Geagea Lauds Suleiman's Speech, Slams Hizbullah for 'Launching War' on Lebanon


Lebanese Forces leader Geagea called on Sunday for support to President Michel Suleiman and hinted that the rocket attacks on the Baabda area this week came from a Hizbullah stronghold.

Suleiman's speech on Army Day was “purely constitutional,” Geagea told Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) in an interview.

“It urges support to the president and we are the first to do so,” he said.

“For the first time in 25 years we feel that we have a president,” Geagea said about Suleiman, who on his Army Day speech stressed that it was time for the state to become the sole-decision maker on the use of force.

Suleiman also criticized Hizbullah for “going beyond Lebanon's borders” by helping Syrian troops battle rebels seeking to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Geagea stressed that it was a waste of time to hold dialogue with Hizbullah, which he described as “totalitarian.”

“It is a strategic party” which is “launching war on Lebanon, the Lebanese and the state of Lebanon,” he said. “As a Lebanese citizen, I don't accept for the party to take any strategic decisions on my behalf.”

Geagea hinted he would continue to boycott the national dialogue if the all-party talks under Suleiman resumed at Baabda palace.

“Dialogue with Hizbullah means that we agree to its proposals,” he mocked. “Let those who want to try it out take such a move.”

Turning to the latest rocket attacks on the area of Baabda, Geagea said the attacks came only hours after the speech made by Suleiman on Thursday.

“Up till now, military experts haven't found the launchpads,” the LF chief said, adding that there was information that the rockets were placed on trucks in the areas of Dohat Aramoun and Bshamoun.

“They were launched from areas that come under the military control of a certain party,” he told VDL.

“Who has the ability to move freely” in those areas? Geagea wondered, saying he would leave it to the Lebanese people to decide on the answer, in a hint to Hizbullah's involvement in the attacks.

He called for “strong judicial measures” to arrest the perpetrators.

Comments 39
Default-user-icon Shahpur Khandakyar (Guest) almost 11 years

We thought Dr. Arreet 7akeh took Sundays off to rest! I guess when it comes to art 7akeh, there is no stopping the Grand Doc of Bull whose words do fall on deaf ears like a big load of stupidities to which, his followers, Drs. Arteena Satleh bounce and clap like the retards that they are. wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati bou la2a sakhif ma elo e3tibar?

Missing greatpierro almost 11 years

Ok you do not like the guy but what have you got to say about his speech.

Default-user-icon Lavon Bikkard (Guest) almost 11 years

I am not sure if art 7akeh can be classified as speech, especially by one doc who never wavers even though he has been wrong throughout and nothing he ever predicted materialized and everything he criticized he did worse himself. alla yer7amak ya bassel ya damen amn al moujtama3 al massi7i bi art el 7akeh ya batal falso

Default-user-icon Lavon Bikkard (Guest) almost 11 years

You have no respect for poetry.

Thumb general_puppet almost 11 years

“Dialogue with Hizbullah means that we agree to its proposals,” he mocked. “Let those who want to try it out take such a move.”... its called “Dialogue Hizbullah Style", all talk and everything stays the same.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan almost 11 years

a close relative of Gangnam style...and a distant cousin of the Harlem shake.

Missing helicopter almost 11 years

Dialogue seems to be the venue to choose the most hostile and strongest opponents to prioritize names on the upcoming assassination list.

Thumb phoenician almost 11 years

Well said Geagea, the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Partition please.

Missing --karim_m3 almost 11 years

Geagea isn't anywhere close to the truth, but I agree with your second statement. Time to partition Lebanon.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan almost 11 years

thumbs up the1

Default-user-icon Guthix (Guest) almost 11 years

I have fought with my friends for a long time saying that partitioning is giving up on Lebanon. But every day, every time I watch the news and hear some of the rhetoric coming out of some parts of the country, I become more and more convinced that its all been an illusion. We wouldn't be giving up on anything, since that notion of unified Lebanon was never there to begin with. Sure you can find it in the major cities and in some rare areas, but the truth is that we do not all share the same vision for this country.. not even close.

