties in the country so that the Lebanese could live in a united Lebanon.

According to Hizbullah’s deputy secretary-general, approval of a fair parliamentary law that would reproduce power according to the right representation is one of the pillars of state building.

“This can only be achieved through the proportionality law,” he stressed.

The second pillar lies in preventing Lebanon from becoming a base or a route for others to serve their regional and international objectives, Qassem said.

Protecting our country through the army-people-resistance equation is a third pillar to confront the Israeli occupation and its threats, he said.

Qassem also called for serving the people through social and economic projects, the fourth pillar of state building.

Comments 38
Default-user-icon Fadi (Guest) over 12 years

Listen to this idiot, talking about preventing Lebanon from becoming a base for regional and international objectives, look in the mirror you d--kh--d.

Also the 2009 elections showed who the people of Lebanon wants and still this militis used militia like tactics to change the outcome, so what prevents that from happening again.

I would actually pay money just for you to shut up Qassem, you and your leader thats hiding.

Missing mustapha_ghalayini@yahoo.com over 12 years

army people is feasible and a must.. but army people faqih resistance is not..

Thumb primesuspect over 12 years

We don't need a defense strategy with the young padowan. Because if the young padowan and his masters don't attack Israel in the first place, israel won't attack us. Of course, wars and weapons are the raison d'être of the terrorists. How else could they justify their own existence in the eyes of the world and their own people?

Thumb geha over 12 years

no foreign intervention?
what about the constant syro/iranian intervention in every daysy's life?

Default-user-icon AmericanVoice (Guest) over 12 years

hahaha Israel won't attack us! Read History, Read Facts and Educate urself ignoramus!! Israel doesnt give a damn about you and ur entire country (nor do I FYI) but even I can acknowledge what Zionism, wake up zombie unplug urself and smell the conspiracies!!

Thumb benzona over 12 years


Thumb Chupachups over 12 years

Why do you need army people and resistance?

How about the resistance becomes part of the army, and we remove people from the equation because they want to live in peace??

in the current equation, the people are the ones getting hit the most.

Missing peace over 12 years

UN 425? lol... ask your syrian friends to hand the official documents to the UN proving shebaa is lebanese! till then shebaa is under UN 242! so if you want t o free shebaa ask hezb to make pressure on the syrians not the israelis...
the day the syrians will hand the official documents then the israelis will implement UN 424 as you say!

educate yourself i ve always told you!

Default-user-icon free citizen (Guest) over 12 years

Ya habibi, on which planet are u living? Are u high? U think HA gives a shit about shebaa?

Thumb geha over 12 years

why bother discussing with FT?
don't you realize he is " borne "?
he is like a mule with blinded eyes that is directed by his masters: no personal thinking, no view, nothing....
I suggest to let him be to his stupidity and not reply to him unless he starts to make sense.

Default-user-icon Justforonce (Guest) over 12 years

These guys in the south don't even want to see us anymore.
They built a wall not to see and hear us anymore...
A resistance against who in those conditions?!
Start moovin' on with our lives and make this country a sucess.

Missing peace over 12 years

the big difference ignorant FT is that when the syrian were in lebanon every single politician had to obey or else die(your puppet repeated it many times remember?)
now that the syrians are out they can act freely whereas YOUR party switch sides and now still lick their a...for money and privileges!
so habboub better shut up on that subject you are ridiculising urself once more accusing others of what your party is CURRENTLY doing! lol

Missing peace over 12 years

mowaten = what doesn t enter your head you and your hizb is that NO OFFICIAL documents were handed so far to the UN! so shebaa still is under UN242 not UN425... you understand?
so tell your terorist militia to go and ask assad for the documents ...

Default-user-icon haydar (Guest) over 12 years

I like it but let's call it what it is army, people, Iranian shiite Islamic resistance

Missing youssefhaddad over 12 years

We sure need a defense strategy against the true enemies of lebanon, the Syrian and the Iranian regimes.
Hezbollah obviously cannot belong in this strategy.

Missing ulpianus over 12 years

israel issue wont be solved for decades. Why are you "depending" our faith on the israel issue?

Let Lebanon rise again and put israel behind us. A strong army, with the resistance incorporated in it so that IN CASE israel decided to attack again, the whole country will unite against it.

