Miqati from Tripoli: Problems in Lebanon Cannot Be Solved through the Press of a Button


Prime Minister Najib Miqati stressed on Friday that the government has begun addressing all political, economic, and social matters, especially those that concern the people.

He said during his visit to the northern city of Tripoli: “We realize the size of the burden on the citizens’ shoulders and their daily suffering because of the increase in prices and their concern over the present and future.”

“This is why the government will set as a priority finding solutions to these problems,” he added.

“The problems however cannot be solved by a press of a button, but we are determined to find the necessary solutions,” the premier stressed.

“We have announced our political principles and the cabinet’s commitments on the internal and international scenes,” he stated.

Miqati is expected to tour southern Lebanon over the weekend where he will visit army units deployed there and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

He will be accompanied on his visit by Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn and Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji.

Comments 21
Default-user-icon Ali (Guest) almost 13 years

Yeah Mr. Miqati they cannot be solved as long as you have allies like what is in this video who practice resistance in the streets of Saida and Beirut and have a minister in ur esteemed government.....!!!

Caught on tape: Baath Party leader terrorizes Saida pharmacy

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) almost 13 years

yalla nagib good luck,under pressure perhaps there will be good results,everybody is watching especially BILAD EL ARZ

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) almost 13 years

And it is also rumored that when the easy stuff is done and before the difficult things begin that Mikati will abandon ship and resign from the office of PM. Read Ya Libnan this morning for this story. Mikati cannot count on Jumblatts nor Sulieman's Ministers in his cabinet to give him a credible option of bringing down the government in the event that Hezbollah becomes intrasigent on the STL, which we all know that it will.

When the sh*t hits the fan with Hezbollah and the STL, or probably right before it does, Mikati will jump out to save his financial empire.

He was a useful tool, needed to bring down the M14 Government. A credible Sunni voice, but his purpose has been realized. The need for him has expired and so he is just a figurehead, with no power, but with a great deal of financial exposure.

Thanks Mikiti for making the Hezbollah take over of Lebanon a reality. Traitor.

Default-user-icon Beldar (Guest) almost 13 years

Is he from France?

Thumb thepatriot almost 13 years

@ Beiruti
I couldn't agree more. I also wonder how much longer the other tool (Michel Clawoun) will take the beating from the HA. They have started demonstrating the fact that they have no more need of him now that they have achieved their primary goal. I think that HA needed to get to power by "democratic" means, but now that they have it... there is NO WAY they will give it back. This kind of organisation, once it has set foot, will never, EVER let go...
Poor Lebanon....we are doomed...

Default-user-icon reallebanon (Guest) almost 13 years

I just wanted to thank Ali for sharing the link. This is unfortunately the real Lebanon. Every Lebanese know of at least a dozen incidents that have happened to them directly or someone close to them that are similar to what was seen in this video. It's all about the wasta and everyone strives to be above the law (and God apparently). We need to COMPLETELY clean Lebanon of ALL weapons, gangs and militias.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) almost 13 years

Mikati is doing the same thing as Barack Obama did when he won the elections , he stood up in front of all electors, and said : I thank you for your support, but im telling you right now, we have many problems and i am not sure i can handle everything in one term, thus giving a hint that he needs a second one. Mikati is doing the same, he is saying it wont be handled by pressing a button, meaning he isnt going to do shit , specially that after the reunion with ministers, he must have realised what he brought to power '' Gebran Bassil, Assem Qanso, Nasser Qandil, Charbel Nahhas, Abboud, all the lovely pairs of thieves and killers, that only understand the language of death and killing. Bravo ya Mikati.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) almost 13 years

Specially lets talk about Michel Aoun's realisations till now :

- He is starting to get it , Hezbollah was using him , he is their best tool, well, WAS, because now they have almost achieved what they wanted, power , LEGALLY, and with their mini state too, they have almost fufilled what they wanted. The only thing left is the ISF, which of course, for the blinded supporters like Phenicien, represents Hariri, and spill their hate as usual without seeing what good deeds Ashraf rifi did, and what Charbel Nahhas did was illegal, because he wanted to dismantle communications illegally when the governement was dead already and nobody had authority to do anything.

Anyway , all those conferences hed in rabieh to please aoun, from m8, just to make the illusion that he was the leader, have proven wrong, you see Aoun, you are not even an insect for them, now, you understand with the general security post, you shut your mouth youll be safe, you have no say no more, beat it like in 91.

