One Killed, Other Wounded in Armed Dispute in Bekaa


One person was killed on Thursday in an armed dispute in the Bekaa region, reported the National News Agency.

It said that Ali Suleiman al-Moussawi was killed in the town of Masa in the outskirts of the town of Ali al-Nahri when a man identified as M.T. opened fire at him and his brother Hussein.

Hussein was wounded in his back and leg and transferred to Riyaq Hospital.

The gunman has since fled the scene.

The reasons for the clash remain unknown.

Comments 3
Thumb shab over 11 years

always the same sect

Thumb LEBhasNOhope over 11 years

what a shoker!

Missing gabby12 over 11 years

Ali from Ali......what a shock. Fighting over a load of drugs stolen from Hizbcocaine probably. M.T.???? Hmmmm let me guess what the "M" stands for.