'Personal Dispute' Turns into Gunfight in Tyre


A dispute between men from the southern city of Tyre and the town of Bazourieh to its east turned into a gunfight, terrorizing the residents, the state-run National News Agency reported Thursday.

NNA said that the “personal dispute” started between two men at midnight Wednesday but later expanded to include their relatives and friends.

The gunmen from both sides clashed with handguns and Kalashnikov rifles in Tyre's Jumblat roundabout. The fighting did not cause any casualties, it said.

The residents of Tyre, who were terrorized by the fighting, contacted security forces, which along with an army patrol arrived swiftly to the area.

But the gunmen escaped before their deployment, the agency said.

It added that the security forces and the military launched an investigation to identify the suspects.

Southern Lebanon is a Hizbullah stronghold.

Comments 3
Thumb primesuspect 11 years

i'm sure they know exactly who's behind the shootings.... they have yellow flags with green text on it and the drawing of an AK47.

Missing samiam 11 years

mowaten, you are quick to jump to conclusions when the other side is involved, but when something makes more sense, like a dispute between individuals in an area dominated by shi'a and in HA's backyard, you are quick to dismiss.

if you want to be a sherlock, then do it in every case, otherwise you are showing your true hypocritical ways.

Missing allouchi 11 years

Amal and Hizb thugs ...what a shame!!!