Jumblat Discusses Latest Developments with Iran’s Ambassador

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat discussed on Thursday the latest regional and international developments with Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Ghazanfar Roknabadi, reported the National News Agency.
The meeting was held in the presence of Transportation and Public Works Minister Ghazi al-Aridi.
Roknabadi presented Jumblat with an invitation from Iran’s Speaker Ali Larijani to attend the fifth international conference to support the Palestinian “Intifada”, which will be held in Tehran on October 1 and 2, NNA said.

We really need a wake-up call for the whole nation.

We really need a wake-up call for the whole nation.

Well someone has to pay the salaries!. I never would have thought I would say this but jumblat is a claoun wannabe. You cannot go any lower than that!!

Jumblat is comparable to a cat, not a dog, he changes masters in accordance to his interests, now his new masters are the syrians and iranians, but this time i think it will be his last ones.

Which is the devil's kiss and which is the ass kiss?

it's obvious that some so called "readers" here are nothing but domestic traitors or persons inside the occupied palestine who work for zionist army information war department. It is well known that zionists employ groups thzat do nothing all day but just shitting all over the web, on forums, blogs, and places like these. you can recognize them easy, they have working time when they shit on this page. just check when "bashir" and similar creatures operate. Although they is a lot of nicknames, this is most probably one person, some stupid nerd jew who thinks he makes a difference in the world.
There is a point here: you are irrelevant.
So i would like to appeal to people not to argue with them, just after his posts write "zionist detected".

You know I really understand the brain washing method they have used on this guy calling himself cabal amel. Have you heard of the expression if it rained in China someone turned the faucet. So the moral of the story is not everyone in Lebanon is a Zionist. We just have brains not to listen to everything that biz Allah says we should do. Hizballah is the one who cause the killing of 400 children in Lebanon because of rekless leader who wants to make Lebanon state of the fakih. So here is the news my friend over the dead of every Lebanese you would ever do that because we Lebanese value freedom and freedom of individual. Oh to my friends of M8 keep voting for Aoun and his cronies and you will be dealing with an uneducated bigger and low life like the cabal amel guy

mowaten you idiot, not even ONE of the people who posted before you mentioned anything about race. Yet you try to race bait those who disprove of a Lebanese MP cozying up to a representative of the nation this government sold their soul to.

jabal amel, you are irrelevant and an iranian and syrian traitor, we are as much lebanese by blood as urself, but it seems you do not see what bad sides the people you are with have, i am not march 14th and not march 8th, i judge everyone aside from emotions and political preferences , what has Hezbollah brought the lebanese other than destruction, it doesnt give a rat's ass about palestinians, we saw at naqsa wou nakba wou ma ba3ref shou day , they got killed , what did hassouna do? pretending to protect them? he didnt nothing but condemn... he is even blocking their resistance but not allowing any palestinians to operate from the south., thus giving what the Zionists want, a peaceful northern border... Hezbollah doesnt want nothing exept Lebanon, understand that and Israel doesnt care who is in power, and doesnt want to fight them.
Hezbollah will not make Lebanon better, because its weapons are beginning to be a burden uncontralable people are exploiting its power. good luck.

lol...strider...zionist alert!!! hahahahah

Is this unshaved tie.less bearded monkey an ambassador? of what a rat hole? We know about the extent of gays in Iran but he's to obvious.

Here’s a tip for you Jabal, next time you go to your mirror to pop one of those adolescent zits of yours, look real hard in it. The Zionist may be you. From what I read, Hezbollah is infested, and so are Aoun Clowns.
Your Zion-O-Meter ain't working real well!
Hope this helps.

Luckyly for you, there is no moronometer to buzz each time you post something....
jumblat fell in a bottomless hole.
well ya walid..,going out from the hole is not as simple as entering it.