Suleiman Offers Condolences at Iranian Embassy


President Michel Suleiman offered on Thursday his condolences at the Iranian embassy over the victims of the twin suicide bombings that targeted the mission a few days earlier.

A myriad of officials, politicians and diplomats have been converging on the mission in the past two days.

Marada movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh was offering his condolences when Suleiman arrived at the embassy.

Other public figures included delegations from al-Mustaqbal movement and the Progressive Socialist Party, and MP Talal Arslan, who is the head of the Lebanese Democratic Party.

Arslan later told reporters outside the embassy that hadn't been for Iran's power, the repercussions of the aggression of the West and Israel on Lebanon would have gone much further.

Syrian Ambassador Ali Abdul Karim Ali, who also converged on the embassy, said any attack on the axis of resistance would make it stronger.

Tuesday's double suicide bombing left Ibrahim Ansari, a 54-year-old Iranian diplomat, dead.

He had taken up his post a month ago and was overseeing regional cultural activities.

The Heath Ministry has said that as of 4 pm Wednesday, 25 people had been killed by the explosion. Twenty three out of the 25 bodies had been identified.

It added that 147 people were wounded.

The first suicide attacker was on a motorcycle and blew himself up at the embassy's black main gate, damaging the three-story facility.

Less than two minutes later, a second suicide attacker driving a car rigged with explosives struck about 10 meters away.

Iran's ambassador Ghazanfar Rokn Abadi narrowly escaped the bombings.

He was on his way with Ansari to see caretaker Culture Minister Gaby Layyoun.

Rokn Abadi told reporters on Thursday that Iran is at the forefront of the confrontation with the Israeli project.

“The Zionist entity and its agents are disrupting all lines of unity and dialogue,” he said, adding “they mostly benefit from these crimes.”

He thanked the Lebanese people for offering their condolences and mainly President Suleiman.

Comments 12
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower over 11 years

God Bless ambassador Ghadanfar Rokn Abadi and the Islamic Republic of Iran for being at the forefront of the confrontation against the Harriri-Gaegae-Israeli project. As a matter of protocol, Alona and I dressed in black, piloted our blue and pink scooters through heavy traffic from Ghazeer to Beir Hassan to offer our condolences to Ghadanfar and his staff on the occasion of the terrorist attack that hit the mission. We mingled with a myriad of patriotic figures such as Franjieh and Arslan. Alona was particularly impressed by Arslan's fluency in Farsi and Franjieh's vast persian vocabulary. It was an emotional occasion for us as we finally had the opportunity to shake hands with Ghadanfar. Alona could not help but comment on how "drop-dead" gorgeous the ambassador is! My only criticism of Alona's comments was that she should have left out the "gorgeous" part. After all, I am a jealous man:)

Thumb popeye over 11 years


Thumb liberty over 11 years

I love the Ambassador's name:) sounds pre-historic! +1 for making this forum fun!

Thumb cedre over 11 years

Sleiman did it coz he had to do it, even if he knows better than anybody who's being the bombings. Part of his job nowadays is to appease people inside and outside Lebanon so the country doesn't explose. The country is not normal, it's logic the president acts strangely.

Thumb liberty over 11 years

well said

Thumb geha over 11 years

the day iran and hizbushaitan are driven outside Lebanon, we will then live in peace.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (Guest) over 11 years

Fk me dead Southern, what the hell are you talking about.

Thumb FlameCatcher over 11 years

@Southern : what are you smoking these days ? Al Qaeda admitted to the bombing ... they hate Israel and americans as much as you do... where do you go inventing these things ?

With Hezbollah idiots getting high on hashish all day and Iranian imbeciles on Heroin ... you guys are really starting to fabulate.

Symptoms are Paranoia and Hallucinations ... drink arak instead and get a good night's sleep. You might wake up with a clearer mind !

Thumb willy.pete222 over 11 years

The embassy looks like dahieh or the airport road.

Thumb primesuspect over 11 years

It is in Dahya, if God created man in his image, Iran opened an ugly embassy to fit in the neighborhood [and its ugly inhabitants].

Default-user-icon theSouthWillRiseAgain (Guest) over 11 years

You have proof they killed all those people,

please phoenix show me, since you ignore all my other

posts, you spew so much hate one way or another, if it wasnt

for march 8 there would be no lebanon, dont forget that.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) over 11 years

Pity they didn't turn him into charcoal this time round ! I wish the president offered his condoleances to the family of the youngster short down like a dog in front of the terrorist iranian nest in Dahyé !