Moreover, giving them NO excuses to attack us ( in form of weapons outside state authority) will give us more support from the rest of the world.

Lastly, we should build a wall on the whole border area in the south. In that way, we will have a propaganda victory, showing the world that we do not want war, but are only aiming for defence of our land.

Thumb bigsami over 12 years

Well said Ulpianus. The resistance, if that's what you really want to call it LOL, had Lebanon first in mind....it would work on unifying it's weapons & experience INTO/WITH the Lebanese army - period! They will be no better or higher in ranks/power then their fellow serviceman. Israel is not a threat. They no longer the threat we knew years and years ago. Lebanon is protected regardless of what HA likes to claim and use for their existence by the international community. If Israel dares do any thing foolish upon Lebanon they pretty much waged a war on the world (and likely the last war we all this during our lives). So let's cut the crap and BS. HA is not here for Lebanon vs. Israel but for Iran vs. Israel. These scums sold us out and would sell their soul to the devil if the price is right.

Default-user-icon Zoltan Hammouche (Guest) over 12 years

I am a March 14 supporter. I do not want a defense strategy. I do not want to properly fund the Lebanese army. I want to do whatever I can to please Israel and the US and Saudi Arabia and Jordan and anyone who befriends Israel. I want to kill everybody in Lebanon who opposes my views. I am for democracy, freedom and sovereignty but after we cleanse all those who oppose March 14. hooh haah

Missing cedars over 12 years

Bush once said: You are either with us or against us. Plain and simple.
Syria and Israel or Iran and USA will treat the Lebanon based on the elected Government, You either going to get the Army ammunition from Iran or USA otherwise parts, maintenance and logistics becomes a nightmare for the soldiers and security forces.
You need a partner and can't be independent on protecting the land. USA needs Israel and Iran needs you to execute their agenda.

Missing rami over 12 years

Mark his words:
“We should be independent and free and not followers”
"preventing Lebanon from becoming a base or a route for others to serve their regional and international objectives"

Where does Iran stand behind those two sentences? Only brainwashed people would believe this.

Default-user-icon Democracy (Guest) over 12 years

Since they like their weapons so much and probably wont relinquish them, And since the weapons are at for the Lebanese, they say, Why not put the resistance weapons under the control of a paramilitary force, a purely lebanese organisation whose leaders are elected by the lebanese people?? instead of the weapons being under the whim of Hassan Nasrallah?

Thumb joeleb over 12 years

The problem with your formula is that the people are sick of war, the army should be the one defending the country, and Hizbullah is a militia that has no respect for the country or its people, and it should not be part of any equation. As long as Hizbullah is in existance, the Lebanese will always be frowned upon, humiliated at airports etc. The thing is every Lebanese is paying for Hizbullahs actions, whether in war or through the economy or through anything else.
Secondly you hypocrite, no outside intervention? you swear by Iran and syria more than you do by Lebanon, you defend them more than you defend Lebanon, you are ready to ruin Lebanon for their sake. Don't talk about foreign intervention! And if you are so insistant on the "army-people-resistance" equation, before you make any moves on behalf of us, you should ask the opinion of the army and the people!
Oh and by the way, the majority of the people don't want you to be part of the equation, we don't identify with scum.

Default-user-icon go sit on you pillar (Guest) over 12 years

Qassem: "The second pillar lies in preventing Lebanon from becoming a base or a route for others to serve their regional and international objectives"

Quds Force Qassem Suleimani said, in quotes published by Iranian news agency ISNA: "Iran is now also present in southern Lebanon and Iraq.. In fact, those areas are in a way influenced by the Islamic Republic of Iran's performance and thinking."

Iraqi Sadr Movement headed by Cleric Sayyed Muqtada Al Sadr rebuked, on Friday, Iranian Quds Forces Commander Qassim Suleimani for declaring that Iraq is subject to Iran’s will and that there is a potential to form an Islamic government in Iraq. These statements are unacceptable, Sadr Movement argued assuring that it doesn’t allow any pretext to interfere in Iraqi internal affairs. “Sadr Movement rejects and doesn’t tolerate Suleimani’s statements which it regarded as unacceptable”

Sadr's movement showed true honor and patriotism unlike Nasrallah's party.

