Report: Judiciary to Release New Group of Islamists within Two Days


The Lebanese Judiciary will release within two days a new group of Islamists, who are detained in Roumieh prison, al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Sources told the daily that the prisoners will be released by Thursday.

The National News Agency reported later that 81 Islamists submitted their release requests.

Last week, reports said that authorities will release fourteen Islamists but only nine were discharged from the prison.

The judiciary is exerting efforts to speed up the legal process of around 180 Islamists after their relatives and supporters launched sit-ins in the northern city of Tripoli demanding their release.

The Islamists were detained on charges of fighting alongside Fatah al-Islam terrorist network or helping it in its gunbattles with the Lebanese army in 2007 at the Nahr al-Bared northern Palestinian refugee camp.

Comments 3
Thumb thepatriot almost 12 years

No thanx! Judge'em and keep in the sentenced ones!

Default-user-icon Wadad (Guest) almost 12 years

I don't understand why they're being released.

Thumb thepatriot almost 12 years

no ya ya habibi... we do not feel that it is our government because alliances changed, and voices of the people that elected a side, by the will of a few elected individuals, changed sides. It is a hold up on the peoples votes and decision. This is not the people's government.

...and when I say "will"...hahaha...I should say the threat of your beloved hezb on scared MP's... :)