Feltman Dubs Hizbullah 'Soldiers of Fortune,' Accuses it of Causing Sectarian Tensions


Jeffrey Feltman, U.N. under secretary general for political affairs, has described Hizbullah members fighting in Syria as “soldiers of fortune,” saying they have contributed to the rising sectarian tensions linked to Syria's war.

“Hizbullah’s role inside Syria, which is a violation of their own national government’s policy of disassociation, has been part of the fuel of the rising sectarian tensions that characterize this conflict,” Feltman told pan-Arab daily al-Hayat in an interview published on Friday.

Iran is “concerned about the implications of the sectarian aspects of the conflict in Syria, which has implications not only in Syria, it has implications beyond Syria,” he said. “We see it in Lebanon, we see it in Iraq, it has the potential to go even further.”

“The Iranians should be very interested in seeing an end to the fighting in Syria because that fighting in Syria is an engine – it provides momentum behind the sectarian conflict that can touch the entire region and the entire world,” Feltman, who was the former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon, said.

Asked about a peace conference the U.N. is trying to convene in Geneva late next month and why Hizbullah was not invited to it, Feltman said: “I look at Hizbullah as almost like soldiers of fortune supporting one side of this conflict, that they are not part of the political process that can lead to a solution.”

He stressed that Hizbullah is not a Syrian party that can decide on the country’s future.

Syria's opposition National Coalition is to meet November 9 to decide on the divisive issue of whether to take part in the peace talks. Last month, the Syrian National Council -- a key component of the Coalition -- insisted it would not attend the conference mooted for late November, sticking to its demand that President Bashar Assad's departure was essential.

A defiant Assad has shown no sign of backing down after a two-and-a-half-year civil war that has left more than 115,000 people dead, saying he was ready to run for re-election in 2014.

Hizbullah fighters have been instrumental in the regime's control of Syria's strategic town of al-Qusayr several months ago.

The party continues to fight alongside Assad's troops in several hotspots.

But Feltman told al-Hayat that the U.N. and the West are trying to promote a process based on the Geneva conference of last year “by which the Syrians, not Hizbullah and not foreign fighters on the Sunni side, are deciding the faith of Syria.”

As long as the fighting continues Hizbullah and Jabhat al-Nusra “have influence on what is happening on the ground,” he said.

“We want the Syrian people themselves to be the ones who are deciding Syria’s future,” he added.

Comments 42
Thumb general_puppet over 11 years

Feltman... you have it all wrong the militia thugs are not "Soldiers of Fortune", they are soldiers of the Ayatollah on a holy mission to prepare the way and defend the Iranian crescent.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

but of course, feltman's opinion is highly valued by stooge inc, he's the master's voice for m14.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

how surprising! the US saying bad things about hezbollah!

Missing peace over 11 years

not bad things, the truth only....truth that you deny to see... good brainwashing hezbi did on you to the point that you deny facts...

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

yea yea, feltman is your gospel truth, we know.

Thumb geha over 11 years

add soldiers of fortune, or soldiers for hire to this terrorist Iranian militia which is instigating sectarian feud accorss the middle east.
and then you have some tell you: but it is the other side..... ksa, usa, Israel and so on...
no, it is the sectarian extremist iran fueling all the tensions in the region through their will of hegemony on us.
they need to be eradicated starting by their terrorist militia hizbushaitan here in Lebanon.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower over 11 years

ROFL @ Jeffrey:))) Long Live The Islamic Secular Shia Only Resistance and its Soldiers of Hussain. Eat your heart out Mr. Felt-man. We, the Lebanese know the truth and let me tell you what the truth is: The resistance is the pride of the Shias in Lebanon, Iraq, Rabiyeh, Jabal Mohsen, and Syria. Where would we be if it were not for the resistance? Perhaps, working on the white man's plantations in Charlotte. Yes, The resistance is protecting the minorities such as Christian Aounis, Tashnaq Armenians, and Jabal Mohsen Alawis. The concept of the resistance is something alien to your way of thinking. You and your Wahabi Saudi Gaegaee allies believe in violence and chaos. We believe in life, nature, and the environment. These Soldiers of Fortune you refer to are the warriors that are fighting terrorism in Syria and soon in Kalamoun and Arsal. Karbalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mazloooooooooooooooom

Thumb general_puppet over 11 years

Hello RFT, and a Karbalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mazloooooooooooooooom to you as well!!
Did you catch the show yesterday, you're two name sakes got so carried away that they almost had a lovers quarrel on line :-)

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower over 11 years

Hello dearest g_p:)) peace be upon you... No, I did not unfortunately:) Evenings for me are busy with Alona and stuff. But, I am sure it was a show:)

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

g_p & rft: now kiss!

