Gemayel Says Property Seizure a Recipe for 'Civil Strife'
Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel on Wednesday stressed that “land is as important as dignity and sovereignty,” warning that “persistence in the seizure of others’ property” might lead to “civil strife.”
Maronite “Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi has made a lauded initiative and we support him in his bid to solve the dispute over land owned by the church,” Gemayel said during a visit to the Jbeil District town of al-Ghabat, which borders the predominantly Shiite town of Lassa – the scene of recent controversy over property rights between locals and the Maronite Patriarchate.
“If this issue is not resolved, a major sedition will hit the area,” Gemayel warned.
He cautioned against “a return to the principle of security zones,” noting that “those spreading the approach of supremacy through the sway of their weapons are the ones to blame for spreading the culture of violating private and public property.”
Gemayel lashed out at “those who are claiming that their weapons are pointed in a certain direction while they are actually pointed at their fellow residents.”

Mr. Watani; Then why don't you do something about it. All we hear is the talk talk

Amin Gemayel, a loser and useless opportunist, like his other pals, the thieves and thugs of the now-defunct March 14, suddenly woke up to a problem with land. The loser, cheikh Amin 3al Fashal, never occurred to him that mafioso Rafik, a filthy low-life criminal -by-association for funding all the warring factions during the Lebanese in-fighting and who fleeced the nation together with his imbecile son Saad, stole the land that is now known as Centre Ville from under everybody's feet. But what can we do with skunks of the likes of Amin Gemayel, Hariri Mafia & Co., SARL and Hariri's Christian Sunnis?

Can anyone tell me what is the real problem? What Mr gemayel is fighting for?

@Revolutionary, what else can he do when those seizing other peoples land are armed and use the threat of force to get their way?

Dear Shaikh Amine ,
His Beatitude Patriarch AL-RAÏ is personally taking care of that issue , and doesn't need any lawyer for that and especially not you or Geagea !
You 2 are liars and opportunists ! If you are so keen on Bkirki's and Maronites interests , why dont you support the Patriarch when he asks to amend Taef agreements !?
You have double face and double language , you prefer to support your banker Saad eben Rafik against the Patriarch and the interests of the Maronites , and that's why all the Christians and specially the Maronites , vote massively for GMA and FPM .

There is many stories where land dispute has happened between the followers of the same sect..No one intervened but when a land dispute happens between sects the Dirty politicians want to intervene....
Is Mr. Gemayel honest? My answer will be DEFINITELY NO....

McBrian is who's name did Qabalan threaten and why was he addressing his threats directly to Patriarch Rahi himself, Qabalan is Hezballah's ventriloquist dummy.
Why, after over 45 years dormant, did the Shiites in 2001 revive the land disputes in Jbeil just as the hezb looked to expand it's powers away from the south.
I wonder what would happen if the Christians revived their land claims to all the Churches that become mosques and housseiniyats

To: Michel AOUN
We will stand at your grave and laugh
Rejoicing that it is deep enough
So that no one would have to weep
And have nightmares when at sleep.
Our dream would have been fulfilled,
We would have no more to see you filled
With the ugly twitches of a hate’s man,
You, who pretend to be a statesman,
You have always been slanderous,
Liar, deceitful, shrewish and treacherous!
Confident that all will remain blind,
You have messed with the people’s minds.
You were cause for the death of many,
Innocents and soldiers, and did not regret any.
Your cynical and criminal ego chose
To disregard and flee, wearing nightclothes.
Nobody will stand at your grave and cry,
For, at all times, you were a lie!

Lebanese should lend a hand to Syrian Revolutionary, starting by ousting (the sooner the better) the occupying (Golani Rabbit-Israel-Tehran's buffoon) govt called mikati's. Regaining all stolen Lebanese Territories since 1976, from South to North will be a natural follow-up to liberating our institutions. What should be regained too is the huge amounts of public money stolen by organized bands as Aoun's, Berri's, & alikes. Foreign specialized press says Aoun & daughter & son-in-law & nephews & cousins are behaving as Assad's family regarding corruption and money steeling and laundering. An urgency to be adressed once Lebanon liberated from occupiers. The sooner the Assads are smashed the sooner their local clones are.

To Mr john Lennon , imagine all people are idiot like like you?
Hezbelshayatan the dizease we suffer from