NLP Suspends Membership in March 14 General-Secretariat


National Liberal Party leader MP Dory Chamoun announced on Friday suspending his party's membership in the March 14 General-Secretariat.

"We did not withdraw our membership in the General-Secretariat but we are taking a long break,” Chamoun said in a statement to MTV.

"We are suspending our participation in the meetings and in several activities, including the upcoming celebration commemorating March 14, 2005.

He explained that the decision was taken because of “miscoordination” with the NLP, stressing that the party is not "useless."

Comments 15
Missing -karim- 11 years

What was the reaction of the party's 5 supporters?

Default-user-icon ghassan (Guest) 11 years

The NLP once ruled Lebanon during Camille Chammoun's presidency in the 50's.
If there is a lesson for you and your arrogant Hizballah is to learn that nothing last forever.

Missing -karim- 11 years

Great story bro.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 years

At long last, leave the M14, and stay independent, time for changes.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 years

One article to defy your assertion:

Thumb -phoenix1 11 years

Another one for your attention:

Thumb -phoenix1 11 years

Hi Habib, Tracy is enttitled to her views, and that's a right of hers, and so did Dori do to the contrary, but then, in Lebanon we were under a ruthless brutal Syrian occupation, they had total control of the country. It took 30 years for Walid Jumblatt to admit that it was the Syrians that killed his father Kamal. Hundreds and hundreds of Christians got murdered because of Jumblatt's silence. Then the same Syrian hand killed Druze commedian Nazih Abul Hassan, Salim Lawze, the Sunni journalist, Rene Mouawad, Bachir Gemayel, HK, and countless other people and scores more, well before their orgy of assassinations started with rafic Hariri. Just for the record bro, nothing else.

Missing greatpierro 11 years

what does the nlp stands for any way?

Thumb Chupachups 11 years

probably something better than hezbollah

Thumb -phoenix1 11 years

Since Bachir Gemayel purged the NLP with the NLP's founder Camille Chamoun blessing, around 1976 paving the way for the unification of all the Christian Militia forces into the LF, in truth the NLP got reduced to a small party.

Thumb Lebanon4life 11 years

hey phoenix !! you seem to be very well informed about Lebanon !! I have heard about a person called Naim Moughabab who was some kind of hero back in the 1940s !! Do you have any information of what he did ?

Default-user-icon ghassan (Guest) 11 years

Naim Moghabghab was "Zlamit" Camille Chamoun in the 50's. He terrorized Jumblat and his followers in the Shuf. He helped armed the Christians in that area too.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 years

Hi Botros, I regret to say that I don't have any info on this man. It was a long time before my time, but I can look it up if you want.

Default-user-icon Enuff Zinuff (Guest) 11 years

Another senile nobody leaves the club of useless slogan lovers with a negligent history or one they have to be shameful to talk about.

Default-user-icon Lobutan Kilasto (Guest) 11 years

Dory Chamchoun al-Jabbar promised to return to the flock if and only if Hibullah withdraws from Syria.