Geagea Accuses Nasrallah of Abusing Power: Army’s Role Should No Longer Be Undermined

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea accused on Friday Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of abusing power, slamming his recent speech in which he declared that the party will exploit the gas and oil wealth of any side that exploit’s Lebanon’s.
He said during a press conference on Lebanon’s offshore wealth: “We cannot remain silent over such a dangerous announcement.”
“Who appointed you, Sayyed Nasrallah, as the guardian of the Lebanese people’s rights?” he asked.
“Is the issue of oil restricted to one party?” he continued.
“Why were parliamentary elections held? Why do we have a president?” he added.
“I agree with Nasrallah on several points, but only the Lebanese state institutions can defend my rights and not an illegitimate power,” Geagea declared.
“Doesn’t Sayyed Hassan know that he was not appointed by the Lebanese people to defend their interests, but they have a government and parliament that can do that for them?” wondered the LF leader.
“Why would an educated man like Nasrallah make such statements?” he continued.
“It is because he believes himself to be the real ruler of Lebanon,” Geagea stressed.
“The actual rulers should be the elected constitutional institutions. If we can’t agree on them, then we can never implement reform in Lebanon,” he noted.
“Is it acceptable that while Premier Najib Miqati and Speaker Nabih Berri are conducting negotiations with Europeans and Americans over the petroleum file and the demarcation of the maritime border Nasrallah is making such fiery speeches?” he asked.
“Only the army is entitled to retaliate to an attack, not you Sayyed Hassan,” stressed Geagea.
“The army’s role should no longer be undermined as it can wage a hundred wars against Israel and the Lebanese state should be allowed to cater to it,” he said.
“Lebanon’s equation must be that of the people, state, and institutions, not the silly magical equation of the army, people, and resistance,” remarked the LF leader.
“Which is better: allowing the government, legitimate state, and army handle the petroleum wealth, or Hizbullah and its backers? Which side can better ensure Lebanon’s rights?” he asked.
“Nasrallah’s statements are the beginning of a real danger for Lebanon’s offshore wealth,” concluded Geagea.

Why ya geagea are you attacking anyone who wants to prevent Israel from exploiting our resources?
Is this what they pay you to do?

Rami it s really touching to read ur comment , the comment of someone who's morally indebted to RH who made his life materially different, and who feels insulted by comments despising their benefactor..

Le Phenicien If these 4 creeps are saints, I hope they are sent by express bullit to where Mughaniyeh is waiting for them, another Saint too! Soon it 's gonna be crowded up there!

the real difference between Miqati stance, and that of Hassan Nasrallah, is that the people can punish Miqati, by not electing him in the coming elections, which explains why he is very worried, and reserved, and at the end doing or at least saying what the Lebanese want to hear. Hassan Nasrallah on the other hand, was never elected to represent anyone, he assumed power by the power of arms and the financing of Iran, so he needs to keep his masters in Iran happy to be able to stay in power. From there stems the difference and the conflict, one wants to please the Lebanese by putting or at least trying to put their interest first, and the other one wants to please his master Leaders of Iran (and not the people of Iran anyway). Poor Miqati, you put yourself in a situation, where just like Karami, you chose near term gain, to long term public interests of the Lebanese. Exactly like Omar Karami did in 2005. He paid a dear price, and will never recover. You'll end up the same.

This man carries little political weight, has 4 MPs, more Lebanese blood on his hands than any warlord, his party cordially invited the Syrians into Lebanon and murdered a PM who wasn't even a militia leader. Samir, for the love of god, for you and your supporters, spare Lebanon your BS and get real. To start with, How is Lebanon going to wage 100 wars on Israel if it took us a whole year to take care of a bunch of militants in the nahr el bared camp. 13 years in solitary confinement definitely has its toll, the man you lash at is in hiding so he can protect our borders and dignity, something you need lessons in.

“Who appointed you, Sayyed Nasrallah, as the guardian of the Lebanese people’s rights?” he asked.
Oh how true!!! Nassrallah the thug speaks with so much arrogance and ignorance at the same time. Samir Gagae speaks of what the majority of the lebanese feel and want to say. This thug assumes he is above everybody, he and his dirt thugs are divine, and now they have made murderers Saints. Thankyou Gagae for speaking out and saying things as they are without BS and deceit.

