Journalist Abu Fadel Attacked by Protesters at Masnaa


Journalist Joseph Abu Fadel was attacked by protesters on Thursday in the Masnaa-Bar Elias area, said various media reports.

They said that his car came under fire as it was passing through the area.

LBCI television said that his car was pelted by rocks.

Al-Jadeed television later contacted Abu Fadel who informed it that he was wounded in the hand.

He added that the windows of his car were broken in the assault, but that he succeeded in running over four of the protesters.

Their condition remains unknown.

The journalist accused takfiris and Mustaqbal movement supporters of being behind the attack.

In addition, he angrily accused President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati, and various security agencies of failing to take any action in tackling security incidents in the country.

The Masnaa-Bar Elias road was blocked in retaliation to Thursday’s blocking of the airport road, said various media reports.

Comments 9
Thumb geha over 11 years

and ther you go: one incident from one side and another from the other, and ... civil war is here.
let us prepare our weapons as sad as such an eventuality is. we have to defend ourselves frm what the syro/iranians are preparing for us.

Default-user-icon Accuser (Guest) over 11 years

Nothing can excuse an attack like this!

However :

Do you accuse them of failing to take action against the Moqdad thugs ?

Why don't you accuse the Defense Minister & Interior Ministor for failing to provide security, gather and jail these thugs whether in Masnaa or the airport road.

While your at it ...

Accuse Gebran Bassil of failing to provide electricity and resolve the situation ...

Accuse Sehnaoui of failing to provide proper communication ...

Accuse Hezbollah and Aoun of creating this situation in the first place by supporting the syrian regime !

Default-user-icon shemmameh (Guest) over 11 years

They attacked him after he ran over four of them with his car, how dare they block his road to Damascus. I mean really, who do they think they are, Shiites! Besides General Ali Mamlouk was waiting for him with a fresh batch of explosives and Joe knows that the General hates to wait!

Or maybe they just wanted to get to that delicious yellow flesh inside that melon of his.

Missing midan over 11 years

Can someone please explain what this is about?
i dont understand the dialect, nor what happened to result to wat u see in the clip.

Thumb benzona over 11 years

This journalist saw the badges of the thugs, it was written mustaqbal... Yeah right. Masnaa is a stronghold of Shia...

Thumb Bandoul over 11 years

Moustanka3 el zou3ran...rajja3touna miyet sinneh la wara ya wled el 7aram....the world is watching us ya 7ayawanet....while the Party of Satan is dancing with joy. This is what they want, baddon yilho el 3alam la 7atta y7addro el 7arb ma3 Israel...wled el 7aram....

Thumb shab over 11 years

" but that he succeeded in running over four of the protesters" Murder attempt. Arrest him.

Missing midan over 11 years

Why did someone put a thumbs down for my question.. ?

WEIRD! i simply asked what was the argument over in the video, since i dont understand arabic that well..

does everyone read wat ppl comment here?

Default-user-icon wasat (Guest) over 11 years

President Sleiman and PM Miquati are bad for Lebanon. Not because they are doing something, but because they are doing nothing. They should have stopped the miqdad too and those that blocked the highways in Jounieh or occupied the Electricity buildings. Sleiman and Miquati are enjoying the prestige of the post without serving. My sympathy goes to Mr. Abou Fadel and to all civilians suffering in Lebanon.