Thumb shab over 12 years

Shove your equation. religion is poison

Thumb extramildcake over 12 years

Even though a lot of you criticize Hezbollah (and have many good points), you have to remember that the Hezbollah militant that's in the grass with bullets and drones flying over him doesn't deserve your hatred. He's fighting for freedom. Can any of you go out there and risk your life against one of the best-trained armies in the world? His party might not be the best thing and might have many errors, but he as a person is a freedom fighter and I have to respect that.

Missing people-power over 12 years

Weak sauce

Missing youssefhaddad over 12 years

This is all wasted energy. The militants are the victims too because they are drafted to give their lives for the protection of the Iranian regime and to some extent the syrian regime.
Diplomacy has been effective in keeping the lebanese Israeli borders quite as proven since 2006.
All the "Resistance" is doing falls in the plan to turn Lebanon into a vessel province of the Khomeiny republic.

Missing peace over 12 years

"trust the other. as simple and corny as it might sound." lol! trusting hezb is like when france and england trusted hitler that he would not wage war in europe!
you are going to say in a few time from now "if only i had known"!

what a great brainwashing job FPM did on you! bravo!

Missing ulpianus over 12 years

FT. Arguing that diplomacy did not remove clusterbombs is a valid argument.

...If you accept my argument: Resistance did not remove aids. So resistance fails.

Truely, Diplomacy stopped Lebanon for being more damaged in 2006. Mostly, the world stood on the Lebanese side and felt pity for this little "every now and then wartorn country".

Specielly, as what israel did was against International Law. It helps having the law on your side..

Thumb thepatriot over 12 years

What fight ya extramild? Firing at the practice range in the sewer??

Default-user-icon kalb kalb (Guest) over 12 years

great vision. He just off the phone with his perian advisers

Default-user-icon Commenti (Guest) over 12 years

"Your comment will be displayed after administrator approves it"

i wish i could believe you

Default-user-icon Alex (Guest) over 12 years

What about the over 4000 illegal oveflites into Lebanon by Israel since 2006? Do we have to live with that? Until you make your army strong enough that Israel won't dare even do that then this equation will remain....look at naher elbared ...the free syrian army is better equipped than our army is now...

Default-user-icon 142-158 (Guest) over 12 years

General Aoun 2002: "the resistance ‎‎(Hezbollah) has prolonged the time of occupation. There was a proposal ‎from Israel in ‎‏1994‏‎. Would the Lebanese government tell us why at that time it withdrew from ‎the negotiations when the Israeli proposal for withdrawal was ‎submitted".‎

Thumb beiruti over 12 years

"We should be independent and free and not followers,” Qassem said, calling on the Lebanese to build their future without any foreign intervention.
He also said from behind weapons supplied by Iran which are used upon the instruction of the Iranians who supplied the weapons, trained the Hezbollah fighters and pays their salaries.
Hypocrit is your name.

Default-user-icon he's free up to a point (Guest) over 12 years

naiim's talk about being free Independence and not follow, it reminded me of what hassan said the other day that he does not think the ayatollah will tell hezballah to attack israel if iran is attacked, ouf that's really fortunate and reassuring from hassan.. unless the ayatollah decides to tell hezballah to attack israel if iran is attacked i think that where hassan's Independence and freedom becomes yessah massah will do right away and who needs bridges anyway.

Missing nickvegas over 12 years

why we want a resistance ,and why we should protect it? we are not under any threats if we are there is our army and the united nation,plus we can do good relation with other countries take an example dubia its rich very rich country does they suffer from any political problems knowing it is small country ant not an strong armed country/.

we are in time we should think about our future our kids future,there is economic war no military one.and we have enough more than 30 years of bombing and killing kidnapping and very bad news every since and than.

Missing peace over 12 years

of course hezb doesn t want to integrate the army!
1/ they do not work for the state of lebanon but for iran and are their army here.
2/ handing over their weapons would mean the end for them: no more possibility of blackmailing the gvt, no more possibility to scare the shia to support them!
3/ they would have to obey the laws and receive them from the state of lebanon not from iran!