Raad: Govt. Lacking Real Representation of Country Components is Out of the Question


Head of Hizbullah's Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc MP Mohammed Raad on Sunday stressed that “the formation of a cabinet that does not reflect the real political weight of the country's main components is something totally out of the question."

Raad called on the political forces “not to commit a big mistake that might harm the country and hit society with further disintegration,” reiterating that Lebanon needs “a cabinet in which political forces are represented according to their parliamentary weight.”

“Let us put aside the debate over the one-third veto power and other issues, as the only way to achieve consensus and understanding is this representation in cabinet,” Raad said, adding that “any other approach means that the country is still hinging on foreign bets while we want the cabinet to reflect the honest national will.”

The Hizbullah lawmaker urged all Lebanese to "reconsider and reevaluate their calculations and thoroughly mull whether or not their bets have failed.”

“They must reassess their behavior towards their partners in the country and to agree with them on means to boost national unity and build a national strategy,” Raad added.

Comments 17
Missing samiam over 10 years

wow, you are a tool and an m8 mininion--your masters must be proud.

As for your assessments, they are exactly what your hizb iran masters tell you--well done. It involves ZERO thinking on your part and maximum rationalization on your leader's part. congrats.

As for your m8/m14 'assessment', you are 100% wrong and it is due to your binary programing, to keep it simple for the unwashed. If someone isn't for being pro hizb iran and pro iran, then he is automatically m14. It doesn't occur to you that some people want to live in peace and not with hizb iran's arms pointed at them.

Thumb lebnanfirst over 10 years

HA is worried that a neutral government might just path the confidence vote in the parliament and even if it didn't they don't want a تصريف اعمال government which is not under their control.
They are afraid of loosing control plain and simple. They know most Lebanese are now not on their side especially after they involved us in Syria. All other talk by HA about unity is but a smokescreen.
HA is fast loosing its reason d'être and they know it.

Thumb general_puppet over 10 years

The M8 Thugs are all the same, they want things to stay the way they are.

"reconsider and reevaluate their calculations and thoroughly mull whether or not their bets have failed.”... Nasarallah and the Iranian militia are the ones betting on their partner Assad.

Missing peace over 10 years

i wonder what elections are for if in the end they demand that everyone to be represented! LOL
better off no elections , designate people by force and there we go! typical nazi like attitude, no wonder coming from hezbis!

Missing peace over 10 years

seems you do not understand a thing... but no wonder from narrow minded fpmers...

Thumb lebnanfirst over 10 years

They do get proportional representation in the Bundestag not in the executive. Small omit ion, BIG difference!

Thumb lebnanfirst over 10 years

Nowhere were Shiites mentioned in my comment nor were they the topic of my response to you. You brought Germany's election as an example and my response to that specifically.

Since you insist on twisting things, there are more blacks in the US than are represented in the US executive government. Using your logic, blacks then should have their "weight" represented. Stop calling people names and learn some respect.

Missing peace over 10 years

LOL Ft and his sense of "democracy"... so according to your logic and hezbi one it only means that any gvt formed will have the same number of ministers according to sect percentage, meaning why should people vote if the gvts will always be the same!!
we have seen what hezbi did when their ministers resigned: a fatwa forbidding ANY chia to get the place... so even if a chia is pro M14 hezbis will never accept him! so your "sect" representation is just PURE HYPOCRISY....
democracy the M8 way!

Missing peace over 10 years

on the contrary hypocrit FPMer .... i am pro democracy , and for a gvt ELECTED by the people... if they want M8 to rule so be it, if they want M14 so be it but for the whole mandate and no coup d'état like FPM and hezbis are used to when it does not suit them....

but thx for showing your true nazi like figure...against people's will... no wonder you support regimes like iran or syria.....

Missing peace over 10 years

DEMOCRACY is electing those you want , not IMPOSE them...

Missing peace over 10 years

facts are that only M8 claims that M14 sponsors terrorism... facts are that hezbis are in syria in the name of their party... NO people are in syria in the name of M14, just in their names! LOL....

but you can claim whatever you want, facts are that M14 is in favor of the baabda declaration, Hezbis are NOT! thus they do not respect their own gvt.... that is a FACT!

Missing peace over 10 years

who cares about the poor only hypocrit politicians to gain their vote? otherwise they do not care all of them :)

Missing people-power over 10 years

Yes idiot, we understand your version of democracy... does May 7 ring a bell???

How many Christians are part of M8 bloc? I'll give you a hint, it is less than the number of Christians in M14.

Missing people-power over 10 years

Tell me Fifi, how many Christians in M8?

I will take your lack of response as an admittance of being wrong (again).

Missing people-power over 10 years

Just as I expected Fifi. Admittance of defeat.

There are 29 Christian Parliamentarians in March 8 coalition, all from the Change and Reform Bloc. 19 of these 29 are from FPM.

Here's a link...


I'm right, you're wrong. Loser

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) over 10 years

I think this person is really insane. lebanon at this time is ruled by the wayward desires of HA. Sure it lacks representation because HA hijacked Lebanon's decision and is doing what it wants without returning to anyone except Iran. This country is really to hiss on. There's no logic in it. The Christians of Lebanon made this country a real country despite all the discrimination. At least we had prosperity and real peace. The coming of the Shia and with them HA, Lebanon has become a jungle and a lawless country dominated by a party that has no logic or reasoning. I yearn to the time when the Christians were the sole rulers of Lebanon.

Thumb Maxx over 10 years

Deport these Iranians back to their home country! We already have nearly half a million Palestinians in Lebanon, over a million Syrians, so the last thing we need is another half-million Iranian occupiers on our national soil!