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

what do you know? sounds like you're very "intimate" with them lol

also, grow up ice-boy, sex is a normal thing between humans, ask your daddy about the bees and all.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

akh... some people will never understand a bit of sarcasm... would be okay if they weren't so convinced they're oh-so-funny and witty.

Thumb mckinl over 11 years

Wow ... more on board the HA bashing extravaganza. Sami Geagea, the former head of KSA security and now Feltman of the US.

In the end it will make little difference ... the KSA is running out of people to blame for their own crimes ...

Thumb geha over 11 years

you know you are amazing!
ksa crimes?
what about your masters crimes?
your baby killers are roaming from here to Damascus, killing, bombing, stealing, kidnapping,... and you dare to talk and accuse others of what you are doing?
what a hypocrite you and the likes of you are!

Thumb mckinl over 11 years

Yes ... KSA crimes ... including ALL of the chemical attacks in Syria and the planning of chemical attacks in Iraq ...

Thumb geha over 11 years

you are the funniest and probably the most stupid m8 here on this site :)
even Russia and iran and the Syrian regime admitted the Syrian regime used chemical weapons, here comes an imbecile trying to say the opposite :)
would have thought m8 would hire someone with a little bit of brains, but No I was wrong!
this is clearly the level of an m8 :)

Thumb general_puppet over 11 years

Run mckinl... the zionist bankers are coming and their bringing a militia of KSA wahabi cannibals with them.

Thumb mckinl over 11 years

@ geha

No ... Russia nd Iran did not blame Assad for the chemical attacks ... quite the contrary they blamed the KSA terrorists.

I imagine in the future Russia will not be so polite as to give cover by not mentioning the KSA directly ...

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

"even Russia and iran and the Syrian regime admitted the Syrian regime used chemical weapons"


what world do you live in ya geha!?!?!?! please please stop taking so much drugs!!!

Thumb geha over 11 years

Stupid FT:
KSA did not enter uninvited, they entered under the request of its leader, and under the GCC agreement.
trying constantly to twist reality:)
as for the chemical weapons: why did Russia and iran put all their pressure on assad to surrender tem?
again twisting the reality :)
stupid ! I call upon GOD to supply you with a little brain as you currently have none and think others are at your level.

Missing imagine_1979 over 11 years

Well mcknil i think that saddely it is just the begging, do u really think that nothing would happen? Hariri hawi kassir..all anti syrian gov killed and all they hv to say is that is is israel? Hezbollah going to jihad (protection of chia and sayedeh zainab is jihad just like sunby lunatics) and no repurcution on us? The are killing relatives of the milion syrian refugies we have and nothing happens? Guys from jabal mohssein were caught on camera man, on camera, putting the booby care that killed dozens in tripoli not that long ago and nothing woul happen? Samah caught in the act with bombs in his car and audio recordings and ali mamlouk (one of the comendatory wanted by our judicyary system meet the head of our general security and nothing would happen? Really man what do u expect to happen????

Missing imagine_1979 over 11 years

And now they even kill in daylight in front of iranian embassi and taken on pictures and nobodies worries them bc sayed hassan said it was spontane (3afawiyeh)??? Yes the guys were just passing there and afawiyann dressed in black, 3afawiyan put yellow rubans, expelled all journalist beet the protestors killed one and went home, and nothing will happen??? Really man?

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

hahaha, saudis are fearing for their mercenaries in qalamoun? how sad :)

but fyi, it does not include "conquering arsal", it includes securing the border to prevent the fleeing rodents to flee into arsal and flood it. that is what arsal's mayor himself asked for, even he knows that arsal cant withstand more terrorists.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

rofl, the kettle calling the pot black.

Missing peace over 11 years

"it includes securing the border to "

we have an army for that, but hezbi like you prefer it to be weak so they can justify the presence of this foreign militia on our soil....

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

the army is understaffed, under-equipped and paralyzed by political interferences.

as long as we have puppets of the US who cheer at feltman while his country forbids us to have decent weapons from because they want to keep the "balance" overwhelmingly favorable to israel, this wont change.

but don't worry, HA will cover for the gaps, and the army will allow because they know it serves a national purpose.

Thumb joker37 over 11 years

reminds me of deep purple - soldier of fortune

Thumb king.of.kings over 11 years

Feltman. I hope someday you will get a bullet in your heart.

Thumb mckinl over 11 years

What heart ?

Thumb mckinl over 11 years

What heart ?