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) almost 13 years

The "Business Partner" of the Dictator Assad and his corrupt to the bone cousin Rami Makhlouf, Najib Mikati is a useless Syrian muppet that will only provide in roads to the Sunni Community in Lebanon just like Karami used to be the Trodjan horse of the Assads against his community and Lebanon's independence, just like Aounallah and Lahoud helped the Syrian criminal regime to inflitrate the Christian community that is mostly and by far against the Syrian Stalinist corrupt murderous regime and all for Lebanon's independence and Peace, just like all the other free Lebanese be them (Sunnis, Druz, Shiites...). Mikati is protecting his commercial priveleges in Syria and Lebanon granted to him by the Assads at the expense of the Lebanese and Syrian people, a price for his treason.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) almost 13 years

ALER!!! zionist detected!!!

beiruti, thepatriot

Missing orthodox almost 13 years

I love HA, The Orthodox Christian Community had no Problems with, Druz, Shia or Allawi, our problem is Treasonists and Israel

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) almost 13 years

You are right, Mr. Mikati! After years of corruption and negligence by the March 14 losers, especially the criminal Rafik Hariri, the new and wise government has much to do to fix the mess! Don't worry about March 14, their leader is too busy hiding in France crying his eyes out over lost .

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) almost 13 years

'Beiruti' and 'the patriot' are simply butt-hurt that their Saudi, child-of-a-leader, SAaD Hariri is out of power. The Saudi tool is never coming back you fools! Viva the reformation!!!

Missing mirvete11 almost 13 years

Thanks Ali for posting the address

Default-user-icon Moshe (Guest) almost 13 years

Mr Mikati you are wrong, we press one button and the Zionist Mossad CIA infested Iranian terrorists Hizbollah will attack our northern border giving us a pretext to destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon once more and kill as many civilians as we want like Mossad agent Hassan Nasrallah did in 2006. But we won't do anything before our Zionist Mossad CIA infested Iranian terrorists Hizbollah agents run for cover in the bunkers we build especially for them, we need them safe so they can declare victory after we've destroyed everything.

Thank God the Mossad agent Aoun with twelve ministers will support them with that decision. We've had a special button for him since the early eighties, yes yes the leftist leaders and medias were right about him all along.

Missing th21 almost 13 years

jabel... if someone does not agree with you, it does not mean they are zionists. So please, keep the comments constructive.

Oh, and because I think your post was crap, it does not mean i'm a zionist either.

Thumb bashir almost 13 years


Every non Hizbollah member is a Zionist to amel al jamal.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) almost 13 years

Dear zionists,

bashir, th21

i recognize by several facts:
1. you have working time
2. you spit on lebanon resistance in zionist language
3. inciting sectarian hate.

you cannot fool the lebanese. we know who you are. You can pretend that you are lebanese, but we know you sit in some stupid office in occupied palestine and you are paid to spill your shit over the forums and blogs and pages like this.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) almost 13 years

@Someone. Sorry pal, Saad Hariri ain't my boy. If you're literate, you'd have read my post after his big talk in Paris. He needs to get over his sulking if he's going to be something in Lebanon.

No, the grown up in the Mustaqbal movement is Siniora, not Hariri.
But what a wonderful thing it is to be a supporter of M8 where none of the leaders are tools for anyone else. Aoun is not a tool useful to someone else? Right? And surely Nasrallah is is own man. Makes his own money and does not bow down and kiss anyone else's ring? Right?

I'm American Mr. Someone. We don't bow down to anyone and can sure as hell tell when other people do. In Lebanon M14 has its foreign allies in Saudi and France and M8 has theirs in Syria and Iran. M14 may be 1 to 1 with their allies, M8 is 6 to 9.

Thumb shab almost 13 years

to jabal amel, so analyze this if someone doesn’t care about any of the current politicians and religious clerics, nor any of the foreign countries, where ether it’s Syria, Iran, Saudi, USA or Israel and hate M8, M14 alike but only cares about Lebanon and it’s citizen living in peace , democracy and equality for all humans, do you have a childish nickname for that too?

Missing th21 almost 13 years

Dear jabal amel,

ya3ne shu bedde 2ellak... no comment

you just confirmed my previous post.