Partition please.

We would all be so much happier and more peaceful with each other if we had our own space. We are all Lebanese siblings, but fuck sharing this room.

Thumb Senescence almost 11 years

Partition isn't the way unless you're talking about federalism.

Lebanon was partitioned before, in the times of the Phoenicians, and all the statelets wanted was the destruction of neighboring stateless. Endless disputes and endless hatred. Same as now can't you see? It's the lack of a competent central authority that is at the core of the problem.

Default-user-icon Bakhir Demayel (Guest) almost 11 years

More is required of Dr. Arreet 7akeh in his never-ending act of repentance to our great good-for-nothing corrupt president-by-parachute for the insults by the Grand Doc of Bull towards El Presidente Magnificante as evidenced in, among other places, WIKI-FRIGGIN-LEAKS. wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati mkhashkhash khedou 3a jadbaneh?

Missing ___-wolf-___ almost 11 years

Go back to your Jail cell for the attacks on the LAF & the slaughter of fellow Christians , remember ?
Who let you out anyway ?
Signed Wolf .

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan almost 11 years

he can talk ghas bin 3anak and all the likes of you. did he do some bad things? sure.. did berri? YES.. did Jumblatt? YES... did HA? YES... he is the only one out of all our warlords that paid any price.. he stayed when he could have put on his pajamas and run..
im not with this guy.. but at least he stood up to his principles. he handed in his militias weapons when he could have kept them..
so go point your fingers at someone who didnt pay any price for their crimes.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan almost 11 years

11 years is 11 years more than anyone else paid from the warlords who killed, dealt in drugs and destroyed as much as he did. Aoun was not the prime minister of Lebanon according to our constitution and international opinion, and used the LAF as his personal militia, so they are dealt with as a militia.

No, it is because the cabinets were made in Syria that he refused to join them. you should study your history.

i couldnt care a less if you think i am with him or not.

At least he gave them up one way or the other, and did not hang on to them like HA to keep his edge over the state,

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan almost 11 years

correction.. used the part of the LAF that stayed with him, going against our constitution and our elected govt of the time.

Missing --karim_m3 almost 11 years

Doesnt this khaliji puppet do anything but bark?

Missing helicopter almost 11 years

During the war, his fighters were all *100%) Lebvanese, while the opponents were made up of Syrians, Palestinians, and all form of Jihadist Arabs ..... and you dare to call him khaleeji ya non-Lebanese in heart and soul, you Karim.

Missing --karim_m3 almost 11 years

Phoenix, thank you for sharing your point of view. I agree with you in principle on many things, certain politicians notwithstanding. I think Geagea is more interested in scoring political points than in consolidating the rule of law, otherwise he shouldn't have been criticizing the LAF after they destroyed Assir's terrorist nest. In reply to your other point, I do not have any "Sunni opponents". When I criticize Wahabists and Al Qaeda sympathizers in Lebanon I am not implying the average Sunni.

Let those who care about Saudi Arabia, terrorism, Wahabism, and Arabism live together, let those who care about Iran to live together, and let those who care about Lebanon to live together. Geagea does not represent this point of view, and therefore, does not represent me either.

Have a good day Phoenix. You're a decent fellow.

Missing samiam almost 11 years

wow--more jewish/zionist words from hizb iran supporters

must pay to get a good education, but they settle on cheap indoctrination instead..

Missing zahle_night1 almost 11 years

Geagea for president!!

Oh did I say Geagea for president? You DAMN right I did...

Geagea for president!!

Default-user-icon Frank (Guest) almost 11 years

This guy forgot when the Lebanese government was being governed by General Aoun what he did. He fought the Army and demolished the Christian heartland incl. Baabda & Keserwan and sided with the Syrians against the legitimate government. This guy is a foll just like others and was taken out of prison so foolish maronites and other christians are pursuaded to follow the KSA policy on Lebanon and Syria. Geagea Lebanese followers need to wake up ... these are crucial times for them and their country. Luckily enough the majority of Lebanese incl. the Christians of Liban are awake and certinaly disgusted by this impotent luciferic soul.

