Geagea: Hizbullah Not Even Willing to Let Allies Take Part in Strategic Decisions

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Sunday accused the Hizbullah-led camp of “practicing hegemony over the State’s strategic decisions,” noting that “Hizbullah is not even willing to let its allies take part in these decisions.”
On the second day of his visit to Zahle and the Central Bekaa region, Geagea added: “Why would we engage in (national) dialogue if the other camp is insisting on its point of view regarding the issue of the strategic decisions.”
Asked whether the relation between Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi and March 14’s Christians had grown cold, Geagea said: “The patriarch is totally free to voice his opinions and we share a major part of them, but we don’t agree with him on some issues. However, we totally respect his stances.”
Asked about Energy and Water Minister Jebran Bassil’s accusations against Saad Hariri’s government of delaying the drafting of the oil and gas law, Geagea said: “Anyone can launch accusations, but where was minister Jebran Bassil back then? Wasn’t he in the previous cabinet? Why didn’t he quit if the government was obstructing his work? Why did he remain silent?”

Is anyone keeping track of this jerk's hallucinations? Boutros Khawand must be feeding him with the goods.

Keep going Geagea. Thumb up...........

Samir has decided to talk every day , even if he has nothing to say but stupid things .
There was a time when they use to break our ears with their Mahkama and Hakika , now it's Hezb in the morning , hezb in the afternoon and hezb at night .
Saad is no longer here to open his mouth , Amine has given up for many reasons ..!! Walid has shifted sides , also for many reasons ..!! left Samir with his dreams and fatasm , of how to beat GMA in the next elections in the Christian areas .; Poor hakim . NObody is listening to him anymore .

Whenever this guy speaks, it's like poison is dripping out from his mouth.

Don't worry Hakim, March 8 will have to eat MERDE very soon when their Masters, next door, are buried in deep Merde.

@Will Rogers - right on!

any loubnani horr cannot but agree with the hakim ,THE ROCK OF LEBANESE RESISTANCE, against the farsi occupier.

Samir Geagea = the last MAN in Lebanon.

This man deserves the presidency more than anyone

I agree with idontthinkthere14iam. Dr. Useless deserves the presidency... of the 2-party Kataeb.

I think this blithering idiot just described his relationship with hariri.
We all remember when he refused to condemn hariri's islamists who attacked Mar Maroun church in Ashrafieh feb 5 2006.
We also remember when he did not even condemn Jumblatt when he called Maronites "Jins 3atel" a bad breed.

To begin with, this man would have still been in prison if Former PM Rafik Harriri is still alive. 2nd this man should not even be talking, everyone in Lebanon knows that he's a traitor and a murderer of his own country men..People who listen to him are just ignorant people who know nothing about politics and are better off being sheeps.

Of course the Hezb does not want to share strategic decisions because they don't have any. They receive orders from their masters (Syria and Israel) and execute them without thinking. They are not even allow to think. They are a tool created by the Syrians and US to destruct lebanon's democracy. They don't recognize Lebanon Independance because they did not participate in it. They were busy polishing shoes. Now it's the same, but for Syrian's shoes. I am keeping mine dirty since they will come back to their original job soon :).
smalldig, phenicien, we are waiting for you views on this article !