Hariri Condemns Hama 'Slaughter': We Cannot Remain Silent

Former premier Saad Hariri condemned Sunday “the slaughter the Syrian city of Hama is being subjected to and all the bloody acts of killing in Homs, Idlib, Deir Ezzor, Daraa and several other cities and regions on the eve of the holy month of Ramadan.”
“These bloody incidents definitely contradict with all the intentions that want sisterly Syria and its defiant people to overcome the current crisis,” Hariri said in a statement.
More than 136 people were killed on Sunday, among them 100 in the flashpoint protest city of Hama, when the Syrian military launched an attack against several cities on the eve of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, human rights activists said.
“Silence at the Arab and international levels regarding what’s happening in Syria, especially in the city of Hama -- which suffered the most appalling massacres against its residents in the 1980s – does not pave the ground for the needed solutions, but will rather push towards further deaths among the ranks of the brotherly Syrian people,” Hariri warned.
“We in Lebanon cannot under any circumstances remain silent regarding these bloody developments in the Syrian arena,” Hariri added, calling on “all of those concerned to contain the situation in order to enable the Syrian people of making its choices freely and within their humanitarian rights.”
The former premier also hoped the Syrian people “will overcome the current painful crisis as soon as possible.”
Hama and the eastern oil hub of Deir Ezzor have been rallying points for pro-democracy protests since mid-March.
In 1982, an estimated 20,000 people were killed in Hama when the army put down an Islamist revolt against the rule of President Bashar al-Assad's late father, Hafez.
The president replaced the governor of Hama after a record 500,000 protesters rallied in the opposition bastion on July 1 calling for the fall of the regime.
Since anti-regime protests broke out, the crackdown on dissent has resulted in the deaths of more than 1,500 civilians and more than 360 members of the security forces, according to a Syrian Observatory toll.
More than 12,000 people are also reported to have been arrested.

I hope that cheikh Imbecile does not remain silent. It has been boring without his stuttering while reading Arabic, like the illiterate that he is. WE WANT COMEDY AND WE WANT IT NOW! Please cheikh Imbecile, start speaking ASAP.

The butcher Assad and this regime of murderers is injured beyond repair. Killing his own people might satisfy his blood thirst and give him a sense of that he is winning, but the brave people of Syria has had enough hegemony from this minority. This assassin has lost any perception of legitimacy it might have had in the eyes of the civilized world.
To his ass wipers in Lebanon, those who assassinate opponents, create false conflicts, terrorize innocent pharmacists, and hold the country hostage by illegal weapons... to them: the noose is closing. You're next up.

This loser does not care about the people in Hama, but only about political purposes! Why else did this Saudi baboon criticize Nasrallah's comments condemning the crackdown in Bahrain?!

This is not slaughter , it's the brave Syrian Army acting in legitimate self defense like they had before in Achrafieh , Zahle , Baabda , Ain El Remmane , Hadath , Beit Meri and many other revolting Lebanese towns .

Better the Syrians end up by killing this uprising instead of these syrians bring their salafists in Lebanon like what occured in 1984 with the proclamation of a islamic emirate in North Lebanon.
Carton Rouge to Saady, he is working for an islamic republic and the reunification of the sunnits against all the minorities in the region.

Fair enough Hariri......

Finally some more reaction from the Lebanese political scene, Lebanese politicians are too afraid to criticize the murdering Syrian regime.

Dont remain silent , start barking you coward hiding in France , not wanted in Lebanon nor in your own country KSA ..

the farsi occupation of lebanon will have a smilar end as syrian one.
hezb-allah,is a farsi occupation.

Finally: somebody in Lebanon is awake with a heart and big balls.

note that Hizbshaytan is silent as they approve of the murderous Assad regime.
By the Eid Bashar will be gone (hopefully dead)

Hama 2011 is not Hama 1982...... Bachar is Not Hafez, وهذا ليس شبل وإن يكن إبن الأسد

He was the first world dignetarian to comment on this tragedy, hours before Obama and e rest of the west

is it not late?

Yes. Cheikh Saad can and must remain silent now that he squandered most of his father's fortune and got the best kick of his life that landed him in Paris. I am surprised he hasn't hanged himself yet. I guess he has no meat inside his skull, and no dignity either. My retarded cousin Moe could have done a better job as PM than this Saudi Palace servant.

After the Israelis massacred Lebanese in 2006 (only made possible with America's support) prime minister Saniora hugged Condolisa rice. It is only fair that Hariri welcomes the Foreign minister of Iran with big hugs.

@Neutral Lebanese
Regarding the link attached to your post, this statement is untrue and makes no sense.
Take note miqati; this is how a man with a conscience and a heart acts