Missing ___-wolf-___ almost 11 years

Oh I forgot to sign off FROM FRANK ( guest)


Missing ___-wolf-___ almost 11 years

No yah LF its Wolf !
Signed Wolf ....

Thumb cedre almost 11 years

lads, u speak of partition, but on which borders ?

Thumb Senescence almost 11 years

Phoenician laid out a pretty good map of things, maybe you should ask of him to post about technicalities again.

Thumb cityboy almost 11 years

the1phoneix, I used to respect a good number of your views but unfortunately I think you secretly had an agenda on this board, while you used to come across as a moderate now I believe you are nothing more than a mouth piece to those that think Lebanons ills are strictly due to Hezbollah while neglecting to look at your own side. Furthermore, your sectarian talk that it is the Muslims that are holding back Lebanon from being a successful state is utter garbage. I for one was born shia and I am the first to self criticize my sect but that doesn't mean we don't hold high regard and love to Lebanon. We infact wish there was no need for Hezbollah just as much as any one, So go on, create your separate Christian state if that makes you feel more patriotic.

Missing helicopter almost 11 years

In defense of the1phoenix, his posts are still moderate, but since yours are not, you got disappointed because he is including HA in his criticism nowadays ........ you only want him to bash the other side. Read his posts again and maybe this time you will see what you missed.

Default-user-icon Horratsio Fangalar (Guest) almost 11 years

As a good Naharnet pen-friend (FT) says in the language that Drs. Arteena Satleh can comprehend: bleez boot 7akim four brazidont (sorry for butchering the words as I have not been trained as well enough as FT in the language of the mentally-challenged).

Default-user-icon Lavon Bikkard (Guest) almost 11 years

FT, if you read their scribblings on Naharnet (and I am sure elswhere, too), these mentally-challenged bozos are calling for the country's partition! I bet you that if this were to happen, their canton will be named Habilonia and the Grand Doc of Bull will occupy the Tower of Habil.

Missing pureleb almost 11 years

President Sulieman is the second best president that Lebanon ever had. First best martyr Bachir Gemayel. President Sulieman to many Lebanese is Bachir. Good for u Hakim for saying it like it is

Thumb Senescence almost 11 years

Indeed. He is as good a president as the Taef permits him to be.

Missing pureleb almost 11 years

Good point Arzakyalibnan. However I don't agree with u that he is a criminal all what he did was defending himself and the LF. Were mistakes made absolutely and many but we had a war like no other

Missing zahle_night1 almost 11 years

the1phoenix, I just wish we were all like you... Including myself...
You have the courage to say what you think is right, and keep your cool.. I find this hard to do.. Thumps up to you bro...

Default-user-icon i-4n-i (Guest) almost 11 years

Phoenix as I profile him is a person who lived the war, suffered the war, bandaged his wounds and moved on. lived abroad and saw how silly it is to have a civilized world but for Lebanese ,who call themselves " the smartest people" in the world, can't run and rule a country that is not bigger than a farm in Texas or a block in china.i can relate,living the same experience.

Missing greatpierro almost 11 years

What is this Saudi Arabia finger pointing? Ok let's assume Saudi is involved and some Lebanese seek their support. On the other side is it not M8 seeking blatant support of irfan and Syria? Why is it good to have Iranian support rather than Saudi support. Is it not time for us to seek each other's support and drop all foreign support.

Default-user-icon i-4n-i (Guest) almost 11 years

u want HA to fight " Lebanese" again ? hmmm do u know that even some shiaa would fight for Lebanon than fight for HA ? let's say I am wrong, I care less about HA, but if they wanna fight Lebanese, my army suit is still in my closet, I will put it one more time, and trust me, if u think HA are elite fighters, there are thousands folds elites in hiding willing to defend Lebanon,stop barking, put ur guns away

Default-user-icon Lavon Bikkard (Guest) almost 11 years

gabbaguybo, the president will expend his "fantastic speech" at Bank al Iflas al Watani. I hope they have enough dough in exchange.