Thumb Dr.I.Mughniyeh_theheadless over 11 years

Khtara3 el baroud Feltman, of course Hezbollah are Iranian mercenaries they are the Ayatollah's soldiers of fortune and they go wherever his revolutionary guards order them to go, why else did they go fight and die in Bosnia?

Thumb mckinl over 11 years

Why do NATO troops fight and die in Afghanistan?

They must be mercenaries ...

Thumb Dr.I.Mughniyeh_theheadless over 11 years

Clever, except the NATO troops are send there by their own respective governments unlike the Iranian mercenaries in Lebanon. You don't seem to understand the concept of mercenary.

Thumb mckinl over 11 years

@ W.Muallem

The US used plenty and still uses paid private contractors around the world for military, security and black ops operations including torture and assassinations. Would they be mercenaries?

Thumb Dr.I.Mughniyeh_theheadless over 11 years

Of course they are that's exactly the definition on a mercenary, you see now you are learning the difference bravo!

Thumb Dr.I.Mughniyeh_theheadless over 11 years

Very witty but you do realize Feltman in no longer the American ambassador now he speaks on behalf of the UN and I don't recall them spying on their allies. Besides other than the odd poster of the Saudi king you don't see foreigners plastered in walls of pro M14 areas unlike their countrymen in M8. Hezballah swears allegiance to the two Ayatollahs with huge posters all over their area not the mention the billboards of the Qatari emir before he fell out of favor. The rest of M8 worship the two Syrian presidents as gods, thanking them for occupying them and murdering their compatriots. But I guess invading, occupying, jailing "brothers" and spying on a "sisterly" nation in fine.

Thumb Dr.I.Mughniyeh_theheadless over 11 years

So in your mind "American, therefore an American mouthpiece", brilliant!
Tell me exactly when did you damage your brain, do you still recall? Or maybe that's how you came from the factory, marked irregular.

Thumb Dr.I.Mughniyeh_theheadless over 11 years

Feltman is not nor was ever America's representative at the UN, whoever told you to post this is trying to make you look foolish.. foolish-er. He is no longer affiliated with the US state department.
But you know what I like you game better:
Adbel Halim Khaddam, ex-Syrian foreign minister and vice president, therefore mouthpiece for Syria.
Ban Ki-moon, ex-South Korean foreign minister, therefore mouthpiece for South Korean.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, ex-Egyptian foreign minister, therefore mouthpiece for Egypt.
Lakhdar Brahimi, ex-Algerian foreign minister, therefore mouthpiece for Algeria.
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, ex-president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, surely Iran's mouthpiece , right?
When your mom was told she can juggle work and the kids she shouldn't have taking literally, dropping a child on the head over and over will cause him to suffer from the symptoms you are presenting with.

Missing allouchi over 11 years

God Bless the USA and Lebanon...

Thumb Lebanon4life over 11 years

My dear friends khalass !!! Look what's going on in Lebanon don'T you see that our politicans are manipulating us ? No matter which camp be it M 14 or M 8 they are both useless and should be banished from politics. There you the ones that only care about their "resistance" and Syrian-Iran axis and on the other side mostly saudi sponsored politicans . There are for sure some exceptions in both blocs . But still their stupid reliance on foreign powers has caused this standstill in Lebanon. Why should we be concerned with this fucking war in syria if nobody had intervened we would have be an oasis of peace. It is time to make up your mind and stop supporting those useless garbage politicans really !! 40 years same shit in Lebanon and nothing ever changes time to get ridd of them

Missing peace over 11 years

funny to see FT criticizing the US when his idol used to say that there were NO shame in asking US help...
"Les Americains tablent sur l'experience democratique des Libanais sur le pluralisme, sur le dialogue entre les civilisations que l'on retrouve chez nous... Mais malheureusement, au Liban, on ne fait pas la difference: les Americains veulent lutter contre le terrorisme et ne provoquent pas, comme on les accuse, ce que l'on appelle un choc des civilisations. En realite, ce sont les integristes musulmans qui sont hostiles aux autres civilisations aussi bien musulmane, chretienne que bouddhiste; ce ne sont pas les Americains qui appellent au Jihad. "
magazine 24 10 03...
funny now how FPMers spit on the USA, but praise them when they need them. typical cowardish people....
i guess aoun had the right to do so, but M14 doing the same thing are zionists or traitors! LOL
double standards as usual.....

Missing peace over 11 years

funny because you find each day a new head coach for M14, accordinng to your delusions of the day...
make up your mind or go and see a doctor to treat your schizophrenia....