Foreign Ministry Receives 6,733 Expatriate Requests to Vote in 2013 Elections


The Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that Lebanese consulates and embassies have received several requests by expatriates to vote in the 2013 parliamentary elections.

So far, 2,733 expatriates have submitted requests at 46 foreign missions, while 40 other missions have not yet received any requests.

The government approved in August a parliamentary electoral law based on proportional representation and 13 districts.

The March 14-led opposition and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat voiced their rejection of the law.

Parliamentary electoral subcommittees convened on Tuesday in order to discuss electoral laws and reach an agreement over a new one in order to ensure that the elections, set for June, are held on time.

Comments 6
Thumb jabal10452 over 11 years

2733? That's it?
Tragic if true! I was expecting a number in the six figures!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope over 11 years

6733 out of millions? tragic no matter how you look at it. whether falsified or true.

Missing peace over 11 years

stupid comment as usual from sissy boy

Thumb primesuspect over 11 years

I didnt contact my consulate. I want a free ticket. jajajajajaja

Thumb Chupachups over 11 years

would love to be able to vote, but wth... at least give us some proper info about it!!.. don't just push it under the rug..

Thumb cedar over 11 years

the reason is because everyone wants free tickets to fly to lebanon!