Arslan Denies Delivering Letter to Assad on Behalf of Jumblat

Lebanese Democratic Party leader Talal Arslan denied on Monday that he allegedly delivered a letter to Syrian President Bashar Assad on behalf of Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat or vise-versa.
“The report is a rumor and false,” Arslan said, according to the state-run National News Agency.
Arslan described his meeting with Assad as a “periodic meeting.”
He pointed out that the talks come in light of the personal and political ties.
Media reports said earlier that Arslan gave Assad a letter on behalf of Jumblat.
The message, according to reports, allegedly calls for reconciliation between Jumblat and Assad and an appeal to enroll two defected Druze officers from the Syrian army.
In October, Jumblat described Assad in his weekly editorial in the PSP's al-Anbaa as a “schizophrenic person” and noted that “terrorist groups” infiltrated Syria due to the “collusion and inaction” of the international community.

Guys: Jumblat has decided to join March8 again. He will announce it soon.

you have my respect.

"Arslan described his meeting with Assad as a “periodic meeting.”
He pointed out that the talks come in light of the personal and political ties."
good to see that M8ers still go to damascus to get their orders while they criticize M14 for having done the same before! they still take orders while M14 has stopped that is the difference and they call for a a soveriegn state!!LOL
double standards as usual !

He is not the only one who visited Damascus recently. More names will come out this week....

Considering m14 is about half the population. What exactly do you mean alone?

Ahhh I get it now. Well if the KSA and GCC are with them. How are they alone? And if Iran and the USA ally will the "great satan" title shift to the KSA gradually? Or is it a transitional thing? Lol.

USA will shift to Iran when the oil wells of KSA are dry. And Iran already tried to go through their revolution which was put down in cold blood by the hard liners. And the same will happen in the KSA if they revolt like you say. Iran is far from stable. The majority if Iranians do not want the theocratic rule of the ayatollahs. And they will rise again.
In his book from Beirut to Jerusalem T Friedman wrote that what politicians tell him in private is not important, its what they say in public that matters. In Lebanon and the middle east its the opposite. What they say in public does not matter, its what they say in private that matter the most. Whatever these politicians say I take it with grain of salt.