WikiLeaks: Feltman Says Strida Geagea isn’t Embarrassed by Making Anti-Islamic Statements


MP Strida Geagea said that former U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman’s stances are pro-Islamic, according to a leaked U.S. embassy cable published in al-Akhbar newspaper on Friday.

“I wanted to ask him about his feelings” toward Muslims after September 11, Strida stated.

Feltman said that “Strida isn’t ashamed of making anti-Islamic statements,” according to the WikiLeaks cable.

The U.S. ambassador held a meeting with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea and his wife Strida to discuss the ownership of the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International (LBCI).

Strida remarked that Pierre Daher, LBCI chairman, still claims to be a loyal friend to Samir Geagea, according to the released cable.

“At least one of the Geagea family (members) still has a militia mentality,” Feltman said. During the meeting Strida appeared as a “decisive person” over several issues.

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Default-user-icon Naim (Guest) 12 years

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