Al-Rahi: We Cannot Accept Crippling of Political Life

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi criticized on Sunday the political disputes in Lebanon that have crippled the country on the social and economic levels.
He said during his Sunday sermon: “We cannot accept the crippling of political life and its consequences on other fields in Lebanon.”
“All disputes must be overcome,” he demanded.
“We should not obstruct the functioning of constitutional institutions every time a dispute erupts,” the patriarch stressed.
“The Christians must also maintain their message in the East and in Lebanon,” al-Rahi declared.

monseigneur rahi: the rock monseigneur sfeir didnt budge in the darkest days,u are finished b4 the end of ur first 100 days.why????????the light is clear at the end of the tunnel,u cant see it?BILAD EL ARZ IS PREVAILING

“We should not obstruct the functioning of constitutional institutions every time a dispute erupts”
the Patriarch is referring ti the government decision to return the stolen airport security chief position to the Christians namely Brigadier General Ghassan Salem, that was put on hold after Hezbollah's pressure..

I hate the Sunni-Christians they all sound like the butcher Bashir Gemayel.
I love GMA the trues Christian who sounds like Wiaam Wahhab, Naser Qandeel, Emile Lahoud and Michel Samaha as a trues patriot will accept any decisions that Sayyed Hassan comes to including naming a Shiite Army Commander and President of the republic.

Oh, Patriarch, please explain. Should we return Dr. Falso back to jail pending his hanging for all the crimes that he committed and for which he was sentenced? Cheikh Saad will become lonely without Dr. Falso advising him on how to quickly and surely lose everything, even his inheritance.
Did you hear that Bigdig you and your master cannot always hide in sewers and shouting from deep down 2112 levels underground while making us think you are confronting Israel , you are nothing but Zionist agents, we did not hear from your master after he admitted he found spies in top ranks of his unorganised full of spies militia? what happened to them? did he hand them to the judiciary? oh, of course not, he sent them back to his friends in Israel so they can be safe and faking that he punished them. You cripple institutions, you dont allow security and army staff to deploy on scenes of explosion in Dahieh, you lie to the media, you store weapons, where is the resistance in all that? and on top of all that you serve Israel's interest for long term, killing Lebanon on the international level, shutting down bank reputations for money loundring ( Lebanese canadian bank) , igniting wars at the orders of the Zionist so they can destroy more Leb, and on top of all, you bark from your hole.