I salute you Mr. Geagea for speaking the truth.
Nasrallah's trying to create conflict with Israel that most Lebanese do not want- except those who live by the culture of death and martyrdom. This dangerous maniac and his stupid supporters will take Lebanon to destruction because the mehdi told him so. He is as horrible as religious west bank settlers, except he's got guns and missiles and there is no state to rein him in.
We all should be very worried.

Here we go again with this failure: resumption of his lame daily stand-up comedy show. Somebody, please find him a less lame job, PLEASE!!!

You can insult this man till hell freezes over, murderer, killer, whatever you want, but every word he says is true, you know it and every Lebanese knows it. Stop living in denial and own up to the fact that HA is as dangerous to our society as is Israel. They are both destructive forces that have brought naught but misery and pain to our people.
We need to build a civil society able to defend itself from Israel without having to succumb to the whims of people who think they are Gods representatives on earth.
This is a dark age for Lebanon.
I am no fan of Geagea, but applaud his courageous stance.

Le Big Phlegm,
Care to show any evidence to support your brain fart?
Otherwise, we'll just go ahead and presume you're continuing your routine.

bigdig you are always right on my eternal resistance friend Geagea's an Israeli Zionist. I remember when in 1975 you were raping that little Christian girl in Damour after you'd butchered her family while screaming at her "TAKE THIS YOU ISRAELI ZIONIST BITCH" you were having so much fun with the other brave moukawimeen.

As usual, bigdig and now a new person called Leb4all, are praising their dear Mossad CIA Zionist pig leader sayyed Hassan, all those stupid followers do not read further than the headlines, here's what your leader the great coward pig of Dahieh sewers is doing :
- By Hezbollah's existence, protecting indirectly Israel's northern border from any palestinian threat from Lebanese soil because palestinians wont dare fire a bullet from there .
- Provoking the 2006 war leading to a divine victory of 10 billions $ in destruction , more than 2000 civlians dead, 700 fighters, airport ,roads bridgers damaged so as well as toursim and 10000 new foreign army troops in the south, thus giving Israel a quieter northern border + they dont have to make peace or an armistice.
- Provoking Israel for the oil and gas case now, it can be solved diplomaticallly, but Israel is using its agent Hezbollah to provoque her again and wag a destructive war against us and have a reason to steal our ressources again.

Well said Geagea. .

Geagea hits it right on the head. John Holmes well said..

All what he said is true and based on logic...
too bad people in Lebanon follow leaders and not logic and principles..

Just to tell you how disgusting is to see people like you tag Sunni to fanatical/ extremist, BTY may I bring to your attention that a new Maronite extremist party has emerged not that long, where the likes of you and your cohort will fit the ticket. Open your mind up, grab a bit of education and for goodness sake enroll in a grammar school, they are plentiful in Australia.

100% correct every time he opens his mouth.
You notice non of the Nasrallah cling-ons here can refute any of his points, they just attack the man.

Samir , it is impossible for Sayyed Hassan to abuse powers because he is appointed supreme leader of Lebanon by the Fakih who in turn is appointed by God a can never be wrong .
All the elected and appointed state institutions are under the direct commands of Lebanon's supreme leader Sayyed Hassan by right from God .

On the contrary Mr gaga...the majority of people choose HA over a snake like you any day. Now tell me when was the last time you actually did something positive for Lebanon? All you ever did when in power was talk but never any action. Enjoy whatever little support you have left coz those days are numbered. Lebanese are simply tired of your lies and hatred.

Pure disgrace to Lebanon you are Samir, you should be something else like your ousted friend Saad. If you're not killing fellow christians and lebanese, you hold less political weight than Wahhab. Quit while you're down it doesn't matter, you'll never hold as much support as SHN and Aoun, paying your way doesn't work that well, ask Saadoun!

Mr Mehdi, I can only say one thing: it must really suck to be you, or any who is as one dimensionally indoctrinated as you are.
Samir , you are a bad loser . You are finished like Saad .