Assad Advises Bassil to Allow Russia to Drill for Offshore Oil and Gas

Syrian President Bashar Assad requested from Energy Minister Jebran Bassil to allow Russian companies to handle drilling for oil and gas discovered in the Mediterranean Sea adjacent to Lebanon’s coast, reported the daily An Nahar on Sunday.
It said that Assad made his request when he held talks with the Lebanese minister in Damascus on Monday.
Observers monitoring the issue interpreted the Syrian president’s demand as a message to Moscow that it is exerting all possible pressure in order for licenses for oil exploration be granted to Russian companies.
It was also reported that the talks between Assad and Bassil tackled the case of retired General Fayez Karam, who was arrested in 2010 on suspicion of collaborating with Israel.

Assad, let Lebanon take care of itself, thnk you

"Assad advises..."
Assad himself needs the advise : 'Stay the Hell out of Lebanon affairs; they do not concern you'.
Just out respect of the Sovereignty of his country, Bassil must take advise from the Lebanese head of state and none else, period.

The Russians hire Americans to help them with thier drilling and oil explorations, and i know of few American companies that went to russia from Texas and else where to help them, and you want to come to Lebanon to help us.Genious.

Hah saw that coming. It's only logical for Russia to get involved. They have trying to cozy up to Lebanon for quite sometime. It's really simple Russia is the only gas supplier for Europe. The existence of oil in the mediterranian means Russia can no longer monopolize the market. Them controlling the Lebanese would certainly help :)
let them send us those 10 MIGS we were promised few years ago & then they can drill